David Satz besides a majority of what you stated is inaccurate you’re no more than a partisan puppet. I understand anger and resentment but geez dude know the system and how it works and steer away from the partisan circus show. Any side owning the other does nothing for us in the long run when they are supposed to be working for us on both sides. It’s child like behavior that makes us a weaker nation while the ones that profit off of it get richer and laugh behind closed doors together. Understand the system and fight for real change not a partisan talking point.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=256069&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1185193

Does anyone actually believe that this is a serious investigation?With all of the horrific news on inflation and other horrible economic indicators this is how the left thinks they can win in November?Do they think everyone has forgotten the YEARS that the entire democrat party,the vast majority of the media and Al Gore claimed that George W Bush wAs NOT elected but SELECTED by the US Supreme Court?Ever since the 2016 election the entire democrat party and the vast majority of the media echoed Hillary Clinton’s asinine claim that she was robbed of the presidency because Trump colluded with Putin to win.But when Trump questions the legitimacy of an election where Biden recieved more votes than Obama the left claims the democracy is at stake.This fiasco will backfire just like the Mueller investigation and both sham impeachments.Just saw where the Dow is down nearly one thousand points today and this is what the Democrat’s top priority.This fiasco will only help Republicans in the mid-term elections

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=256069&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1185165

Sylvia McCutcheon once again, Trump did nothing wrong, this is just opinion based bs and the so called evidence they are providing to the one percent of the country that is watching means nothing. These so called committee people need to cut the crap and get back to work on what really matters to the people. DJT has done great things for this country in the things that matter like putting food on the table low gas prices throwing gang members in prison and securing the border. He managed to cut through red tape and speed up the production of life saving vaccine during the crisis of a pandemic. If Biden or anyone else was in charge we would all still be holding our breaths waiting. He has done nothing bad especially compared to the rest of them. He truly believes there was voter fraud and there was plenty of proof. Unfortunately there weren’t enough brave people to stand with him long enough to prove it. The country will eventually see he was right. You talk about autocracy… that’s what this committee is made up of all Anti-Trumpers and Rhinos who know nothing. Give me a break. Your President Joe took a pen and reversed the Trump policies that were working well for the American people and is turning the country into a mess. Him and his son are the ones who need the colonoscopy like DJT gets from the fake committees and the media etc.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=256069&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1185166

David Satz, first of all, when did I sat “crime?”

So, there’s nothing illegal about lying to overturn a free and fair election? It’s legal to knowingly make fraudulent claims about election irregularities, to slander election officials by accusing them of “election fraud and irregularities?” It’s legal to attempt to coerce a Secy of State to “find” non-existent votes? Is it legal to attempt to stop vote counting before mail-in votes were counted because you’ve been told that they will most likely go to your opponent? You see nothing illegal in attempting to coerce the Vice President of the United States to usurp powers he does not have in order to throw out slates of electors the voters in have chosen? It’s not illegal to lie to raise funds for a non-existent legal fund and then misappropriate the money for other purposes completely unrelated to election fraud lawsuits?

No, I’ll not attempt to find the laws or statutes relating to these actions. But if in your opinion these actions are honest and ethical, if you are completely comfortable with that level of dishonesty, your moral compass and code of ethics are too far from something I could ever respect to consider worth any attention.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=256069&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1185183

Leah Ann Werner Lizun, it’s not even a contest about what Pennsylvania and Michigan did and that’s proven by the physical data within the state legislatures. There is not a single Voting law they passed in either state and since there isn’t any evidence of passage, and it’s stated quite conclusively in article 1 section 2 of the articles of confederation which were inter-joined into the constitution,  that means by the absence of any such evidence within the state legislatures, that means by default the procedures were unconstitutional

The 2000 mules video and location services data indicate there were more than enough evidence of ballot harvesting to show the election was far from secure

The part about William Barr is based upon the idea is while both of those things with the unconstitutionality and the ballot harvesting doesn’t automatically conclude but for those irregularities Trump would’ve won

But because those things exist and they are without dispute, when the 2020 election was so tainted, no one can really be sure what the outcome would’ve been if those things which were illegal never happened in the first place

Therefore it stands to reason The one who ends up on the short end of the stick cries foul. In conclusion, that does not mean Trump is deficient in any way mentally, As this is a normal reaction

But it is ironic such a loss in 2020 is now becoming deferred compensation for both the republican party and Donald Trump specifically. The Democrats may have been better served letting Trump Get his second term out of the way and then they would know they would be rid of him forever and would have avoided Embarrassing themselves to the American people like they have during the incompetent Biden administration

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=256069&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1185185

Liz Cheney said in her opening remarks: “What President Trump demanded that Mike Pence do wasn’t just wrong, it was illegal and it was unconstitutional. You will hear this in great detail from the Vice President’s former General Counsel. Witnesses in these hearings will explain how the former Vice President and his staff informed President Trump over and over again that what he was pressuring Mike Pence to do was illegal… In our country, we don’t swear an oath to an individual, or a political party. We take our oath to defend the United States Constitution. And that oath must mean something.”

Tяump took his oath to protect and defend the Constitution as seriously as he took his marriage vows… after all, you can’t say that you respect the US Constitution and then call media organizations “the enemy of the American people” (re: 1st Amendment), or lead crowds to chant that they should “LOCK UP” political opponents (re: 5th Amendment) or say that they should be able to serve more than two terms (re: 22nd Amendment). You really can’t claim to respect the Rule of Law and then try to stage a Coup in order to stop the Constitutional process of certifying an election that was LOST.

Тяump’s former Secretary of Defense General James Mattis summed it up on January 6th, 2021 by saying: “Today’s violent assault on our Capitol, and effort to subjugate American democracy by mob rule, was fomented by Mr. Trump. His use of the Presidency to destroy trust in our election and to poison our respect for fellow citizens has been enabled by pseudo political leaders whose names will live in infamy as profiles in cowardice.”

It’s embarrassing that anyone still supports the ex-IMPOTUS (IMpeached President Of The United States) D’ohnald Tяumpertantrum.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=256069&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1185116

Spike Scheurich That's a really long word salad without one word of truth.
Did you know every televised show, event, sports game, speech, etc., uses producers and directors? It is astounding that you do not know this.
As for your link, that organization is just shy of extreme the far right on the media bias chart. It is known for providing false and misleading information, and strong political bias. In other words, you only pay attention to sites that you will already agree with. That you don't even know you're being lied to and manipulated at every turn is telling of you.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=256069&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1185186

Jason Cofer these committee people are not doing oversight, they are not doing their jobs, they think they are running a criminal trial which is not their place. They tried these bs tactics with the Russia crap, yeah so pardon me in having little trust in Hypocrite Democrats who incited violence and bailed out protesters in the George thug riots, who spied on the opposition campaign, paid for fake dossiers, lied under oath among other things of which they have others accused of. Nothing and I mean nothing of what they have shown so far means squat. This is going to backfire and they are going to loose their pants in November and in 2024.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=256069&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1185152

Until this hearing has equal representation from both sides I could care less. I didn't vote for #45 my husband did and now I understand why so much more than I did before. By the way he's black and seen exactly what was happening in this country. Democrats and RHINOS are all the same..They try and paint a picture of how bad Trump was and never show us the truth. It's a smear campaign from jump and as an Independent I am done with people like that. Pelosi, Nadler,Schumer,Cheny and it's clear where this is going. I watch a a bit of it and when I heard the lies I knew exactly where this was going.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=256069&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1185120

Tony not buying it sir. I know a racist when they blatantly deflect from white criminals to black criminals that have nothing to do with the conversation… IN PRINT!!! Can’t blame the biased media.
Blm has nothing to do with why your kinfolk are being charged with heinous crimes against the country u claim to love. Yet here you are mentioning them. What happened to “Blue Lives Matter”? There are white women police officers testifying they were afraid for their lives. See how fast you denounce your own?? I know you couldnt care less about ppl who don’t look like you. BLM didn’t make you all listen to a treasonous man with a low IQ. BLM didn’t make you all break windows and harm officers in the Capitol.

Have the kind of day you deserve.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=256069&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1185138