Lauren Sorensen also, at least half the women I know who got the jabs had serious issues with their cycles after. Anywhere from 2-5 months of bleeding. And I know many women who had previous successful pregnancies, some more than one, and have had multiple miscarriages and experienced infertility since the jabs. So, there's that. But clearly unrelated to the jabs. There's no way. There's no way that there's any correlation when a week after the jab they started bleeding for months. It's just stress right? Or let me guess it's from covid? No one ever said everyone will be infertile. Can it effect women's menstruation and in turn their reproductive systems? Absolutely. It is. To women all over the world and they are being dismissed and denied.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=266507&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1254126

First noticed in a LAB... hum... "Monkeypox was discovered in 1958 when two outbreaks of a pox-like disease occurred in colonies of monkeys kept for research. Despite being named “monkeypox,” the source of the disease remains unknown. However, African rodents and non-human primates (like monkeys) might harbor the virus and infect people.Jul 12, 2022"

Since it was first identified in a colony of monkeys in Copenhagen in 1958, monkeypox has been largely overlooked by the Western world. An infectious poxvirus that causes fever, chills and rashes, the disease is endemic, or consistently regionally present, in ten African countries. https://www.smithsonianma...can%20countries.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=266507&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1254121

Lauren Sorensen Wow...aren't you friendly........That's the precise response I expected you to make, a quick search and then paste the first link you could find on a Google search. I was hopefull that you would respond with components such as ditetradecylacetamide and phosphocholine or hexyldecanoate. But alas I was disappointed, so I assume you rolled up your sleeve without informed consent. Or did the person who administered the jabs inform you of the risks from the 1291 possible adverse reactons and the ineffectiveness of it to prevent infection or prevent transmission. Or the horrifying criminal record of the main supplier of the Jabs.

Would people have had second thoughts had they been informed of these facts? if the legally required informed consent had been given??




Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=266507&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1254125

Glenn Gardiner you started off by telling me to stop watching a channel I hardly ever watch. You patronized me with a mentally superior attitude, never dreaming that I'm actually far better educated than you are. You Confederate Republicans haven't won the popular vote in 18 years, and that's your only win in the last 34 years. That's despite you throwing out MLK's legacy 9 yrs ago, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and committing soaring voting rights abuses ever since then. Yes you Confederates detest us civilized people, but we heavily outnumber you. Keep coming with the insurrection and get disciplined like the heroes you worship at those Confederate monuments.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=266507&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1254124

Matthew Laaksonen No. We liiiiiterally said you would need way more than 2 shots. We said the shots cause all of the side effects that theyre now proven to cause. We said there will be vaccine passports. We said that they will mandate the vaccines. And literally every other thing that has happened we said it would happen, very precisely, not vaguely. And every time we were called crazy tin hat wearing conspiracy theorists. And then it all happened exactly as we said it would.

We said they are trying to enforce digital IDs and digital everything. Social credit systems etc. And no one believed it. And we are well on our way.

We said there would be food shortages for a variety of reasons, all of which are coming true... we were called conspiracy theorists when we said ALL of these things... shall I continue?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=266507&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1254118

Daz Asquith polio and covid are not the same kind of disease. You are comparing apples and oranges.
But the covid vaccine has kept a lot of people from dying and having long term health issues.
They never claimed you couldnt still get covid nor that it was 100%. They also never said it would be a one and done vaccination. Even polio requires more than one shot, its recommended you get 4. Also, because so many have been vaccinated against polio, it's extremely difficult for it to mutate or mutate quickly unlike covid that still has so many willing hosts.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=266507&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1254117

Orang-orang Papua memiliki senjata api secara ilegal !!
Operasi kepemilikan senjata api di Papua Indonesia segera di gelar !
Orang-orang Papua yang kedapatan memiliki senjata api secara ilegal, bisa di penjara selama 7 tahun !
. Sebetulnya tidak terlalu penting !!, jabatan kita di dunia ini !, apa kita jadi orang kaya raya atau menjadi orang miskin atau jadi bos atau jadi Pembantu !, semua jabatan itu akan berakhir semua ketika kita mati nanti !!, yang Penting ini lho urusan kita kepada Allah Tuhan yang Maha Tunggal !, beres urusan nya !
Jadi kita semua hidup di dunia ini harus kompeten , harus tau diri !, bahwa semua dosa yang kita lakukan adalah karena diri kita sendiri !, tapi semua perbuatan baik suci yang kita lakukan !, itu semua datang nya karena dari Allah Tuhan yang Maha Suci !
Donald Trump berkata bahwa : Biden tidak Kompeten urus negara Amerika Serikat !!, bukti kuat nya inflasi tinggi !, dan harga Bensin tinggi !, ada 100 juta kendaraan pakai Bensin di negara Amerika Serikat !
Jadi Bensin adalah kebutuhan pokok Amerika Serikat !
wajib BI Bank Indonesia buat sekarang suku bunga acuan Bank nya 12%, agar standard harga duit Rupiah negara Indonesia Rp 13500 per USD.
.15 ribu rupiah per USD sekarang itu adalah yang Salah Bank Central Indonesia yaitu BI ( Bank Indonesia ) !
Perubahan iklim global Bumi ini terjadi karena Titik Medan Magnet Bumi ini yang sudah bergeser sejauh 10000 kilometer !, bukan karena bensin, solar, pabrik-pabrik, Truk, bus, motor atau mobil !
Terjadi kekacauan economy di Benua Eropa, gelombang panas membuat kebakaran hutan !, 1700 orang tewas di Negara Spanyol dan Portugal ! hutan-hutan di negara Prancis, Portugal, Spanyol, Yunani dan Kroasia terbakar hebat, orang-orang banyak mati terpanggang, ada juga pasangan suami-istri tewas terpanggang di dalam mobil nya yang terbakar hebat, harga tukar duit Euro Eropa anjlok !
Kelompok Kriminal Bersenjata di Papua Indonesia itu ternyata seperti Teroris kelakuan nya !, membunuh warga sipil, membunuh Tukang Ojek, membunuh Pendeta Kristen !, membunuh Tukang Bangunan Jembatan !, ini sudah tidak bisa di Toleransi lagi !, buru, kejar mereka dan Tangkap semua !
NKRI harga mati !

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=266507&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1254123