Alison Christie so you do know we do have federal gun laws right now. This kid that bought these guns had absolutely nothing on his past, or any criminal record. What more can be done? It is not the NRA slaughtering these innocent children, it is clearly although sometimes well hidden psycho deranged terrorists! It is a sad day when law abiding gun owning Americans are blamed once again for something they did not do!
People should start asking,” why were we able to spend billions of dollars to keep our children safe from Covid in the classroom but we cannot find the financial means to keep them safe from killers in the classroom?”

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251800&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160671

So, the mindset is that all 18 years olds are automatically evil, and just need a gun to bring that evil out? Is that it? One of the reports said this perp in Texas liked to play video games. Do violent video games contribute to the violence culture? Who are those 'games' aimed (pun intended) at for marketing purposes? The perp was reportedly bullied at his school for various reasons. THAT appears to be a common thread among some mass killers who have their evil deeds. How is taking away guns for ALL law abiding citizens going to prevent those who are going to act on their evil thoughts and impulses? Has the "War On Drugs" stopped drug use? Did Prohibition stop drinking in the country? So is anyone fool enough to actually believe that preventing law abiding citizens from owning guns is going to prevent anyone from acquiring guns? This is the usual deflection that is ALWAYS offered up by the left when certain events occur. Do not dismiss such efforts to also try to deflect attention from the ongoing disasters that are a result of the policies of this admin and their party. THAT is the ultimate goal.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251800&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160670

Every single time we have one of these horrific shootings, before the bodies are even cold both parties are politicizing it and blaming all the wrong people and problems. They immediately blame the gun, mental health, and the lack of safety and security measures at the schools. NONE of those issues are the CAUSE of the problem. They did not not cause the shooting. We refuse to look in the mirror as a society and see what the real problems are because it might place the blame for what's happening a little too close to home and we must admit that maybe we were wrong and must make some changes in our attitudes and beliefs to solve this, and we aren't adult enough to admit that, and we must change our beliefs. The causes of these shootings result from poor parenting, being isolationist and wanting to live in our own little worlds, without any responsibility to our neighbors or anyone else. We are no longer communities, just a bunch of people living close to each other, we are no longer good neighbors and friends to each other. We say that we are to each others faces, but as soon as the chips are down or we see our neighbors children doing something wrong or suspicious we just turn a blind eye and our backs, using the the EXCUSE, "that's not MY problem, that's not business, I'm not getting involved." The definition of parenting has changed. Parenting no longer means that YOU raise your children to be mature, responsible, adults, with strong morals, good work ethics, and high ethical standards. Parenting now days means you try to be your child's best friends, make sure they have all the latest electronic gadgets that his friends have, and the money to go to concerts where the so called "music" is preaching and glorifying hate, violence, and racism. Then, when the little devils we call our children grow up and do things like the murderer in Uvalde Texas did, we talk about what "a little angel he's always been, the school system must have made him like this, or it is a mental health issue". We blame everyone everyone EXCEPT the parents and family who raised him, because nobody wants that same blame put on them if their child up and does something like this. It is everyone's fault EXCEPT the parents! INCLUDING THE GUN! We have become a lawless, immoral, society that is being led by politicians that only want to use the law and prosecute criminals when it suits their political agendas! We have thousands of people entering our country ILLEGALLY every day, yet we have politicians turning a blind eye to these crimes. THESE ARE CRIMES! By politicians ignoring that fact and making excuses for not prosecuting these people, they are sending a message to people that "crime is okay if it helps YOUR agenda!" We have become a moral less, ethic less, evil, Godless society in the name of doing what "we want" and what makes "us feel good", and we are teaching our young people that that is okay too! We are telling them that "society" no longer dictates what good morals and ethical standards are, that YOU get to set your own standards, and whatever you decide your standards and behavior is going be, society has an obligation to accept it! We can talk about guns, mental health, lack of metal detectors, and unlocked school doors all we want, but until we are willing to look into the mirror at the real problem, and bring morality, ethics, personal responsibility, a sense of community, and being a good neighbor and friend back into our lives, these devastating crimes are going to continue, not matter HOW MANY LAWS you pass!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251800&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160659

Kevin Gaffney That’s hopedful thinking and the polls say otherwise. For example women overwhelmingly voted for Youngkin in VA because they are parents. Democrats made parents out to be domestic terrorist that didn’t sit well with Moms (women)

Covid protocol and school closing. Doesn’t sit well with moms.

A vast majority of women support the parent rights law in Florida. Famously mislabeled as the dont say gay bill by media who likes to divide.

Abortion is slightly different but it follows right alone with blue and red states.

Democrats had a great chance to help people starting Jan 2021 but they have done nothing but make things worse. We are more divided. We are less safe and have less money.

If it wasn’t for a democrat named Manchin our inflation and economy would be much worse.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251800&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160668

Kevin Gaffney I think you have wishful thinking about the current political climate and your predictions. I mean democrats currently have more control then they ever have I don’t see it getting any better then that.

Like it or not the current state of our economy is and will be the biggest factor in the upcoming election it will overshadow all other issues. Voters have always voted with their pocketbooks.

You are a perfect example of what is hurting Dems at the moment. They are condescending and righteous and if you don’t agree with them they try and cancel you. This approach has worn thin on Americans.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251800&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160669

Denise Anneke Williams I mean I get it. This senseless massacre of innocence will bring out emotions and frustrations that will lead to more arguments and possibly more violence it’s a sad loop we are in.
The only way out is being rational and reasonable with each other. Not condescending or militant protest it just divides us more.
Was nice chatting I hope your health does not get in the way of your dreams.

As an old man over 50. I’ll leave you with something my late father said.

Don’t think to much when your angry. Don’t make promises when your happy and don’t make decisions when your heartbroken.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251800&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160665

Why dont you focus on ending mass shootings all together by banning high capacity assault weapons? You are here telling people to offer support after the shooting. Can it bring back the dead? Or uninjure the injured?

America is a weird nation. Finds it easier to block abortion but finds it hard to block wrong people from owning guns. Fyi Denmark has the same rules as the USA but the rates of death are not the same. Why? They are very serious in gun control.

Stop being sissies and protect your citizens. It does not benefit you pretending to be better than everyone else yet you the most crime infested nation in the world.

Fix yourselves . Stop trying to fix other nations. We are not broken. We did not ask for your help to be fixed.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251800&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160655

Kevin Gaffney Kevin to be honest it will take some serious legislation and favorable elections to accomplish this. And even a so called packed Supreme Court can’t change the constitution.
It takes a 2/3 vote in Congress or 2/3 of the US states to agree.

Good luck with this legislation when democrats currently have the most control over our government since FDR. And they can’t even pass any bill.

Democrats control all the branches of legislation but as you may know all ready it doesn’t look good this November. Best case scenario for democrats at this point is hope Republicans dont get a super majority in the house to override the President.

Legislation is the only way you can change the constitution.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251800&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160667

How many people got killed by assault abortions in this state today? Prayers and condolences to the family. Why haven’t the people who shot down the passenger airline over Ukraine 6 years ago been brought to justice. The person who committed this was on the FBI watchlist… why are they so busy watching people who aren’t doing anything wrong and not doing their jobs. Why do we put armed guards at banks and businesses but not at schools? We could have stopped it like TSA but TSA only is important to travel. We have medal detectors in our court rooms, why aren’t we screening kids and providing them security? The green new deal will save more lives… can’t wait to defrost my turbine with my turbine helicopter.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251800&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160651

I don't see anything about this story on your website. That's why I go to Fox News to get real news.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., on Wednesday blocked a school safety bill that has Republicans crying foulnews.

The bill, named after Parkland, Florida, shooting victims Luke Hoyer and Alex Schachter, would require the Department of Homeland Security to establish a "Federal Clearinghouse on School Safety Best Practices" for use by state and local educational and law-enforcement agencies, institutions of higher education, health professionals, and the public. And it would require DHS to "collect clearinghouse data analytics, user feedback on the implementation of best practices and recommendations identified by the clearinghouse, and any evaluations conducted on these best practices and recommendations."

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251800&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160672