George Miller You people just can't control yourselves with your distorted, twisted lies!
Avenatti made a bid for POTUS, however; changed his mind. ...'And he did matter, for this simple reason: He forced the Democratic Party to start the debate over what sort of person should be the nominee in 2020. Should it be someone who can play the Trump game and get down in the gutter (if he chooses to go there) or someone who takes the high road under the theory that a) you can't beat Trump at his own game and b) people will want a "normal" politician after four years of Trump.'...

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=256073&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1185250

Ivan Verez

Not sure what that has to do with this situation, but at least with the word also, you admit that he was pretty much a con man.

While you are correct in that the socialist democrats (not the Democratic Party) came out more powerfully than ever. Not sure about ruining the country as we we already a socialist nation (public education, public police force, public fire department, public roads, social security, Medicare).

The Democratic Party has pretty much been revealed as a path of the oligarchs because they do whatever the money tells them to do. If they were true Socialists they would be regulating and taxing the corporations, instead they are running scared of them.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=256073&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1185266

Gloria Lamkins Well, this is a major “gotcha” for them. They have to roll around in it as much as they can — cause as for major players in this little game, their guys have been dropping like flies out of their offices and into the jailhouses (we’re like 1 for 20 or something with the trumpersl). They finally got one now though! Woo hoo — it’s high time for them. Doesn’t matter that everything this guy brought to light was true about 45 — and that it was illegal, immoral, and just GROSS. To them, this is his payback (self-inflicted) for ratting out their boy for all that hot garbage in the first place. Pretty sad that this is their big shining moment. Lol. Tooo funny.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=256073&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1185268

Frankie Coletta You're joking. Right? All lies told by Fox! Only the feeble minded - the intellectually compromised - believe what Fox says. You should educate yourself by switching to real, accurate, honest news sources. Btw, Mueller said there wasn't SUFFICIENT evidence of Russian collusion, not that there was no evidence at all. Trump was soft on Russia because he has investments there. He probably did collude with Putin. And, the impeachments were indeed justified because Trump used America's might to bribe Ukraine into stating negative things about Biden for personal gain (to increase Trump's chances at winning the 2020 election) - unlawful, unconstitutional! "Fishy election" you say? What, you didn't watch the hearing? No matter what you think of Biden, Trump was the worst U.S. President in our history - egomaniacal, vindictive, uneducated, unsophisticated, emotionally unstable, lacking in principle, immoral, a demagogue, a conman and a dictator wannabe! Even more Independents and Democrats agree with this now than on Election Day 2020. So that if Trump ever were nominated in 2024, he would certainly lose to the Democrats. The Republican Party knows this and is hoping Trump doesn't run.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=256073&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1185273

Jason Hensley Did you even read the article? It is HARDLY an endorsement of Avanatti ... in fact it says he would WRECK the Democratic race!

"Even if Avenatti has little chance of winning the nomination, he could still wreck the 2020 Democratic race. In fact he’s already doing it, by using his considerable media skills and political instincts to frame the contest around how far Democrats should go when wielding power, and to pressure his rivals to follow his cue. If we begin measuring candidates on the basis of who has the weakest attachment to the written and unwritten rules which have stabilized American democracy for centuries, the country will be in serious danger."

They did teach you to read, right? This article compared him to TRUMP ... saying,; "Who can out-Trump the sitting president by going the furthest to break procedural “norms”?"

Try again, we'll wait!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=256073&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1185261

Jason Hensley Oh please. I really dislike attempts to pervert truth. You and others will grab hold of the smallest thing and run with it as gospel in an attempt to bolster YOUR personal political beliefs. WHY?

Is the divisiveness in your country something you are proud of? Is it something you enjoy? Are you happy January 6th happened? Do you think President Trump was a good President?

I mean, you are watching your country implode ... you know that, right? Is this something you want to happen? I am just trying to understand why people seem to be furthering the vast divide.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=256073&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1185262

Scally Cowell
As of 2018, AZT is still one of the most prescribed drugs in the world for HIV treatment due to this heavy use in LMICs.
Under Fauci's leadership, NIAID became the single largest funder of HIV/AIDS research in the world. His own lab's research also has helped clarify fundamental relationships between the virus and the immune system.
His job also put him in the hot seat with AIDS activists, who believed the federal government for the first decade was dragging its feet in its response to the epidemic. Fauci quoted a headline of an article published in The San Francisco Examiner in 1988 by Larry Kramer, who founded the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power, ACT UP. "I call you murderers, an open letter to an incompetent idiot, Dr. Anthony Fauci," it read. "He got my attention and I began to listen to them."

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=256073&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1185264

Ann Connolly Debbie Pytlik Hello beautiful lady, I’m very sorry if I made you angry with this comment on your post, but please share your sympathy with me, I just saw your profile now, I found something beautiful about you, your profile speaks well of you and your photos, Your smile attracted attention especially, I can't leave without saying a word of thanks for your beauty, that's why I commented on your post, I would love to be a good friend of yours, but I have to seek your permission, and I also want to respect your privacy and personality, it will be great if you are kind enough to send me a friend request, thank you God bless you

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=256073&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1185260

Elizabeth Nikolayevich Hello beautiful lady, I’m very sorry if I made you angry with this comment on your post, but please share your sympathy with me, I just saw your profile now, I found something beautiful about you, your profile speaks well of you and your photos, Your smile attracted attention especially, I can't leave without saying a word of thanks for your beauty, that's why I commented on your post, I would love to be a good friend of yours, but I have to seek your permission, and I also want to respect your privacy and personality, it will be great if you are kind enough to send me a friend request, thank you God bless you

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=256073&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1185256

Elaine Kingsley Pollak Hello beautiful lady, I’m very sorry if I made you angry with this comment on your post, but please share your sympathy with me, I just saw your profile now, I found something beautiful about you, your profile speaks well of you and your photos, Your smile attracted attention especially, I can't leave without saying a word of thanks for your beauty, that's why I commented on your post, I would love to be a good friend of yours, but I have to seek your permission, and I also want to respect your privacy and personality, it will be great if you are kind enough to send me a friend request, thank you God bless you

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=256073&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1185252