1 टिप्पणियाँ

Salutations to the Supreme Being
many many thanks to the Almighty, the light of the World,
the All Merciful, the Formless who created the earth, the sky, the
entire creation and nobody could unravel the mystery of His
superb craftsmanship. To describe His glory is beyond my power
of expression.
ln fact in this book l propose to write on a subject which
can be summed up as ” the devil's amid the deep sea".
To my horror I have witnessed strange and shocking
misdeeds of the businessmen and moneylenders in India (known
as saudagar-mahajans) and I thought it fit to share with you what I
have seen and found. Therefore, I - a humble Sadhu Anoo Das -
respectfully submit to all Hindus and Muslims, saints and sages,
the pundits and the faqirs, the Kings, the emperors, the rulers and
the subjects of various countries and kingdoms spread over all
the continents of the world, that the dubious ractices variousl
called as Iadu chala (witchcraft), Rakshash Vidya gdemoniac science):
Knfir Vidya (the science of the infidel) and In rajal (black magic)
are all acts of sin. The demon king Ravana had practised these
devilish acts and thereby overpowered the deities of rains and
death. He performed the Yajnas, (the rituals of sacrifice) and
thereby destroyed the thinking power of others.
He practised Indrajal or black magic and thereby en 'neered
famine and other calamities on earth, captivated Laksfilrni, the
goddess of wealth and transported the entire riches to his
ingdom Lanka. Similarly, king Hiranyakashipu, Kin Kansa,
Karun and Raga Bal also committed this sinful practice. l\§ow after
Raja Bal‘ it is ese traders and moneylenders who are indulging
in this nefarious activity. The banias ( eople of traditionally
gusitrfiess community) too have capturecl) the forces of rains and

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