AND the last bear, according to Greta, the climate change specialist. The meteorologist and climatologists, folks in the know say that that is all hogwash. People, cars, trucks and boats have nothing to do with the climate. Like Covid, it is just another power grabbing technique from the Democrat play book. They won't be happy until they control every aspect of our lives. Side note, the bear story is another big fat lie, polar bear population is way up--and the climate has always changed, but it is a great distraction from their ANTI America agenda like an open border to over 160,000 illegals flooding in per month from all over the world bringing diseases, deadly drugs that are killing 100,000 of our Citizens a year, gangs, illegal guns and TERRORISTS costing Billions of dollars to hard working taxpayers.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=266506&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1254115

Global warming is gonna happen regardless of what man does and anyone that thinks they can control the weather lives in a fantasy world. I'm sure someone will come up with global cooling one day so our government will have something else to call a crises to spend taxpayer money on. We all know where that money goes just check politicians bank accounts and asset's cause I guarantee their pay and what they have don't add up and we all know how pelosi got her money ( INSIDER TRADING ) and who knows what other criminal acts. And if your wondering why she hasn't been charged then you have no idea who controls the AG, DOJ and F.B.I and your head is in the sand!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=266506&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1254116

One thing I always find interesting is the mention of Carbon.. We as humans breathe out the substance and the living vegetation uses it to stay alive. Carbon perhaps has been used way too much to try to scare people into believing we are doomed and the world is going to end. Which it may but the U.S. is the cleanest country on the planet and if the other countries do not get on board and do their share... which many are not... there is only so much the U.S. can do.. So you want to yell and scream try picking another country and going there because they are the problem

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=266506&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1254108

Respected sir, publish in news main work of security system of united nation done at here at chandrakona road, paschim medinipur, west Bengal, india. Our business is largest throughout the world, established and spread by my father dilip kumar roy before gat deal, controlled by london based business team and virtual materials group, Canada, other example are i. T. C. Limited, hindustan uniliver limited, etc. Our civilization reach in its finale stage. Fundamental concept of science and education have been changed. Terrorist have been incorporated within government of respective country previously. Major weapons of every powerful country have been gone under controll outside of respective country. So Russia cannot use his full strength on ukraine. Supporting evidence are given at my Facebook profile.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=266506&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1254111

Proverbs 30:24-28 (4 wise creatures)
D-Day frontline commando
Dag Hammerjolk, the bridge tunnel and the crystal digger.
Hebrews 4:12 & 13
Light infantry 2.5 millions
Bhaasha, X-ray sunglass
Season in the Sun by Jacque brel
9, 10 crystal night
Holocaust memorial
The Bunkers Eggs
Lunch with beans ️
Green seal/sign "C"
"A doll made out of glass." ~ Grace VanderWaal
"The table of Grace the cup's never empty" by Craig Philip
"Fiend with Twenty Faces". The fate of the two begins to move. ~ Trickster Anime
"I spent all my money on a future grave
Wooden Jesus, I'll cut you in
On twenty percent of my future sin." ~Temple
" My own thoughts are choking me when I try to breathe
I can't control the wicked things planted inside my head" ~ Ebony
"The first cut is the deepest" ~ Rob Stewart
"Take this sword from my heart
Got me bleeding out
I'm not a player in your game" ~ Starla

If you want peace, work for justice. ~ Pope Paul VI

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=266506&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1254114

It’s called a post ice age warming period. The earths temperature has gradually been getting warmer for the past 15,000 years and will continue to do so until the dawn of the next ice age. At the end of the last ice age, the planet had the largest extinction of mammals ever, the only difference is we didn’t have politicians and CNN to tell us the world was ending. Coincidentally enough, this warming period is also what allowed us to advance as a species to the point where we have politicians and CNN because we haven’t had to spend all of our resources staying warm or foraging for our next meal.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=266506&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1254107

Andy Man We are still learning. However, the cycle of weather pattern is getting shorter and much faster than was anticipated by Scientist who study Climate and the effect weather has on it.

You don't like the facts, and love your conveniences, so choose to ignore. Here's a fact - no matter whether you ignore or not, it is going to still happen. Turning a 'blind eye' does not change reallity.
Here's another fact, I never stated in my comment anything about the cycle of weather or glaciets. I just pointed out the BS previously given.
Here's some more facts.


You're right, there is a cycle to climate, weather. Guess what - Earth may become uninhabitable due to humans before it cools - Yep, the cycle does not go by what we want, so we may all die because we can no longer survive. But what the heck, it's more important to stand behind BS than it is to consider resolving so we can live.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=266506&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1254112

The GREEN movement is the GLOBALIST way to control the planet and US! Bill Gates is buying up all the farm and grazing land, because he wants us to eat meat made from FUNGI! China is buying up land...thought was illegal? Biden is a patsy for China, so pay attention to that...not the Jan. 6th dog and pony show! BIG CON...and you know why? Because we do nothing about the GLOBAL polluters in the middle east and China. Our rich ELIITES, mostly Democrats are invested in COAL MINING, OIL production in these countries, while they are trying to blast us back to the FLINTSTONE AGE! You will see John Kerry owning an $80,000 TESLA, just for the image, as it is, added, to his fleet of cars and SUVS. John Kerry, will not use solar energy on all of his mansions! you won't see a turbine withing 100 miles of his homes. John Kerry will fly his private jet around the world telling us we need to pay 7.00 gal. for gas so we STAY HOME! Don't you get tired of being lied to? Of being duped? Of having to give up what they NEVER will? Treated like 2nd class citizens? Trump was for the PEOPLE!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=266506&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1254113

Salve galera! Vendo como as pessoas estão sem esperança sobre a política e a humanidade, escrevi meu primeiro livro sobre nossa atualidade através de uma aventura fantástica. POR ISSO DEIXEI O LIVRO NA AMAZON DE GRAÇA PARA VOCÊS LEREM ANTES DAS ELEIÇÕES DE 2022 PARA QUE A TRAGÉDIA BRASILEIRA E HUMANITÁRIA NÃO SE REPITA! AFINAL, NO LIVRO TRAGO PROJETOS NACIONALISTAS QUE VÃO AJUDAR TODOS OS BRASILEIROS (EMPRESÁRIOS, ESTUDANTES E TRABALHADORES).


PS: Para quem não pode ler, sugiro dar uma folheada, pois lá tem imagens bem resumidas que vão te mostrar a nossa esperança e identidade nacional, uma vez que diante da radicalização política só o nacionalismo para nos salvar!

Qualquer dúvida só me chamar no facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wilsonberserk

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=266506&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1254103

el deporte del alpinismo es un deporte bastante sacrifficado e incomprendido por ello.porque hay los que dicen que enves de estar escalando cerros a baja temperatura ambiental,mejor es jugar al futbol que se juega en clima moderado y en un estadio.pero en si el alpinismo es un deporte considerado entre varias diciplinas deportivas.como deporte estremo.solo para valientes.hoy hay varios cerros de vaja temperatura que estan siendo considerados no aptos para escalarlos.por causa del deshielo por el cambio climatico.pero como hay escaladores aun siendo ello asi.solo resta decearles suerte y que se cuiden al escalar estos cerros que se van derritiendo.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=266506&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1254110