You all better hang on to your panties, the great resignation is about to end. Now it's going to be the great layoff.

For all you that wanted 7.50 to go to 15 per hour you got your way. That drove the 15 people up to 25 per hour, and of course the 25 peeps wanted 35. Hope you are happy now that you have drove up inflation everything is 33% higher not and you're still broke as you were at 7.50/hour. So, guess whats next unemployment and a recession peeps are going to loose job,home,cars because of pure worker greed. So in a few months and you all be needing a job my reduced strating wage will be 12.50 again.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=255392&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1180983

Jay Pritchett Is to a fax that kind of work.... Against a virus that had a incredibly low is incredibly low death rate...

And yes trump has people who praised him when he even did wrong... But that's the exception for the right. And the rule for the left. I'm assuming you and the people of the left are still supporting Joe Biden even when his regulations are destroying America.

Now ask for your last thing you're wrong fraud was found but just not in large numbers. And if someone believes otherwise they're not very smart because the Washington Time even came out and talked about the election and how they made sure it was fortified to get the proper outcome. How rules were changed whether they were constitutional or not like we found out in Pennsylvania. Remember the people of the right are individualistic Where the people of the left are collective so unfortunately with them being a collective they have to focus on a topic no matter if that topic is good or bad I mean for God's sakes look at black lives matter and how it was founded on lies but the people of the left supported it. Look at all the violence they turned a blind eye to including may 29th when the animals of black lives matter stormed the White House and set fire to a guard building

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=255392&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1180985

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Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=255392&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1180980