Amor De Antiojitos. It isn't just women's rights that are in danger. Everyone's rights that are not explicitly stated in the Constitution will be threatened. Unless the Democrats overwhelmingly control both the House and the Senate, the federally protected "implied" rights we now enjoy we be given to the states. We won't be "one nation, under God" much longer but rather 50 separate states with 50 different sets of freedoms held together by a very weak US Constitution. We need a huge Democratic Congressional majority in order to codify these implied freedoms and protect the country against the new autocratic GOP.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=259411&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1206944

For two years we were told men can get pregnant and give birth... that gender is just a societal construct and that regardless of the gender you were assigned at birth you could be whatever you wanted and even compete against women if you were born a biological male. You can be whatever you identify with. The newest Supreme Court justice couldn’t even define what a “woman” was. Now, several weeks later, all I see are posts saying if you aren’t a woman you have no say on laws that impact women. So is it back to strict interpretations of men and women?

For two years we were told big government could push companies to mandate a vaccine and force it on employees because if the vaccine saved just one life it was worth it… (even though the vaccine didn’t stop transmission of the virus to others). And if you didn’t like it.. tough. Go find another job in another state. Move.

Now today the posts are saying bodily autonomy is key and government has no right determining what someone can do with their own body, and it’s not fair for one state to legalize something while another bans it, and it’s not fair for people to up and move to have said freedom in another state.

Two weeks ago people were marching to ban guns to save the lives of children, but the same people today are marching to protect the right to terminate the life of an unborn child (70 million deaths since Rowe v Wade)

Do you now see why the blatant hypocrisy can’t go both ways?

Do you see what happens when you push big government takeover of healthcare, education, culture, etc and then when it makes a decision you don’t like; you want to burn it to the ground because you want freedom again? Did you really not think the other party would eventually get control of a branch of government and push their agenda? This is the problem with big government.

You love it when you control the narrative and can force others to do what you want, you love when you can make others pay X percent of their money for things you support, but hate it when it forces you to do something you dislike. You CANNOT have it both ways.

How about we all agree to less government and more freedom. People laugh at libertarians until something they want is taken away. Then they want freedom. But then their party wins an election again or stacks a court or has a majority or said court and once they get power back they start attacking the other side.

No one wins with more government.. no one. Other than the politicians who play by their own rules anyways.

Quit being played by the media. Quit listening to politicians, and stop with the changing double standards 24/7. BOTH PARTIES.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=259411&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1206934

STOP trying to brainwash us again. Like what you guys(CNN ,MSNBC , THE DAILYSHOW,JINNY KIMMEL e.t.c ) did last time with the Hunter Biden laptop,you told us it was fake and you echoed Joe Biden's lies that it was "Russian disinformation!". ANY civilised and person versed with the law KNOWS that this overturning of ROE vWade ONLY means that individual States of the USA get to decide , whether or not to legalize or barn abortion. THOSE angry protesters can simply choose legislators and members of Congress that will just STAND for what they believe in their state . THIS IS EQUITY, and not equality . We want to give states both big and small a chance to live out their freedoms, not force laws by bigger states who love Antichrist material on small conservative states. NO ONE BANNED ABORTION. Stop saying that.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=259411&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1206924

THIS decision was overrulled by tRump's minions in the SCOTUS. Make no mistake, they will not end there. The Republicans want a war. They have declared war on the democracy. It is more and more imperative to fight back. Vote blue at every levels. Flush out the corruptions of DJT. Wash away their stench. And if you are a Democrat, don't just sit on the side line for a Republican nominee, go and vote for the one against tRump's agenda. Vote Republican once, for a Primary, and at the state level election, go and support that member. Fight fire with fire. Your lives and way of freedom is being exterminated. DJT wants to send the Country back 50 years and take away every rights that granted power to Democracy in America. It is a WAR they want, A war they should get. Vote, Vote, Vote. #TRE45ON

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=259411&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1206930

John Cook republicans say there is NO HSEQ workplace or govt rule, mandate, law, requirement, regulation ANYONE EVER has to EVER follow in ANY area if one doesn't feeeeeel like it. So EVERY PERSON who wants to go and park on YOUR lawn & make noise every night are welcome to do so according to YOU if they feeeeel like it. And anyone working or playing or around ANY area of anything having to do with ANYTHING at all for you or around you disregard ANYTHING he/she feeeeels like it with YOUR blessings. Let YOUR chaos begin and good luck with that.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=259411&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1206923

Heather Maurer isn't it amazing how the party that is so against people telling them what to do, and people should mind their business and stay out of their private life, all of a sudden think they have a right to tell women what to do. For two years these anti vaxer Republicans have been telling people to mind their business, and stay out of their private lives, chanting "my body, my choice" when it came to the vaccine, now they think they have the right to tell women that they don't even know, what they should do, or how they should live their life. It doesn't matter what their personal beliefs are, it's none of there business, what a stranger does, doesn't impact THEIR life in any way.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=259411&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1206952

Amor De Antiojitos Coryn from Texas is already wanting the Supreme Court to revisit Plessy vs Ferguson and Brown vs Board of Education to reverse Previous Supreme Court Decisions to reimplement Jim Crow Laws and as for taking Women's right to vote some Trump Republicans want the Supreme Court to rule against the Voting Rights Act which basically means they want to go back to what it was originally were only White Property Owning Males could vote which not only affects Women but the rest of us who do not own property...with this Bunch even Social Security is not safe from them

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=259411&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1206953

Jason Cope I’ll bet the court considered that as well.

I’m not sure about Paxton’s numbers, but I know there have been more than 63 million abortions since Roe was decided in 1973. Perhaps the 63 million weighed more than those hangers.

I’m not sure how ‘safe’ legal abortion is for the mother, I know that some have died. It is not like having a tooth pulled.

All 63 million+ of the pre-born babies aborted have died.

I’ll bet most of those women did not enjoy or celebrate their abortions, but some have thought it was something to celebrate, especially the men that got them pregnant, though not all.

It’s a new day. It takes two to get pregnant. Now men will need to do the right thing, at least in the states that restrict abortion.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=259411&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1206920

Geoffrey Moore Sure! That's why people destroying eachother. One of the many miracles... The only reason why you and the 2,3 billion people NEED to believe that there is a god, because you can't handle it that you, your children and grandchildren and so on will bite the dust sooner or later. (Well, in the states most probably sooner because of your wonderful right to wear guns.) That way it can be bad as hell on earth but at least one fine day you will live in paradise forever. Keep believing, it's the only thing you really own...

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=259411&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1206927

Abortion has not been abolished!!! So much anger and ignorance in these comments. In many states nothing will change. It's no longer under federal regulation because it is not and never was a Constitutional right (apparently many people have never read it, including politicians).

Voters in individual states will now regulate abortion vs beaurocrats in DC. I wish more laws could be decided that way! Personally, I never cared about the abortion issue until Democrats pushed the termination limit to 9 months and even POST procedure. I think that shocked a lot of people...maybe this is the consequence of that.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=259411&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1206921