Lisa Gleason Small I know of one that needs it BAD, but would rather buy it illegally or in Mexico (i think he's done it 2 times) , than getting in the system. He doesn't want to be 'labeled', but he's a ticking bomb that needs psychological help. He owns several guns too, aggressive behavior, past domestic charges, street and bar fights, but manages to dodge the system every time.
We have too many of this type of guy on the streets, TOO MANY !
He looks normal, but little do people know! He is a con man, hates police but loves to play friends with them when he's in trouble to squeeze out of it.
No background checks in TX has armed dangerous people. People that not only should be doing jail time from past crimes, but mentally disturbed ones that are at the edge of doing something crazy bc they have old baggage and any little thing can set them off.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=255401&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1181391

Yes, locked doors are a good idea, but most schools have been locking their doors for decades. Not to mention, school resource officers have been around since we were in school…
These measures DO NOT stop school shootings, which was my original point.

Had this situation been a current/former student who knew the school and planned out their attack, the school resource officer wouldn’t have made any difference…the shooter would’ve simply known how to avoid them or left a door propped/unlocked so they could enter where they liked, etc. Worst case, AR or AK rounds will zip right through police body armor at short range, and, given the shooter would have the element of surprise, the officer wouldn’t stand a chance.

As I’ve said, this “illusion of protection” is theater for parents. It’s incredibly naive and does virtually nothing to stop school shootings…if it worked, they’d be decreasing.

The US provides incredibly easy access to high-capacity, high-velocity weapons with a high-rate of fire…and is in the midst of serious mental health crises affecting multiple swathes of its population. It’s only going to get worse…as we’re already seeing.

Your apparent reluctance to even consider that the easy access to firearms is at the root of our mass shooting problem has moved swiftly from “a bit weird” to “totally bizarre”…

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=255401&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1181342

Tyrone Tesla I have no argument with what you are saying Sir. Just sharing information that I have seen while trying to find more details. The Hill is a recognized as a middle of the road news outlet with well above average factual reporting and limited BS. Everything posted was from the mouth of the school superintendent or law enforcement according to the article.

As for the appropriate response to the situation, I have no idea. You could be right, I wasn't there and all we have is what we are told for now. But I will say what you're describing above is no different than what your accusing the media of in all fairness. You're suggesting details of a situation that you don't know to be true. Kinda like the media spin you talked about in your original post. I hate to see any life taken with absolute justification. If we want to get serious about solving the broad spectrum of issues we have going on we have to remain open-minded and reserve judgment. May not have come off like it but I'm with you.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=255401&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1181343

I have written a comment about the abysmal treatment of boys and young men in our society. There’s a lot of finger pointing and mouthing off here that does nothing to help these people.
I’m not getting into an argument on gun control here. My feelings are known. The biggest problem is little discussed because it is a billion dollar business. That is violent video games. Isolated young men play them almost incessantly. The shooters in Columbine dressed as figures in a game. A few weeks ago, in Brooklyn, NY a 13 year old rode on the back of a scooter driven by a 17 year old and used an automatic weapon to spray the street, killing an 11 year old girl going to meet her mom at the nail salon. Everyone who has anything to do with children should demand these games be pulled. This is not a matter of free speech, this is a matter of inciting to riot.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=255401&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1181377

Stephanie M. Nabors the "shady stuff" Mr. Mackie speaks of is likely the verbage that further errodes the 2nd amendment, you know, (ours and yours) those pesky rights the left is willing to let the government take over so they feel safer. Safer as in, let's put up a gun free zone sign to fix the issue, safer... There are certain issues we will never agree upon politically. The majority of the left wants the police to take care of their safety and security. The majority of the right wants the option to do it themselves. We both know if someone is kicking in your front door with a knife, chances are, you've got 10 minutes to carnage. I'd rather have the opportunity to be able to protect myself and my family than rely on others. I'd think anyone who can put themselves in that situation could understand the necessity to do so.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=255401&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1181375

Sandra Nicht it’s definitely increasing and getting worse at an alarming rate. You had stated that lack of social emotional learning/skills and toxic masculinity combined with the pandemic, inflation, etc to be part of the roots of the problem so I was simply pointing out that while recent events such as pandemic and current inflation as well as other stressors don’t help, the problem is much older than those recent events. But you are correct in that we tend to only look at an issue after the house is burned to the ground instead of checking the wiring when we notice sparks or put out the stove fire when our lack of attention causes it to first start.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=255401&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1181379

They are trying to deflect from the fact that the cops in Texas did nothing, they are pointing this out as a gotcha moment, except all i see is a lack of training.

"An altercation ensued in which the individual attempted to take the officer's firearm. The officer was able to call for backup and a responding officer shot the individual who was pronounced dead at the scene, according to the release."
The key word being "attempted" so that tells me he probably did not yet have a firearm otherwise he would have shot the resource officer.

"It is not known if the suspect was armed." is such a BS comment they clearly know he wasnt armed as soon as the body was secured, what are they waiting on for the cops to plant a gun and say Oh we stopped a shooter, and yes i believe they would, cops have been caught planting drugs on traffic stops it wouldn't be a leap for them to do this.

Im going to follow all this up with the fact that i am glad he was stopped but this only points out the further need for mental health care in this country and the fact that academy training for an officer should be the same (in time) as the military. Basic training allows you a desk job, thats it. You want more? Time for specialty training for an additional 6+ months. One of my 21yo coworkers wants to become a Sheriff in a local municipality because "they don't require a degree" to be a cop you should be required to hold and regularly retest a criminal justice degree

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=255401&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1181318

Jose Navarro Guns are not the problem ... People are ... You want your children safe. Have a sign in front of the school that says. Armed Staff and if you try to hurt our children you will be killed. Period. Republicans want kids safe but they are proactive. Put retired police and military in the schools as Armed Guards. Have doors locked like they are supposed to be and an entrance system that all visitors have to check-in at. Sorry but you must not follow the mass shootings because they are all pretty much the same. A door was not locked. The security guard is not on duty like they were supposed to be. The Police arrive and sit around doing nothing. And some crazy teen has somehow gotten guns that he was not supposed to have had. Sorry, but I am of a mind Government is behind this BS.. .And they are killing your children to try to get guns taken away because that is the only thing that keeps our nation free and the Government in Check. Criminals will not follow laws they do not follow the ones we already have. Criminals do not buy guns they steal them. And Criminals being arrested over and over and over and over and never being held responsible does not work either. Every one of these things is done by Democrats .. Not Reputlicans.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=255401&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1181384

David Sherer wow you are really messed up dude! You need to seriously get help! Your mental status is questionable and your words are just insane!

The issue is not republicans vs democrats. It’s the wealthy vs the poor.

Tools of the wealthy to maintain power.
Create instability by tricking the poor white people into thing that the poor people of color are somehow below them. This ensures that we will not band together and rise up against the real enemy.
The wealthy use an imaginary tender to steal our very real labor and resources.
The wealthy have broken the school system so people like you stay entrenched in their mire believing that you are free when you are very far from it.
They have stolen our tax dollars to create a rift between us and the rest of the world by destabilizing and killing at will. This has also allowed Black Rock to buy up every company in the US as well as every politician.
We have never truly been a free nation. They just tricked you all into believing it. We are all just serfs and you are blind to it.
Seek help now before you do something like shoot up a school. You sound like you are close to it.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=255401&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1181310

Rebecca Hayes Adelman - Becky, you’re really reaching on this…

To clarify, you’re saying one incomparable outlier of an incident somehow disproves 20+ years of proven data saying this model doesn’t work in preventing school shootings? Wow. Not to mention the perpetrator in this particular instance sounds like he was under the influence or in a mental health crisis, BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, WAS UNARMED…he went for the officers weapon.

You simply can’t equate this situation to one with an individual who has planned an attack on a school…as I previously stated, this “protection” model only provides the illusion of protection for the parents…it’s theater.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=255401&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1181334