Bart Sexton All legal? How do you know? Did they have picture ID back then? Basically, you're full of it! Yes, the crime, food and item shortage and all of that was left us by Trump that you voted for. You're the reason everything is like this and I'll be voting against you and your kind in November and May each year with glee. All issues are a result of Republicans and their backwards thinking. Right now the 4th Amendment doesn't apply if you live within 100 miles of the border per our SCOTUS so that's a Kangaroo Court at best now.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=256064&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1185058

Maria GascaMost definitely. To get my wife and son over here I have to fill out a ton of paperwork. My wife has to fill out a background check that stretches from the present to the day she was born. She has to have all sorts of documents and medical checks. I have to show that I can support her and we won't need government assistance because I'm bringing her over here. Criminal background checks, proof of no marriage and info on everything about her even down to our conversations and any money that I have sent her is required to be shown. Democrats do not believe in such requirements for illegal immigrants. Under the policies implemented by democrats anyone can come into this country without a proper background check or medical history. Democrats are just using illegal immigrants.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=256064&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1185051

With 35 years of law study behind me, it might surprise many that the federal government doesn't actually have authority over immigration policies Constitutionally. Although th3 feds have taken control, the Constitution doesn't specifically give the feds that power.

Courts have declared that it's a "plenary power." However, the Constitution is extremely clear about powers not granted to the federal government via the Constitution are to be given to the states. So in reality, the policy is completely unconstitutional.

I agree it should be a power of the Constitution and federal government, but to be truly legal, the Constitution would have to be amended.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=256064&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1185048

With 33,670 documented LIES and MORONIC statements, (including thinking he could change a US weather map with a Sharpie,) the EX-POTUS still LYING, "I WON the election by a landslide!" NEVER had a GRIP on reality.
Imagine a country so full of SUCKERS that instead of believing AG Barr, 63 US judges and 100's of State Election Officials, you believe only ONE NY Con Man whose lawyers brought ZERO evidence into ANY US court is telling you the TRUTH about FAKE voter fraud. Imagine that NY Con Man CONNED his SUCKAS into committing anti-American Democracy acts against the US Capitol, hunting for the US Vice President to HANG him and convinced them that made them PATRIOTS. Those SUCKAS let that NY Con Man steal their MONEY, their YEARS, their REPUTATIONS and they'll have CRIMINAL RECORDS for the REST of their lives.
Now imagine those SUCKERS still believe that NY Con Man, who's still LYING to them. WOW.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=256064&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1185054

Scally Cowell When the Statue of Liberty was sent to us with the “Give us your weak, poor, etc..” speech — it was meant to immigrants who wanted to assimilate into American Culture. That was written way before Welfarism was a thing. They came here the right way and did not come here to look for a hand out.

We have crony immigration and illegal immigration running amuck in this country.

You keep mentioning Native Americans but which tribe ruled all of America? Most Native Americans were committing genocide before the “evil white men” came here.

Bottom line is no nation or country can survive without borders, language, and culture. Right now we have none of that. Our country is being burnt from the inside. We no longer have an enemy within we have an enemy who is in.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=256064&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1185057

You’ve been complaining about Mitt Romney for 10 years saying that he’s selling us out to China. Which is funny because around that same time Obama famously lampooned Romney for saying they were our biggest threat when he thought Al-Queada was. You’ve been spewing nonsense about the right for 10 years and its all right there.

Republicans are FOR states rights. You have a basic ignorance of what the federal government is and what the state governments are. Democrats want the federal government to use equal protection clause to make everything as liberal as California and nyc and they want to eliminate the senate and HoR votes of small states like the dakotas.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=256064&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1185056

So I cannot use the Federal Courts for relief in Immigration matters. But foreigners can, and you want to call this a injustice. So now I should sue to end the 14th Amendment forever. Because social perspectives makes the law selective, and it never can be uniformly applied. The law written says that the Federal Court will not look into immigration matters. Can you people read, or does emotions define what the law means? Evoking democracy for the wrong reasons and one gets to talk about the wrongs and evils that happened with democracy. Then talk about how you people want to remove the safeguards that would prevent extremism or the evils that happened with other democracies in Europe.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=256064&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1185049

Scally Cowell every US citizen has the same opportunities. They can go to school, make smart choices and succeed. People need to take care of themselves and stop expecting others to take care of them. Japan and China hold most of the US debt, so if they start collecting on it, the US will fail. My family is a hard working middle class family. What we make by working is MINE. If I want to give to others, I will make that choice, it will NOT be made for me. Period. Just like Elon Musk, he worked hard,what is his is HIS. If he CHOOSES to give to others that is his CHOICE. No one, absolutely NO ONE should be forced to give away their wealth and items they have earned to anyone else for any reason ever. Period.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=256064&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1185050

Richard Cline I already knew the case used in Constitutional Law….it’s defines that when the court decides on a constitutional issue on a law that if the decision is against the enact provision it nullifies it based on the court ……Conflict in the law between two or more entities whether it be person, government ,business ….conflict doesn’t make it a constitutional issue…..let’s say a decision of court in a child custody case…it’s not about constitutionality, it is about conflict…..or such as the current case that the CDC may have exceeded its regulatory authority based on a law enacted by congress one party says it did….or was did a business or person want with in the law or not as written or did they exceed the scope …..constitution has many amendment’s which base on rights…did the government suppress free speech ….did the government exceed the scope of the warrant….did the government interfere with the states rights or vice versa …….not all constitutional issues deal with the government but most due …..the issue about abortion going on is about constitutional rights does the government have authority based on the enacted statute….does a government have the right to interfere with one’s choice in a pregnancy which is something that was not based on an enacted law but the decision was the basis of many laws and the rights of a women….if you remember the constitution is based on the governments relationship with the people not peoples relationship with each other

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=256064&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1185060