Female protesters protesting against a male dominated Supreme Court decision determining what happens to THEIR bodies are getting arrested, including many elected female representatives. On the other hand we have seen thousands of male insurrectionists, armed, angry and violent storming the Capital on 1/6/2021 and apparently the Capitol Police was not getting the Help they needed to stop them, which cost 5 lives and destroyed Thousands of families. I don't think this is a good signal to send. America used to stand for freedom. The religious marketing machine and their enablers who came to this country Hundreds of years ago, allegedly fleeing religious, ethnic or political oppression, have caused major damage. Slavery would have never happened without a religion that supported the idea that some people are better than others. The conquest of the Americas with close to a Hundred Million Natives wiped out, the greatest genocide in the history of the World, would have never happened without religion. The Holocaust would have never happened without religion. The Crusades and everything that came of them would have never happened without religion. They wouldn't have been able to explain and justify the most cruel atrocities ever committed by man without religion. In fact, religion is the ultimate evil and responsible for more death and agony than anything else in the history of humanity.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=265470&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1247336

Cindy Cunningham I don’t know...that video was a documentary from somebody who is currently in jail. An actual eyewitness to what happened at the capitol.

You are allowed to have your opinions on trump. He’s a very polarizing figure. I kinda get why people don’t like him. But I love the guy and who’s the only politician in our lifetime who is not owned by anyone and doesn’t owe anybody any favors. He the only politician I know that made promises and kept them. He’s the only republican who has truly had the courage to fight back against the true enemy of the country (the media). And he has the full support of law enforcement and our military which says a lot.

I know you might laugh and call me names for thinking this way but this is how I feel and I know millions of others feel the same way.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=265470&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1247346

Page Patnode let's see if I can simplify even further. I will try for a 3rd grade level so maybe that will work for a simpleton like you, sweetie. Open a history book, assuming that you can read, and read about Nazi Germany. Once upon a time, the Nazi's silenced the population, took away guns, told people what day they could get bread and what day they could get other food staples. Indivudual choices were taken away because the government knew better than the individual. All power would come from the government and promises were made of a better life from big government control. Instead, Jews were gassed and fried. Sound familiar? It's the path your pals, the Demsocialists, and the media are forcing on America, all in the name of the great reset with China as the dominant world leader. The end. Maybe you could stretch your boundaries and do this thing called research instead of believing what the media and the government is telling you to believe. I enjoy my freedoms and if you don't, there are planes that will fly you to another country that will welcome your anti American venom. Need help packing??

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=265470&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1247342

Christine Parker right, because the left would try to cancel him for rejecting their “chosen one” while people with brains and the temperament of an adult rather than a child we understand Rogan can have his opinions, not like trump but still realize some very important topics are discussed. It’s also why most conservatives take in news from all sources rather than what Twitter proved, that the left bubbles themselves off from information that challenges their beliefs. It’s called being well rounded because with media today being so biased you have to take it all in because you have the left, and the right, and the truth is always found somewhere in the middle. So keep laughing like a hyena thinking your owning the right, and we will see who gets the last laugh.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=265470&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1247337

Gaylon Davis Jr. Fight like you never fought before isn't a peaceful protest Trump incited. Funny how trump cultist leave that part out and only look at March to the capitol peacefully. (I expect the majority of you) to march peacefully to the capitol, demand your voices be heard (fight like you never fought before or you won't have a government to fight for) like everything misleading, consperacies and detouring from topic is a true sign of Trump cultist. Go join the Q your a consperatist.! Our elected Republicans held its own committee and found no unlawful doings by Pelosi, BLM and fbi.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=265470&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1247335

Christy Hatt and yes they breath, of course they don’t breathe the same air we do, that doesn’t make them nonhuman lol. They have fetal breathing movements where they contract amniotic fluid in and out of their lungs (key word there) which experts believe help strengthen their lungs and be prepared for their first breath after birth. They can begin this process around 10 weeks but typically at 20weeks. And they get their oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange via the umbilical cord and placenta. To answer your question, yes they do breath. And yes they’re living beings. You really have been brainwashed into thinking this? Jesus, that’s really pathetic.

Does a humans development stage determine value? Their location?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=265470&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1247340

Just wait until these republicans have a daughter who has a miscarriage and the doctor won’t treat her continued heavy bleeding with a D&C just in case they get in trouble for “abortion”. Because the only way to solve that usually is to scrape out the already dead baby in the uterus or give the abortion pill. I’ve had two miscarriages myself, both with heavy extended bleeding. It literally happens to women “all” of the time. What are they going to do-just let them bleed forever until they are sick, depleted, and severely anemic? They have to be full of infection and bleeding to death in order to seek treatment? Or are we just “protecting life” by letting women get sick and die now because “no exceptions”. F-ing religious zealot morons! May the harm that they wish on others come back to them tenfold because they’ll deserve it! When it happens to them and theirs-maybe then they’ll understand the need for actually necessary medical procedures that save women’s lives!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=265470&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1247347

Ryan Pittman I watched some of your videos and, in my opinion, they are for the most part lies. Nowhere did I see these violent men and some women get ambushed. You’re watching Trump news. Why is it, that all main stream media and overseas news outlets have a totally different story than the news you provided? I’m not one to follow conspiracy theories and in my 62 years I know lies and BS when I hear it. I don’t have much to say about the jail conditions mentioned other than the conditions have been bad for years.
I will end with this. The problem with our country started with Trump. He took hate and lies to the next level. He showed intolerance for anyone that didn’t vow allegiance to him. No more negotiating to work toward passing a bill. It was Republicans against Democrats. I don’t know how many years it will take to erase the hate in this country.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=265470&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1247344

Gaylon Davis Jr. I'm a Republican and I know the definition of inciting a crowd and its a felony in majority of states to do so. I didn't leave out the part march peacefully I guess you can't comprehend what I quoted Trump stating January 6th. Maybe that's why you choose to ignore the entire speech. And nice try deflecting, your embarrassing yourself and my Republican party. To keep the existing president by ensuring the ballots didn't get certified is the same thing as overthrowing the government as it would've kept the rightful winner from being seated as well as they intended to harm or kill elected members. Its actually an act of treason by all elected that took part. Hypocrite lol. Go join antifa, you'll fit right in or Q

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=265470&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1247339

Today's "situation" in front of the SC seems fishy to me. Arrested? Where's the cuffs? How can she wave at the end? Why did they wait so long to do this, it's been so quiet and roads opened again after 2 months. Why today?Why did they have what appeared to be yoga mats placed neatly spaced on the street to kneel/sit on? When I left today at around12:30 I drove between the Capitol and the SC to check it out. It was super quiet on the streets, no sign of any protestors around, and not a sign of anyone in green. No Capitol police around. Now sure they could have all shown up within about a half an hour, but normally protesters gather earlier than the actually scheduled time. It just doesnt add up. Could this be staged for optics or a distraction? Did Ilhan Omar look "different to you? odd that Sean Feucht was at the Capitol, actually inside the building today, worshipping today? Who loves Sean Feucht? Hmmm......

-a friend. ND

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=265470&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1247349