2 Комментарии

Видели на видео поведение принца Луи со своей матерью Кейт на юбилее королевы?! Маленький красавчик, но не воспитанный до безобразия. Это было кошмарное поведение. Понятно, что маленький ребенок устал сидеть два с половиной часа. Но там были и другие дети и никто себя так не вел. Очень избалованный мальчик этот принц. Показывать язык - это некая традиция у детей британской королевской семьи. Но главное, позади них сидели Джонсон и Тиндалл. Надо было видеть какие у обоих были лица! Делали вид, что наблюдают за шествием, а у самих лица были кислые и страшно недовольное поведением мальчишки, который безобразничал прямо на их глазах. Ничего не сказали - наследник престола ведь.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=255013&lang=RU#vin3Comment-1178877


My son, if you receive my words, and treasure my commands within you… then you will understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God.

The "experts" are wrong about almost everything:
Have you noticed how the so-called "experts" are usually incompetent morons?
We have experts in finance who don't know that printing trillions of dollars causes inflation.

We have experts in education and psychology who think mutilating the genitals of children is something to celebrate in the name of "pride."
We have experts in diplomacy who think Russia has no right to its own national interests.
And we have experts in science and medicine whose vaccines are so deadly, they have to resort to censorship and paid propaganda to cover up all the vaccine deaths.

The "experts," it turns out, are wrong about almost everything.

Anyone who tells the truth about almost anything -- gender, food science, climate, free energy, geoengineering, etc. -- is banished from having any influence in society.

So now, as a result of all this, we are ruled by the cognitively retarded who cannot process reality and have no ability to make decisions in meaningful ways that benefit society.

This has all happened before, of course, and the next step in this scenario is the total collapse of the empire.
That's exactly what's coming for America and much of western civilization, it turns out.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=255013&lang=RU#vin3Comment-1178878