I’m all for LGTBQ rights but nah. As a woman of color and history teacher, this is not sitting well with me. I am all for her journey and can’t imagine her own struggles. However, it seems society forgets how women have struggled and still struggle for equality and recognition in today’s world. This seems to be more political than anything. I’m sure there are some amazing cis gendered women that have gone through some tough circumstances to get them where they are in the field of sports. If I were a female athlete this would feel like a slap in the face. If the roles were reversed I am sure that a trans male would not get this award. I think it’s time that the world of sports keep up with modern times and create a division for the trans community. The sad thing is that if a female athlete speaks up, or anyone for that matter, they are labeled as bigots, which may not be the case.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=264727&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1242228

Alex Carter No, I’m saying that the sport’s ruling body - the organization specifically set up to rule on various sport-related things and ensure the integrity of the sport - has said that this is ok. You may not *agree* with their decision to allow transgender women to compete, but again, your problem is with them, not the athletes themselves.

But the reason why I find this entire “debate” suspect is that every time I encounter it, it’s ALWAYS in the context of transgender women playing in womens’ sports. It’s never the other way around.

Couple that with - and I’m not saying this is your stance; I’m just saying that I see the same group of people arguing against transgenderism as a whole - the people who deride the women’s soccer team for wanting equal pay as the men’s team, even though the women’s team has objectively done MUCH better than the mens’ team ever has, or probably ever will.

It gets old when I repeatedly see the people who are constantly deriding women’s sports teams for wanting equality with the men’s teams ALL OF SUDDEN magically get up in arms about the integrity of women’s sports the second that transgender people are involved. It would be sadly misguided if it weren’t so clownshoes ridiculously and transparently vindictive.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=264727&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1242219

In no way have I ever felt threatened by a transgender person or felt my rights as a woman being diminished by them. I have the biggest respect for people who openly talk about what and how they're feeling and have the courage to show everybody who they really are, especially in this judgmental society.

Who I do NOT understand at all are people who have a problem with granting everybody the freedom to express him*herself/themselves. Who want to force their restricted views on everybody (concerning gender, race, etc.). Why is it so hard to just let others be, to accept everbody the way s*he is/they are?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=264727&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1242190

Sue DeMarco in your comment you made the most important arguments about why Lia is not a woman. And then you just cave from the pressure of being canceled by the mentally ill. Lia is not a woman and never will be. You get your own category. Don’t you think you deserve it? Don’t you think that getting the right and privilege to call yourself a woman comes from paying your dues? I see my 16 year old athlete laying in bed with tears from menstrual pain and I’m supposed to be ok when a male takes her spot on the team? I’m pro women. I think what they have to endure over their lifetime gives them the right to their own category. Men that want to pretend to know what it’s like to be a woman can get a different category. You earned it. Be proud.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=264727&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1242244

Gemma Hentsch Sure. You are right and I am wrong.

So why are there so many top level sport organisation that will no longer let them enter in the championships of their chosen gender?

And, you silly person, if you had bothered to read and try to understand what I originally commented, you might have gotten from that, that I basically agreed.

If anyone is bigoted, it is you as you ran into a situation that did not meet your -minority and doctored up- point of view and want society to accept your demands.

You have a bigoted preconception of hoe society has to be and want to compliance to your -minority- views.

History has proved your form of activism as highly dangerous and futile.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=264727&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1242194

Brian McGuffey that is not true at all, far more disapprove . Imagine the backlash these athletes would get for openly disapproving. One swimmer actually did and said they weren't allowed to say anything. As a woman, trust me this has been a talking point. I have yet to meet a woman in person that is ok with it. I talk with different women all day long, it is part of what I do. It is not the majority, it isnt the "many", I have yet to find these "many" you speak of. We should go with the majority who don't agree instead of the few who are too scared to be labeled as "bad people"

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=264727&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1242222

Jerry Schlund Not women. You. And nope on your "science".


I know it is hard to give up old beliefs on gender roles but you can do it. Science has moved on from what you were taught in school. It's ok. You weren't aware. Now you are and you can advocate for women's rights, which seems an issue dear to your heart. Which means you are advocating for Trans rights since trans women are women which is awesome of you. Thank you.

Kindly also protect our reproductive rights, that is actually the pressing issue in women's rights, not whether some people are comfortable yet with trans people playing with the people of the same gender as they are or not.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=264727&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1242232

As I look through these comments they mainly come from the retirement/ social security group who have nothing better to do than to judge others. Let people live their lives as they please, if it does not effect you personally, why does it matter? She is not harming others, she is not going to your doorstep causing you and your families issues, so why must you misgender her and put her down to feel better about yourself and your beliefs? But go ahead, praise your fake Jesus around and be proud of where you stand. You should be so proud that it’s 2022 and you have the same views as the 50s. Congrats!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=264727&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1242192

Mason Rambus that’s a good question. If you look at rankings there isn’t much of time difference in males/females until about 13/14. It skyrockets at that point. The medical community that has been consulting with FEMA points to those physiological changes happening at that time. The problem with Lia’s transition is it happened in college. Therefore, there is a distinct advantage. It’s evident in the rankings. Numbers don’t lie. It’s one of the amazing attributes of competitive swimming. It has been recommended that a trans division be created. That to me is fair. But it’s not fair to force hundred/thousands of hard working swimmers to have her compete with them. This is a difficult topic. I’m sure we can find solutions as a society.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=264727&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1242203

Angelica Carlintonio she won a few singular races in the women's lost the majority of them. She just got through by winning the 1 race that mattered the most
Lol mines certainly not above level to other cis women.
There's Also cis women with really high testosterone too. Like that woman was banned because of naturally high testosterone which is higher than all the other competitors giving her the edge unfair edge to the others.

I got 3 children thank you and we sre asked this in every therapist session and from surgeon and from endocrines and yes I did do all my research properly and tbh I couldn't care if Im weaker and slower because of it because I get to be me

But if you want it to be fair shouldn't they then categorise in height weight strength so it's fair all round?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=264727&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1242231