Candy Cole Dylla Yes! Thank you for stating that. It's the money these lawmakers get from the NRA, oil and pharma companies. This is the dirty money that exists and not only in the Republican party. We have two corrupt lawmakers that are doing this. Sinema takes money from pharma companies as does Manchin and also oil. Both get kickbacks from the NRA as well. All of them are dirty. We need to come out in droves to vote against these lawmakers. I know some of you don't live in Arizona or W. Virginia and feel it shouldn't effect you but, it does. Let's get the word out to people in these states at how corrupt these individuals are.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251784&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160531

The shape America is in right now is terrible...Hearts minds and souls need to change that is the only thing that is going to make the difference... people screaming and crying in the streets wanting the right to kill innocent unborn babies future American citizens in the womb on national television... What do you think your teaching these children who are watching an listening an many made to participate in this... A kill mentality is never good for any reason in any society... Even Biden said they were aborting children... So what do you think that says about the state of America right now...

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251784&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160532

You need to learn from the past and how dangerous it is when ideology-driven so-called bad journalists.. cant separate rancid activism from neutral journalism,, even here in Denmark people just shake their heads at a media like CNN.. its a pendant of Breitbart.. Previous horrors in Europe and how dangerous it is when radical socialist journalists goes roque...we saw it a century back in Italy with the leading journalist Benito Mussolini at the Avanti newspaper. and a big media who were the official media for the Socialist party in Italy. and a party where Mussolini was a big powerful man, - alongside being the leading journalist (director) for their media Avanti Newspaper... and it was this media-plateau that Benito used as a foundation for building his renome' - and later his horrific fascist regime, and indoctrinating people with hate & tensions. that led up to the horrific clash under the red week...(its so fundamental that journalist has a professional approach to their power and in balance with their people, so everybody has a voice and not just the most extreme 5%) -. if you read Benito's loaded articles.... you can sense how biased the narrative is, and it's like history just has to repeat itself when you see the narrative CNN is fronting these years... that also has this intense loaded narrative where everything is spun'ed to fit with a certain, almost ideology driven narrative.. - dangerous extremely dangerous...https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Avanti!_(newspaper)

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251784&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160535