And here comes the “special” an analysis so the propaganda spinners can make sure they bring it home to every viewer that lacks the common sense to watch them!! The liberals will now besmirch and smear the republicans as much as they can to insure a victory in the November election!
This is how despicable and disreputable this party has become they are so desperate to undo this disaster of an administration ! That they will take the words of an 18 year old CRAZED INDIVIDUAL AND TRY TO LABEL 75 million people with that IDEOLOGY!!! This for the liberal propaganda media is something they will proliferate until it becomes a fact just like they did with the Russia Russia Russia and the Hunter laptop!! Their new lie “ replacement theory”!!
THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT THE VICTIMS THEY ONLY CARE ABOUT WINNING AN ELECTION!! Wake up America and see these people for who they really are!! What they are doing doesn’t get any lower!! So here we go these people have now latched on to something they believe will catapult them to a victory this November!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=249354&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1145300

Vince Brockman
WOW MAN…How much misinformation can one person put into one post?!!!
First, the border is not wide open (see border guards and checkpoints)
Second, what about Hunter’s laptop? Please post evidence and source of what is on it
Third, Fauci was under Trump and was APPOINTED by Trump
Fourth, Trump if far more a divider than anyone (see numerous examples of him blaming others and saying “they are the reason for your struggles”
Fifth, how much division has Trump caused with the “Big Lie?”
He lost the election and created an insurrection!!
Sixth, what is “Biden’s Media?”
Oh, and how are things over at Faux News??
That was incredible!!!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=249354&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1145302

Don W. Pierce

Well let's see,
All that free money he gave out, when he wrongly shut down the country for covid, that created inflation.
Obama wins the prize as the great divider, and Biden was right there going along.
Biden blames all his problems on everyone, but the person responsible, himself.
Mistrust and Hate? Are you kidding?
Bidens open borders, mistrust
Bidens boys laptop, mistrust
Bidens Fauci, mistrust
Bidens media, mistrust
I could go on, but I have a job to go to, that requires I get up at 4am.
Unlike the Bidenites that don't want to work, but would rather live off me.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=249354&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1145298

Just wondering why you were prompt to show pics of the Tops shooter, saying he was white and pointing out his racist motive. But when a black man stormed a Korean nail salon and the motive was race, why you failed to post his photo and failed to mention race. You also didn’t mention race or skin color with the Frank james case and the Darrell brooks case. All of these cases were black men that had long lists of hate-filled racism and acted out violent crimes. How come you don’t talk race and skin color with those cases? Why do you wait to even show the shooters photo?
Racism is real and every skin color has people amongst them who are racist. We must be diligent in fighting racism no matter who portrays it-even if it doesn’t fit your agenda.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=249354&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1145303