Shirley Brooks that would be actual hell on earth. I literally would not want to live in a world without gun violence and that is exactly what those down right dirty democrats and Republicans are trying to do to us. First, the Republicans start small by not allowing anyone to have guns at their events. Then their friends the democrats will pass legislation Banning every single gun in America and putting us all in prison for having one. Now so far they are just suggesting certain laws they claim would reduce school shootings, but we all know that's a ploy to steal our freedoms and we cannot allow it. I'm sorry we are the only country where kids get slaughtered routinely in the classroom.. but if we aren't careful, soon we might have some other terrible awful things countries with common sense gun laws have.. like healthcare, safe schools and affordable childcare. Ew yucky gross no, please all we want is guns and gun violence please! That's freedom. The rest of the world is literally so jealous of us. They go to bed every night thinking "I'm basically a prisoner. I cant even buy an AR 15. My kids don't have to do active shooter drills and it's just not fair, someone save us!!"

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=257253&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1192552

It’s funny, guy kills a bunch of people or kids with a gun, right wing response, guns don’t kill people, criminals are going to get the guns anyway. Programmed sheep remarks. The kid that killed the kids in Texas and the guy that killed all those in Vegas and this guy along with about all of the others bought those guns legally. The right has been programmed to fear all of their guns are going to be taken away by the evil left and no matter how much evidence to the contrary their fear is greater than their intellect. Nobody wants to take your guns idiots, they want to keep them out of the hands of the deranged who should never have a gun. You look at the rights ideology though and “shall not be infringed” has been pounded into their heads where their belief is that anyone no matter should be able to get a gun, and god forbid anyone knows what kind or anything else. That is absolutely moronic! Where is the common sense that says so and so shouldn’t have a gun because they are unstable. I would almost be willing to bet that there were plenty of red flags with some of these mass murderers that said in plain sight that these guys were up to no good, and they were totally ignored. After all, shall not be infringed right?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=257253&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1192523

Tyler Holmes - Of course they don't. The reasons the Second Amendment was created no longer exist. Everyone knows that. Gun owners are NOT a well-regulated militia and serve no practical purpose other than killing each other.

And defending yourself from what? Armed criminal you helped arm? 380,000 guns are stolen each year and find their way into the hands of criminals because guns owners failed to secure them.

According to the National Crime Victimization Survey firearms were used defensively in 166,900 nonfatal violent crimes between 2014 and 2018, which works out to an average of 33,380 per year. Over the same period, defensive gun use was reported in 183,300 property crimes, or an average of 36,660 per year. But what that use was or was even needed is clearly debatable.

Compare that to just the number of rapes each year, almost 500,000, then guns are rarely used as a defense. More likely the gun owner will accidently shoot himself or someone nearby. Again, it is the leading cause of death of children. Especially in homes with unsecured guns.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=257253&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1192550

Torri Lynne Fausnight-Howell your also not going to ban firearms in a nation with a constitutional right to have them.

Even if you did “ban” all guns you will not get rid of over 300,000,000 personal firearms. If guns were the problem then we would far more firearms.

So real change will be to protect the vulnerable, educate children about gun safety because now most only know about Hollywood and music industries glamorization of gun violence.

Then mental healthcare needs. To include juveniles who have violent behavior and threats of violence having those records move with them to adulthood. Make those individuals wait until 21, not everyone who have done nothing wrong.

Nearly every school shooting recently has been disgruntled, bullied, broken home, learning disabilities, you name it individuals who had clear histories to be flagged into “adulthood”.

Real solutions can’t be ban it for all, or do nothing.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=257253&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1192521

Vince Kauffman my point was, you're identifying the inanimate object as the villain, when in fact that same type of inanimate object (a gun) was used to gain you freedom.

My point is, you can't sit here and blame the gun for school shootings unless you are also going to credit guns for securing our nation's freedoms during the revolutionary war.

So if you say guns are responsible, rather than the individual, then by default you're recognizing guns as the avenue of freedom and independence.

If you're going to blame the gun for the bad things people do with it, you have to acknowledge the good that it has also done.

Not sure I can get it any clearer than that.

If you disagree, then you really don't believe guns are the issue after all.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=257253&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1192549

Adela Cortez It's not about ignoring guns as a problem! Irresponsible gun owners are the problem as well as mentally disturbed impressional youths aching to shoot people THAT is the problem!
Parents knowing that their child is f@&ked up and doing absolutely nothing about it is the problem! Adults masquerading as mature responsible parents while shamefully attempting to pass their problematic/mentally ill teens off as normal. When they know the kid is anything but normal!
That's really the start of fixing this “PROBLEM”!
America doesn't have a gun problem! America has a mental illness and a parenting problem!
I don't care how you WHITE WASH it there is nothing normal about a teen wanting to take a rifle and shoot people simply because they pissed him off or are of a different race!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=257253&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1192532

Patti Schmersal, well cars aren’t specifically made to kill people with but guns are! Especially an AR15, you can’t hunt with that weapon unless you’re hunting humans. Stop making your ridiculous excuses. And the good person with a gun analogy won’t work, who knows who the good person is holding a gun as opposed to the bad person holding a gun?? Constitutional carry - Texas has that and they e had multiple mass shootings and killings so that doesn’t hold water either. Should my 85 year old mother have to carry a gun on her hip just to go to the drugstore or grocery store? We are now fast becoming the biggest gun culture in the world and it’s time to abolish the 2nd amendment!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=257253&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1192520

Adela Cortez if he ran a bunch of people over with his car... would the car be the problem... the real problem is that you think government can solve all of your problems. What you are describing are families... your family knows when you aren't capable any more of something. The burden is on them. Not on me because I happen to own a gun 1600 miles away from this guy.

This isn't Minority Report where you can grant the government broad powers to predict crimes.before they happen. There are 340 million Americans. Over 400 million guns in the US. You think the government can constantly check the mental stability of ever one of us?

45k people die of automobile accidents in the US every year. Cars and drivers license are regulated by the government. Accidents are tracked and fined by insurance companies... even with all this government intervention, automobile deaths are double gun homicide deaths.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=257253&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1192529

Oh gosh! I worked years ago in geriatrics those people sit all day with nothing to do…most have been put there to get rid of them and some get in a discussion of how to fix the worlds problems. And they are allowed to bring their stuff like a gun. These places should have a safe and suggest they store it for them in it. They lived in times where things were different all this fighting and upsetting stuff probably gets them going I bet that man didn’t mean to shoot anyone. But I decided to get out of nursing.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=257253&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1192528

Joey Brock more accurately, it was the citizen soldiers who took up arms to secure our nations freedom.

The gun was simply a tool, like a hammer or a saw. If firearms weren’t available, they would’ve used clubs, knives or a bow and arrow. The firearm is simply more efficient over a certain range and was available at the time.

When I look at a piece of art or a masterfully crafted piece of furniture, I don’t say “ wow, I really revere that paint brush” or “that hammer has my total respect.”

If someone is a threat to another and they have a hammer, you take away the hammer so they can’t use it, simple. You don’t not take it because of all the good work done with other hammers.

You really should confine your gun fetish to your bedroom.

Oh, and God is a jealous god. He won’t appreciate your firearm worship.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=257253&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1192551