Casey Sawyer so have cops stationed at the schools that way when people want to die anyway, ‘suicide by cop,’ they know exactly where to find the armed people? That’s a great way to increase deaths and shootings on school grounds. And what an inviting atmosphere for kids: to have their schools look like prisons. And I’m sure no bad guy has ever overpowered anyone and taken their gun. What could go wrong?
And yes, there certainly is nothing that can be done to keep guns out anyones hands. Sure. We should just trust everyone until we can’t. People who carry guns don’t trust anyone though, otherwise, why would they need their guns? How do we determine who is a good guy with a gun or a bad guy with a gun? When someone is walking down the street, in a store, or anywhere really; how do we know who is bad? Just wait until they’ve killed a few, right? A few killed is no big deal when a good guy with a gun will eventually stop the bad guy. Totally worth the loss of life so that everyone can be trusted to own a gun, until they can’t.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251807&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160787

Sharon A. Knieper I mean it depends on the age. When we say kids, I'm thinking 10 and under, and those shouldn't have social media.

And many of us don't have normal TV anymore, we use streaming and unless they are talking about it on a Twitch streamer's livestream, my son likely won't see it there either lol

Radio? I change the station in my car when they play ads, and my son definitely isn't reading newspapers just to do it lol

I should have clarified. Teens and pre-teens definitely will have heard about it from the sources you mentioned.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251807&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160783

In the State of Israel, there are security guards with weapons in every school.
Why aren't you in the United States setting up security companies to secure schools ??
The security guards in Israel ask the foreign people who come who they are and what they do .. If the people say they have a meeting then the security guards call and ask the same person whether there is a permit to enter or not.
If there is a permit from the security guards first of all take an identification card and write in a special booklet the details of the person if the person has a weapon the security guard can put in only after the approval of the managers.
If there is no permit to put in the same person the security guard does not open and does not let in and if the person starts raging designers outside the security guard informs the security inspector and the police.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251807&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160785

Salvador Ramos or Vladimir Putin - who is more sociopathic?

How is the recent school massacre any different then Russia killing children in Ukraine? There is no difference, well one, you won't see the GOP spending money in the U.S. to make certain gun laws are enacted to make schools safer and those with mental health issues, Ramos, don't get ahold of weapons.

We seen Putin snap and he invaded Ukraine and has killed thousands. Ramos snapped and killed 21.

The shooter and Vladimir Putin have the same sociopathic mentality and reasoning for what they did. Both had access to weapons, lost control over their delusions and killed people.

And yet, the GOP won't identify with reality in the U.S. Sure in Ukraine, but not in the U.S.

One sociopath with rifle kills 21, one sociopath with an army kills thousands. Is anyone able to show the difference between either one? And no, having an army is not a valid response.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251807&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160782

Melanie Draiker because anyone carrying an AR-15 doesn't think about people firing back. If he knew people were carrying, he wouldn't have done it. Plain and simple. Shooters like that are actually cowards, which is why they target places they don't think will have armed people.

A police officer may have been killed, but if they gunman knew more were armed, it wouldn't have been that way.

Our culture has decided to be afraid to see or possess a firearm, which emboldens shooters.

Casualties are still going to happen, but they can be greatly reduced if more good people carried.

Plus that officer may not have been a good shot. That one instance doesn't mean anything.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251807&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160788

I told my kids if you see or read anything on social media either your friend or someone you know saying something about shooting or killing just tell someone. Talk to your parents or school personnel just report right away but the problem is if someone going to commit something that heinous they don’t always post on social media the same people act normal one day and turn into terrorist the next day.It’s so heart breaking that every time I send my kids to school I pray for their safe return it’s just terrible, the kids are not even saying anything we don’t even know what they are thinking.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251807&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160786

Ok, congress is sitting on 100 billion in covid money. It is time to make our schools hard targets. Resource officers in every school, if you can guard a bank why not children. Fencing around the schools to limit the access. Door locks on all class doors with door bars to stop access if needed. One way in and one way out to limit access points. Cameras and panic buttons to alert law enforcement. Psychological counseling as needed and evaluating student with troubles. It isn't all just about gun control but actual protection. If you think well police inside schools are not the answer then why hasn't these weak gunmen struck a police station? They prey on weak targets.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=251807&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1160784