Justin Loblaw Nothing like random people trying to champion the rich, while the rich don't give a dmn about them. You're literally mad that I said people should be payed at least the minimum of what wages would be if the minimum wage would have stayed true with the economy.

Pls stop playing semantics. They don't need to give money away for free. They can PAY (since that's what you're hooked on ) more, even though you know that's still the same. Trying to change what I meant is odd for you to do.

Like I said, Apple is the richest and first trillion dollar business ever. They can afford to pay people what they are worth, and they should.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251792&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160615

Jason Sins They cannot pay every employee the same wage, because not every job carries the same responsibilities. Technical jobs require formal schooling and training to perform them, so those employees should certainly make a higher wage than retail store employees. Likely, executive positions usually require the employee to possess a graduate degree of sorts, so those employees (who are literally running the entire company and making sure it IS making a profit) should rightfully be making more than technical and retail store employees. Lastly, if everyone in a company made the same wage, then literally NO ONE would strive to excel bc there would be NO benefit to them in doing so.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251792&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160614

Monica Martinez lol Do you not get it?? That if the minimum wage would have stayed true with the economy that they would have been paid $26 anyway?? That means that would be the minimum for ALL jobs. So if your position is more than that of entry level, you should be payed even more than that, too.

If you're being paid less than that, get mad at your employers... don't get mad at me for stating what literally should have happened if the government wasn't dragging their feet in making things equal with the economy.

There's no point in arguing with you all. You all are trying to support why billionaires and trillionaires should still give their employees pennies, just bc your own jobs don't give a dmn about you to pay you what you're worth. lol That's what it comes down to.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251792&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160616

Monica Martinez I'm not sure what you're referring to... Are you saying bc they work retail that they aren't worth much?? That's horrible to say. They worked harder than most 'rich' people. You all loved them in the middle of a crisis, but I guess you think they're worthless when you don't need them as much???

Like I told the other person. If the minimum wage would have kept up with the economy (it hasn't changed in over a decade), then it would be 26/hr now. So 22/hr is still less than what it should be. And that's suppose to be the minimum wage, not above it.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251792&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160613

Paitra D Macaulay the whole point is that corproation were billed in the 80s as the place to work. Educate yourself and you get a high pay job with good benefits and retirement options and Healthcare etc... apple employees 154,000 around the world of 8 billion people... that's less than .01% of people... apple should be billed as the beat place to work with the highest wages bar none and it would attract the beat of the best to get that job. So bring your masters degree you should be making 300k at apple with one. Or 500k. The math was showing how ridiculous amounts of money they make while paying people pennies that everyone in the company could make 308k a year using half their net profits.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251792&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160619

Naja Ayers notice the verbiage of "worth" in regards to actual humans in the work force? Pretty sad. It's clear they have been so sadly and easily led to believe that humans are mere laborers to the corporate machine to which they are enslaved (and so willingly). "Here, here peasants, you're worth is minimum pay and most of you agree. Work harder. Don't ask for more and certainly don't ask for a livable wage, or the good peasants will ridicule and remind you of your low worth. Now get back to making my product for my profit."

Literally, if workers are not able to afford a livable wage, who is going to buy all of these products that corporations are selling? How about keep it stagnant, or lower the wages even? Perhaps corporations should do that and have no one left to buy their products. I swear, I seriously don't get the mentality of workers who are so against "low worth" workers getting paid more. It's almost as if they need someone (low worth) to look down on to feel better (more worthy) about themselves.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251792&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160618

Justin Loblaw lol Yeah, you're an odd one. Me saying a company being worth trillions should pay people what the minimum wage should be if it stayed up with the growth of the economy seems to have triggered you. lol Now you're saying that's theft. You really said that. lol

What it comes down to is that you're mad they are finally realizing what I said and will be paying what their employees are actual worth.. while people like you will continue to be paid less than what you're worth and that jealousy is eating up at you. Maybe you should work at Apple then, huh? lol

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251792&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160617

Naja Ayers it’s painfully obvious you know nothing about the economy. First of all, I’d like to know exactly how you came up with the idea that the economy currently should pay $26 an hour. How did you come up with that figure? Additionally, this debate is not whether Apple CAN pay more money. That’s a moot point because we all know Apple can. It comes down to whether an employee is actually worth $26 an hour. If you just got your GED and skated by and happen to work for Apple, does that automatically mean that your skill sets deserve $26 an hour, over $50,000 a year.. Apple, just like every other American company, is going to pay exactly with the skill sets of the employee demand. You’re not gonna pay an entry-level front line employer the same kind of money as somebody that brings an MBA to the table. Not really sure why you don’t understand this concept.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251792&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160622

Hector Serrano Have you ever run or owned a business? Have done accounting work for a business? If not, then you are speaking from a position of complete ignorance regarding what's involved in the day to day operations of an entity. It's not that simple. Some low level jobs are not meant be paid a living a wage and most businesses would cease to exist if that were the case. Using one of the most profitable entities in the world is not a fair representation of most businesses that exist.

I couldn't care less about your feelings on the subject when real numbers are available. It's not about empathy. I have empathy for those that work hard and are not getting what they deserve, but I often see quite the opposite. I service fleets of many business owners and hear the stories of people wanting raises after 2 weeks on the job and are not worth what they are asking. I am sure the other side is true as well. I didn't start my business to take care of you any more than you going to work to take care of me. If you equate money with respect then you are incredibly naive. You can be paid a great deal of money and not be respected. I am not paying a person that can barely do an oil change the same amount as a person that can swing engines or diagnose serious technical problems. I pay based on the skill set and what you bring to the table because no one is in business to lose money.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251792&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160621