Tiffany Lopez I have had androids since the HTC Touch back in 2009 I think. Then I switched to iPhone in 2020 and I won’t ever have an android again. Androids just lose oomph so fast.

The screens freeze or take forever to load. The keyboard freezes on the screen. The photo quality degrades, just basic functionality degrades after about 6 months of regular use. Not to mention the battery life is just terrible.

I’ve had this 11 Pro Max for two years and it’s still exactly the same except the battery life is at 86% but I don’t even notice.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=254367&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1174999

I watched “2000 Mules” and it’s abundantly clear that President Trump won the Election. We all know he did. It proved what happened without a shadow of a doubt! Now we know how Career Politicians stay in office forever. Do you honestly think that a person like Nancy Pelosi, who is drunk most of the time, has done NOTHING for her district, it looks like a third world country, has actually won re-election for thirty years??? No way! Every American should see “2000 Mules” and see how these people hijacked the 2020 election and how these Career Politicians stay in office for life.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=254367&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1174994

Sleepy Joe and His Cowardly “We” Gang
Dr. Reynaldo Garay 6/5/2022
“I am sick and tired of it. We have to act. Where in God’s name is our backbone to have the courage to deal with it …?”
Sleepy Joe Biden (aptly named by no. 45) was referring to the mass slaughter in a Uvalde school. Some say he was directing his comments to the Republicans. Some to the Democrats. And some to the American people. But some would argue that Sleepy Joe may have been directing his comments to his cowardly “We” gang. A seemingly close-knit gang of cowards who may have taken over the White House, telling Sleepy Joe (who at times may not be aware that he was sworn in as president of the United States back in January) what to say, when to say it and where. And during moments of lucidity, when Sleepy deviates from the gang’s script and gives his opinion in answer to a question, the “We” gang quickly calls a news conference to clarify what Sleepy Joe really meant. They have made it known that they, not Sleepy, are in charge. Which creates confusion when it comes to holding someone accountable when things go wrong.
From early on, many in the U.S. who voted for Sleepy Joe have wondered “Where in God’s name is Sleepy Joe’s backbone to have the courage to deal with all the problems his incompetent administration has created?” Regardless, everyone knows that the buck stops with Sleepy. And they are tired of his excuses for not standing and delivering.
Americans want no more excuses from Biden and his cowardly “We” team for betraying the DACA and immigration reform movement. No more excuses for betraying Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic Caucus on the Infrastructure Bill. No more excuses for failing to convince the traitors Manchin and Sinema to get rid of the filibuster. No more excuses for betraying the Afghans and their families, leaving them at the mercy of the Taliban. No more excuses for not honoring the Budapest Memorandum (claiming it is not a signed treaty therefore not really binding the U.S. to honor it). Throughout the world, hasn’t America’s word been its bond? And especially, no more excuses for reneging on the warplanes and heavy artillery initially promised to Ukraine. And no more excuses for kowtowing to “Putin the Terrible,” by sending military arms with limited firing range or missing critical parts that would make Howitzers more accurate. And no more excuses for sending Drones without missiles and missile-firing capabilities. Ukraine needs combat-ready missile-firing drones. And no more excuses for forbidding Ukraine from striking military targets inside Russia because the “We” cowards don’t want to anger “Putin the Butcher.” And no more excuses for failing to expedite the delivery of heavy artillery and long-distance anti-aircraft anti-battleship missiles to Ukraine. And no more excuses for seemingly cutting deals with Russia over how much of Ukraine to sacrifice in order to appease “Putin the Bully,” to keep him from invading other countries. And finally, no more excuses for not engaging more forcefully against the gun lobbies and the NRA!
In a united voice, Americans are calling for Sleepy Joe and his cowardly “We” gang to grow a backbone to have the courage to deal with it! To do something! They are saying loudly and clearly, “Enough is enough!”
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Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=254367&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1174996

Apocalipse, 2

18 “Ao anjo da igreja de Tiatira, escreve: Eis o que diz o Filho de Deus, que tem os olhos como chamas de fogo e os pés seme­lhantes ao fino bronze.
19 Conhe­ço tuas obras, teu amor, tua fidelidade, tua generosidade, tua paciência e persistência; e as tuas últimas obras, que excedem as primeiras.
20 Mas tenho contra ti que permites a Jezabel, mulher que se diz profetisa, seduzir meus servos e ensinar-lhes a praticar imundícies e comer carne imolada aos ídolos.*
21 Eu lhe dei tempo para arrepender-se, mas não quer arrepen­der-se de suas imundícies.

22 Desta vez a lançarei num leito, e com ela os cúmplices de seus adultérios para aí sofrerem muito, se não se arrependerem das suas obras.
23 Farei perecer pela peste os seus filhos, e todas as igrejas hão de saber que eu sou aquele que sonda os rins e os corações, porque darei a cada um de vós segundo as suas obras.

24 A vós, porém, e aos demais de Tiatira que não seguis esta doutrina e não conheceis (como dizem) ‘as pro­fundezas de Satanás’, não imporei outro fardo.

25 Mas guardai o que tendes até que eu venha.
26 Então ao vencedor, ao que praticar minhas obras até o fim, eu lhe darei poder sobre as nações pagãs.
27 Ele as regerá com cetro de ferro, como se quebra um vaso de argila,
28 assim como eu mesmo recebi o poder de meu Pai; e eu lhe darei a Estrela da manhã.*
29 Quem tiver ouvidos, ouça o que o Espírito diz às igrejas.” Apocalipse 2: 18-29. APOCALIPSE DESDE 2000 COMO PREVISTO.

2,20. Jezabel: nome da ímpia mulher que ocorre no Antigo Testamento, aplicado aqui simbolicamente a alguma profetisa nicolaíta. Seus amantes e seus filhos são expressões que indicam os seus adeptos.
2,28. A Estrela é Jesus Cristo, como se dirá no cap. 22,16. Sob múltiplas imagens, cada mensagem promete ao vencedor uma parte na vida íntima de Cristo.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=254367&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1174997