Jacalyn Wetzel Thank you! I’ve been saying this for over forty years, both as a mother of two boys and a girl, and an inner city high school teacher for over forty years. We have failed two generations of boys. They are medicated at an alarmingly young age for “hyper activity” (a five year old !?), are disciplined for behavior in boys deemed “aggressive” when the same behaviors in girls are “assertive”. Commit more violent crimes that lead to their own deaths and succeed at suicide at a rate much higher than girls. But the most telling proof I have witnessed, of this horrific inequality, is the abysmal high school graduation rates of boys. In 9th grade classes of 30 were evenly divided by gender. By 12th grade I had an average of 5 to 8 boys for the same number of students.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=255401&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1181363

Richard Dass actually just the opposite. In every single school where this has been implemented there have been no school shootings. The fact is this works and works well. The facts don't lie. This is the answer. In the districts where this has been done the teacher volunteers is a very high percentage. I was surprised considering most teachers are liberal. They have to pass background checks and physicals and then are trained by the local PDs. Usually Sheriff dept. This is the answer. Bad guys don't want to get gunned down before they can actually kill a bunch of people. Bad guys choose soft targets. Make the school hard and they will go somewhere else.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=255401&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1181389

Elvia J. Delacerda

Why are you posting blatantly false information??

18,000 illegal aliens per day, many in the terrorist watch list, will cross the border when Joe babbling buffoon Talibiden cancels title 42.

Insane treasonous democrats refuse to stop millions of illegal aliens, thousands of terrorists, thousands of tons of illegal drugs from entering the United States every single year- they won’t stop millions of illegal guns from entering.

If only half of those 18,000 daily illegal aliens are carrying guns, that equals 9,000 illegal guns per day entering the United States.

That’s 3,285,000 illegal guns entering the United States every single year….

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=255401&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1181322

Misleading headline much? The headline says he was trying to enter the school and was shot by the school resource officer. But the article says he was trying to enter the patrol vehicle near the school, had an altercation with the resource officer who called for backup, then another arriving officer shot him.

Could you more blatantly push the narrative of “school kids in danger, school cop saves the day”? Because that is not at all what happened here.

ETA: Yes, he did try to get in the (locked) school doors, but the “altercation” with the resource officer happened while he was trying to get into a patrol car. He was then taken out by a different officer who was called in for backup. The children in the school were not at risk, and the resource officer didn’t save them.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=255401&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1181281

How far are the LEFT willing to go on killing the innocent children's just to BAN the Guns so they can control whoever they want. The people that want the Guns Banned are paying random people to go out and kill. We the people need to stand up and fight for our rights to protect and to carry. Every school needs to start having extra police or volunteer's that are willing to protect with thorough backward checked. There is more death with drugs than guns alone, more accident than gun killing, more suicides than guns people need to understand what the government is doing only than we will be able to stand against those who want to harm us.." STOP THE GOVERNMENT "

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=255401&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1181390

Richard Dass unfortunately I agree with you. The cops are trained not to risk their lives. Arm the teachers, they actually care about the students and will fight back. Of course I mean only those who are willing. I do not believe in forcing them if they don't want to. But my guess is most of the teachers will be more than willing to be trained and armed so God forbid it ever comes to their school they are ready. Several of my good friends are teachers and even the liberal ones are now stating they want to be armed in the classroom. I never thought I would hear my anti-gun buddy say he wanted the school district to train him and provide him a weapon. Not sure I agree they should provide the weapon. I feel the teacher should own the weapon and train as much as possible with it.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=255401&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1181378

People are just jumping in to conclusions praising what the police did. Trying to enter a school should not be the reason to shoot and kill someone. Shoot the leg if your intention was not to kill him and let him explain his side of the story. If the law in the US is shoot and kill anybody who tries to enter the school then is a good law. Just keep shooting. Am sure we will one day come here to say is wrong again. Just keep praising them for shooting what ever they see around the school. Is bad to hurt the kids and the police should take no chances but the headline didn't show he was a bad chance. Probably he was not a Muslim. We know how the headline will look like if he was a Muslim.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=255401&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1181386

Heather Hildreth the headline says the same thing that the story says. The guy tried to enter the school he also tried to get into an officers car. He was shot. I assume you're reading the headline as the man was shot as he tried to enter the school and thats whats making you upset. Not the fact that some man was trying to get into a school with 34 kids in it and was ultimately shot. Just looking for a reason to try to blame the media for something instead of saying the guy who tried to enter the school was posing a potential threat to children

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=255401&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1181300

Liz Celentano I think almost anyone with a conscious agrees that these repetitive murders are tragic and unacceptable. Maybe making the guns illegal is the solution. Or maybe criminalizing guns will further emboldened criminals to use their illegal firearms, that they obviously won't give up, to commit more violence. I don't know but willing to try anything to put an end to it. I do know that not all men that own firearms do it for their ego, and not all people trying to criminalize guns are doing so to make law abiding citizens vunerable and helpless. Majority of people just want their families safe and just disagree on the best way to do that with millions of illegal firearms in the hands of criminals. People on both sides of the argument have packeged up everyone they disagree with all these labels and just created a divide and killed the conversation. We need to figure out what can be done NOW to protect our kids. The reality is there will be no quick legislation to control firearms, agree or disagree its the truth. So what can we do immediately that can save some lives because this demonizing people you don't agree with tactic has proven unproductive.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=255401&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1181346

If you have never worked at a school and been responsible for children stop saying there must have been another way..My special needs class, 1 in a wheelchair and 1 who walked slowly due to CP, had to run back into the front door of the school and pull the door closed behind us due to an angry parent. It was bus duty and my assistant and I were waiting on a bus for our last 2 students. This man's child was not on the bus at his bus stop and he was coming to look for him. He and the child's mom were in a heated custody battle. When he came on campus during bus duty, he was loud, irate, cursing and visibly angry to those around him. My children were scared and so was I and my assistant. The man was told to contact the police or his attorney bc a court order was issued that day from what I remember. He didn't like that response and became verbally aggressive and beyond angry. For our safety we decided to head back into the school. I picked up my child with CP and my assistant quickly rolled our student in the wheelchair into the building. As soon as I pulled the door shut behind us, the man was grabbing the door and banging on the door trying to get in. We ran down the hall with our students to our room and locked ourselves in the changing room. My student who had CP was so scared, crying and asking for his mom. It was terrible. The man left the campus when the ofc staff let him know they were calling the police. When he was gone I could not get my precious student out of the changing room. I had to wait for his mom to show up and get him to come out. He kept saying he thought the man was going to shoot us. This situation could have gone another way if we wouldn't have gotten in the building. You never know what an angry or mentally unstable person is going to do. Why should schools have the wait and see attitude? This man in Alabama clearly was trying to enter the school and then was roaming the parking lot looking to get into cars. A school is private property and protected by all the legal rights in place for a school campus. The man was not invited and was trespassing....period. It is horrible he died, but that security officer wasn't going to wait and see what was going to happen bc he could have lost his life and if the man would have gotten his gun, God only knows what he may have done. The man was a threat to the school and he was stopped bc of the way he acted with the security officer. If your son, daughter, grandchild, niece, nephew or spouse was in that building, you would be grateful the man didn't get in the school. I promise you that.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=255401&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1181358