This is just another Democrat political stunt. In fact, the Supreme Court sending the issue of abortion back to the states was also a Democrat political stunt. How? Per Article 3 of the Constitution, Congress can restrict the types of cases reviewed by the court system. With Democrats in charge, they could have disallowed SCOTUS from reviewing Roe v. Wade. But with Democrats in the political toilet, they wanted SCOTUS to review and send the issue back to the states as a political stunt in hopes of taking some heat off of themselves for the devastation they have caused to our country. Fortunately, Americans are smarter than Democrats think. As proof, a recent poll shows the approval rating of Democrats continues lower and lower down the toilet. The latest Yahoo poll shows Democrat approval ratings lower than any party ever before. Fortunately, big changes are coming.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=265470&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1247341

Jess Mary human life begins at fertilization.

I agree with your other point and am actually more or as liberal on the issue than the large majority of women that I've discussed it with. I still don't think it's a right or it should be protected by the court. I think it should be legislated and if it can't be done at the Federal level then it should be at the state level and I will respect those decision whether they align with my sense of morality or not. I don't go around trying to impose my sense of morality on Poland because I disagree with their abortion laws just like I don't try to impose my sense of morality on Missouri because I don't like theirs.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=265470&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1247343

Hey AOC!!!!!!!!

I have a question for you. I’ve sent you this by way of Facebook I.M., email, and I’ve asked you this many times on your Facebook page, but you refuse to answer. What are you scared of? Anyway, I’ll try again.

Let me ask you this, AOC. Let’s say you could travel back in time to meet your fiancé’s mother when she was pregnant with him, and she asked you, “Alexandria, I really do not want to deal with a baby. I want to have an abortion. I want to have fun! I have no interest in being a mother. I want to get rid of this junk in my stomach. I want to live my best life ever! I know you support abortion. Will you support me? Will you take me to the abortion clinic and support me as I do what is best for me?” Now keep in mind, this is your fiancé and once the abortion takes place he is gone forever. What would you say?

Come on now, give me an answer. Let’s see where your heart really lies. So, what would you say to her?

Well, based on your stance I can answer for you. You would agree to help her and have you fiancé aborted, torn apart limb from limb, and tossed in the garbage can. How is that for your love and concern for him? You cannot deny you would do this! For if you refused or tried to talk her out of having an abortion, you are showing that only certain people’s lives matter to you. WOW! As for me, I would encourage her to carry her baby to full term. Pray for God’s guidance in keeping of putting her/him up for adoption in a good family. Seek their best. Do all you can to see them live and find love just as you want to live and have found love! That’s what I would do. And oh, by the way, I was adopted! Guess what? Adoption works!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=265470&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1247348