You can make all the sarcastic nasty remarks you like, does not phase me at all, it confirms your ignorance. I know that I am not the only retiree that is feeling the COL increases. As to getting a job, no, I worked all my adult life, raised a family without ever needing unemployment, which is another issue. Both my husband and I suffered major illnesses before retirement but we are still standing. As to managing anyone else's money, I was a Trust and Estate Administrator not an investment manager. Yes I believe that we should receive another stimulus. If corporations, especially the oil industry can increase prices making billions in profits without any justification, why not. During the past year rents were increased 20,30,40% again just because there is only 7states with rent control, why? I try not to believe in conspiracies but I am starting to think there is one. Most corporations are ran by Republicans and want their endorsed politicians in control. God forbid if they have to pay they and others pay their fair tax share .

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=259409&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1206897

Valerie Mortensen I don't think so. I will give it to you I have always voted my pocket book. Always. Not this time. I am a retired senior citzen on FIXED income, so I don't need you or nobody else to tell me the challenges of buying gas and food. Nobody. Having said that there is no way and under no circumstances will I vote for liars, traitors or insurrectionists and people who have taken away a woman right to choose, whats right for her body. I have not heard one word from Republicans what they will do different than Democrats as far as the economy absent that, the Republicans can kick rocks.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=259409&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1206892

Kristie Simmons biden Google "bidens war on oil". Even thr NYT and ither left wing sources can see it. There's a reason he's at 37% approval.

Governors shut down because they were virtue signaling. In many deep blue states, people cannot accept the fact that old people die. So they crashed their economies because they knew that most of the public believed it would prevent old people from dying. It's about getting reelected.

And yes, they knew they were wrong. We knew from cdc data that the death rate for working age people was 0.2% and the severe illness rate was 0.5%. But the public panicked and so politicians wanted to look like they had the situation under control even when they didn't.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=259409&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1206894

Sharon Hickman More like what Trump got from osamabama. Remember "those jobs aren't coming back", well they did under Trump. Gas prices fell, the stock market rose, unemployment dropped, manufacturing started moving back to the U.S..... all those things that dumotards hate. Then fauci's little science experiment appeared and the dems used it to shut down the country. Even that couldn't completely ruin the economy till joetato came along. You can spew all the propaganda in the dem playbook but you're only fooling yourself. bidumb is still a treasonous, pedophile and a pants shitting moron and the dem party owns this mess!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=259409&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1206898

Lisa Renna All I know is three years ago my life was a hell of a lot better financially.My 401k was booming, gas was half the price it is now and my groceries and everything else was a hell of a lot less expensive.There was no war in the Ukraine costing our taxpayers billions of dollars and threats of another war in China with Taiwan.I finally had a president that took our border security seriously to get a grip on human and drug smuggling.These are this issues that are not just effecting me.They are effecting millions of Americans.All these issues are occuring under an inept and weak president.The sole reason your party will lose the house and the Senate in November.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=259409&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1206884

Jacob Ketschek It's global because there's a global pandemic the repercussions of which will be felt for years. It's global because trade and supply lines have been disrupted all over the world. It's global because climate change is affecting crops, thousands of cows died in Kansas because of the heat, droughts and flooding all over, and the wheat crop in Ukraine which will have a global impact. It's global because diseases are killing animals - in case you were wondering why eggs are more expensive, culling of millions of hens because of bird flu. It's global because there is an energy crisis all over the world and believe me, 5 dollars of gas is cheap compared to other places that have nothing to do with the USA. And yet, the USA still has the best economy - 3.4 unemployment, record profits for companies,. and plenty of expendable income for things other than necessities.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=259409&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1206887

Kristie Simmons yeah they shut down for like 1 month not 6 months. And every country had covid. And countries who didn't shut down experienced similar results. The reason covid spread is that contagious diseases spread. That's part of life. Natural selection doesn't care about your shutdowns, masks, or vaccines. Florida has a lower death rate than new York, even tho Florida was much more relaxed. West Virginia and Hawaii who also have the same population had the same death rate.

Old people die. Obese people die. That's part of life. Society is better for it. We can't change it. Get over it

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=259409&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1206895

Kristie Simmons oil transportation from the drilling sites to the processing sites. No sense drilling oil if you aren't allowed to build a pipeline to move it to the refinery.

Biden won't allow any development of oil transportation. No permits for pipelines or trains to transport oil. That's why there's 9000 unused drilling permits. They won't drill because they aren't allowed to send it anywhere.

And the reason opec would produce more is that you maximize revenue by being the first to increase production when prices are high. If oil is 140 I make double the profit that I would if it's at 70, therefore it's in my best interest to drill as much as I can. Whoever starts drilling first will make a killing. But since American compani3s cant drill, OPEC has no incentive to drill more. If American companies were allowed to expand production, then they would, and in return so would OPEC and Russia.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=259409&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1206893