IF YOU ARN’T WILLING TO GIVE UP YOUR RIGHT TO OWN “IN THIS COUNTRY” then you are saying your right to own takes priority over stopping little kids having their heads literally blow off. What’s that say about you as a moral and decent human being ?

And I am concluding that for reasons as stated below

Even if we make stronger background checks or red flag laws to take away guns of unstable people, shooters easily still get guns because most Americans own them so he can get guns at parents house , uncle billy’s home, aunty susans’s home or from their cousin or from their buddies, and even if assult rifles are banned , three to four handguns are easily held in pockets and coat pockets and 20 handguns are easily carried in a tote bag or backpack and that’s like 100 rounds ready to go off without even reloading !! It’s still 30-40 kids that will can get killed . (And we care about adult mass shootings and adult lives too right?? ) And no way increased mental health services is even going to get close to touching this epidemic , and for these reasons , I know I speak truth when I say if you believe in the right to own , and are not open minded to ban guns and or change the constitution , then you’re partly responsible for the little kid slaughters, indirectly their blood is on your hands because it’s people like you that prevent the laws from changing . That’s how I view your moral turpitude if that’s your position. Kids are way more important than your precious right to own. Get over it man, you’ll be ok without one. And besides , Stats prove you are more likely to yourself or your family die with a gun in the house than those who don’t have one .

It’s the Availability and overflow of guns in every household that makes it impossible to protect kids and I think adult lives matter too by the way and adults are getting slaughtered and high school teens are getting slaughtered, so you are evil if you think you’re right to own is more important. Let it go . Get rid of the 2nd ammendment.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=252024&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1161902

Always had guns in America and this did not happen people. Wake and see what the difference is. The information is suppressed to you by the news and politicians because they need these thing to happen.
Now learn yourself that the W.H.O for years now has said we are in an epidemic of mental health issues due to video gaming disorder. But all of you are in denial of this. All school adopters were avid first person shooter avid gamers. These games forces them to become desensitized to killing or hurting others. This is number one reason for most shootings. And difference of times periods in our history.
Now learn more yourselves from the Chinese who have long history knowing what to do to protect their citizens that they like anyway. They have recently made it law that no video gaming is allowed during the week fir certain age groups because they know how the brain reacts. Our investigators and mental health people are not seeing or do not want to see this.
Guaranteed to always happen unless change is made in that respect.
Parents do know that the kids get violent when they are taken away and do not want but it is the parents that should scare the kids of getting violent. Only way it works in the animal world and we are all animals if you believe it or not. Now go scare the life out of your kids so they respect what you say.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=252024&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1161898

Riley M Proos,
"But a deeper dive into the 2019 law revealed many of its “hardening” elements have fallen short.

Schools didn’t receive enough state money to make the types of physical improvements lawmakers are touting publicly. Few school employees signed up to bring guns to work. And many school districts either don’t have an active shooting plan or produced insufficient ones.

In January 2020, the Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District received $69,000 from a one-time, $100 million state grant to enhance physical security in Texas public schools, according to a dataset detailing the Texas Education Agency grants. The funds were comparable to what similarly sized districts received.

Even with more funds and better enforcement of policies, experts have said there is no indication that beefing up security in schools has prevented any violence. Plus, they said, it can be detrimental to children, especially children of color"
- texastribune . org

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=252024&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1161900

Pattijean Pettit
Not even close to what is needed!!

Instead of actually hardening schools against Active Shooter Scenarios including:
- Single Point of Entry
- Metal Detectors
- Locked, Remote Impenetrable Doors everywhere else
- Fenced Schools Yard Perimeters
- Sophisticated Camera Surveillance on all points of ingress / egress and school yards
- Armed Security trained on Active Shooter Scenarios
- Allow Teachers who are appropriately trained to conceal carry

The Schools should be the most “HARDENED TARGET VENUES” in America

The DemocRATS just sent $40 BILLION to Ukraine. The funding that should be used to protect our American children

But instead The DemocRATS pathetic solution is to take guns away from law abiding citizens

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=252024&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1161899