Patrick McPherson once again socialist loving fruit we will defend the free world from dictatorships, that includes any one that suppresses its own people and does not let them have their own voice. In my country I could criticize the government all I want and I don’t have to worry about some tyrant government putting me in jail or even worse killing me. If you think it’s OK for China to bully people and take their land then I understand you are the problem. The countries we so-called invade all have dictatorships or radical behavior that suppresses its people. Iraq had Saddam Hussein that rule with an iron fist and would hurt his own people just because I had different views. Afghanistan ruled by the Taliban once again it was either their way or no way at all. The Afghan people had no voice and choice. I will say it again we are the leaders of the free world and would defend free sovereign countries. Keep on crying like a little baby you tyrant

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=264729&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1242264

I love democracy, equality and freedom and live in a top-country (globally, top five) in all those matters. I love US and worked in N.Y, (WTC2 for a swedish bank) a short time and have travelled around the World and even in US. We dislike Trump very much here in Europe (and especially in the Nordic countries/Scandinavia because he stood for everything we despise. Everytime I hear someone criticise U.S (as you did) U.S to be a wardog (which it was in Iraqi) and talk bad about the major kind peaceloving people i think it's a "trumper"... again, who never appreciate US. How would the World look like if US hadn' acted as the beacon of freedom so many times,as they know do in P-ocean. Sorry, if I was to hard. Have a nice day. /ps. Soon we will (for real) belong to the same alliance, Nato, since we after 200 years of peace (longest on Earth) and alliancefreedom, finally are joining Nato.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=264729&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1242265

Judy DeTuccio There are other nations, they just don't report on them in our natuonal news


"We’ve had allies and partners in the region — the U.K., Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, France, all in one form or another step up their operations in the South China Sea, and I think that shows the international community’s willingness to push back,” Davidson said.

Your comment is simply untrue, all ally countries for the most part have military operations of some sort going on outside their borders. We simply dont report on other countries militaries. And the fact that we have the largest navy in the world probably helps a bit.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=264729&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1242267

John Nicholson Taiwan is part of China. So, China would invade itself? Anyway, It doesn't concern the USA and, again, the USA doesn't care about Taiwan or the Taiwanese. You should really understand this point: The USA never act anywhere around the world to protect anyone or anything, nor in the interest of foreign citizen, children, animals or whatever. The USA would literally nuke half the planet and kills billions of people to make sure the Dow Jones and the NASDAQ keeps on going up and keep control over the world resources. That's it. The USA is not a benevolent empire that act to keep the peace, fight tyranny and defend the weak. The USA is the tyranny, the one that oppresses the weak, the one that break the peace and divides the world.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=264729&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1242268

Eboha Frank Really Sir I don't believe You take a look the situation in West Phiippines Sea.China declare 9-line which claim entire South China Sea 4 Countries are affected Malaysia .Brunei Indonesia Philippines Phiippines win in arbitral as UnClose but China didn't accept it as members.now even 200 miles Economic Exclusive Zones of both Countries Fisherman can't be use by Countries parties because China put Military Garrison at West Phiippines Sea to protect Chinese Fisherman to exploit our natural Resources and continue expanding I don't see US are planning to provoke wars but to enforce free Sea navigation for all.ship and protect interest of small countries .to Filipinos it not intrusion because US is in international water operating that what I see that US is not provoking wars but as powerful countries they just want to help their neighbors and Ally

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=264729&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1242263

US can go as close to Taiwan. If China crossess the Pacific and goes near Hawai or Guam then it will be a big news to cover by CNN. US Navy is sending a message to the world that they can go anywhere they like. It only bring more tensions and instability to the region. The Taiwan-China tension if provoke more will be very bad to Asian economies. Let’s not add more on the economic disaster that Ukraine war is bringing us. War and arm conflict is putting developed countries suffer inflationary economic damage. The ordinary people are sufferring. We need cool heads and not people or leaders who want military conflicts. Peaceful means is the best solution.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=264729&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1242269

Erick Phiri - I have been selective on whom to respond too amongst anti-US commentators. Now you say, the American claim islands in foreign land.

You know, noone is perfect and so with nation states, especially those that are actually powerful due to their economic and military might which needs market

Thus, accept the truth about the world realities.
1. The US is the world malign policeman, due to their desire for security and trade as they have commodities the world need whether you like it or not.
2. Of course many world contenders for power will not agree, and both have some kind of an ally... Which In your case, you seem to favor China.
3. The reality is, the US and the West introduced/supplied to the world the most common advance machines, gadgets and hi-end technology.
4. Maybe, world's populace must embrace the reality of economic and military power play.
5. That if you can't understand, you rather chose the lesser evil, as you know their intention, rather than a new evil like China that wants to do what the US is doing.
6. Yet, all they did was steal western technology and reverse engineered them and posture to be the ones who introduced it to the world...
7. Otherwise, if you are not US citizen or a Chinese, I suggest that you don't take sides but just embrace life.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=264729&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1242262

Luis Martinez Montemayor your example are astonishing. Saddam? Really? The US backed his regime before we decided to stop. Hell, we gave Saddam chemical weapons which he used against the Iranians in the 80s (another proxy war the US fueled)….. Taliban came to power after the US backed the religious extremist Mujahideen to fight the Soviets in the 80s (another US proxy war). Once the Soviets were defeated, the US left and the country fell into a civil war with factions of the Mujahideen fighting for power. Among these group came the Taliban.

Today, the US backs brutal theocratic monarchies, apartheid govts and trains right wing paramilitary forces how to UN democratically seize power through hard and soft coups…

Read a book, bro. Your examples illustrate your ignorance. The US govt cares about its strategic interests. That’s it. We have witnessed decades and decades of interventionist policy blow up in our face. Our interventions created Al Queda and ISIS. We have backed hard and soft coups against govts that weren’t amenable to our interests. We’ve helped to power any number of dictator…. Pinochet in Chile, Rhee in South Korea, the Shah of Iran, Suharto in Indonesia, Bautista in Cuba, the military junta govt in Brazil, Diem in Vietnam, etc, etc .

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=264729&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1242266