I found it sad and, a little irritating that Simone Biles pulled out of events just at the last minute....it was like she was picking & choosing which events she wanted to participated in and, gave her "mental health state", as the reason for dodging other event for which she was scheduled.
I understand being mentally set in performing situations; musician, bands, entertainers have the same issues but, they don't always boast about it either.

It seemed like she didn't want to be there, once she got there which, is why it was sad & irritating because, someone else who could have been just as good (maybe better) didn't have a chance to be on team USA could have went and, possibles won her event's without a problem.
All the time, training & experience that was spent to train Simone was a waste!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=266515&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1254242

Stephanie Bebermeyer Lee, being but from the team is different than a person quitting the team.
They cut people who aren’t the best to compete.
If you make the team, you should play at your best.

The article even references Keri Strug who broke her ankle and continued to compete and help take her team to victory.

That’s an example of mental strength.

People seem to want to lower the bar and allow people to be called “the best” when they aren’t the best.
Image of the Navy SEALS allowed people in their ranks if they just stopped and complained that their head just wasn’t in it?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=266515&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1254246

Gloria Davenport, bottom line is that she quit her team and if mental illness is her excuse then that should be her last team competition.

Would you risk putting her on your team just to watch her bow out because her head wasn’t in the game at game time?

Can you imagine Tom Brady playing in the Super Bowl and just telling his team that his head wasn’t in it and he wants to sit the rest of the game out?

How do you think the sports writers would characterize that move?

Do you think they would say ‘he should worry about his mental health’, ‘Good for him’?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=266515&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1254251

W L Coston Jr it must be so comforting speaking from the outside looking in. If you was put under the same pressure you'd crack in seconds. Meanwhile she not only became a diamond but the best in her class in the history of the world... but still told she isn't good enough. Hell imagine being so hated that folks from your own country look for any excuse to ridicule you, put you down, cheer against you while you are representing THEM. You would shatter. And when she say "hey I need to sit out an event to catch my breath" like countless other athletes have done, her ATHLETISM and loyalty to her country is questioned by some random that couldn't even dream of doing what she can....

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=266515&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1254240

Andre Ollivier The team cutting someone has nothing to do with Biles. And you think the coaching staff is incompetent about making a choice who they picked for the Olympics. And pulling out of team events is not uncommon during the Olympics.

Only in the era of Trump would this even been a issue. As if white males and white females haven’t pulled out of team competition events.

Rafael Nadal, Dominic Theim, Biannca Andreescu, Sofia Kenin, Denis Shapovala, Elizabeth Cambage, Dustin Johnson…

But you have a beef about Biles.


Is it a white male thing? Because white males pulled out too.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=266515&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1254248

Geoffrey Moore not bingo at all... OP failed to consider the last Olympics were the first she competed in after she (and 300 other girls) finally put olympic level pedophile Dr.Larry Nassar away.

...and since the IOC had covered up for him for so long. They penalized her for having the audacity to show up. Which alone was very brave. And then they flat out told her, that her performance would be scored differently than everyone else by not counting "degree of difficulty"... she stepped down so her team had a better chance at winning with her teammate fully scored.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=266515&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1254244

Hosagi Matissmo Taishou, if the goal is to win, you put everything out on the field.
If you don’t think you are capable of that then you shouldn’t be a part of a team.

Quitting in an individual event is not the same as quitting in a team event.

Once you quit because you can’t handle it, you can no longer refer to yourself as the best because the best don’t quit during the competition.

The article mentions Keri Strug. She broke her ankle and competed, injured, helping her team win.

Bikes was thinking of her upcoming “Gold Across America” tour and not thinking about her team..

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=266515&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1254247

Athletes are supposed to be the best and the best means mentally strong enough to win and compete as hard as you can.
This means you don’t quit in the middle of the event because you think you might lose.

What would the Olympics look like if every person quit if they saw that people qualified with better scores?

What any competition look like if athletes just quit when they saw that there was no way they could win the game?

Athletes aren’t robots but to be the best also means that the person is mentally strong and this means not quitting at the first sign that they might falter.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=266515&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1254245

Stephanie Bebermeyer Lee, it’s not a race thing…

Being the best means the best at competing to win.
Regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, or whatever category you’d like to make this about.
If you are part of a team, you do your best to compete to help your team win.

If you don’t think your head is in it…. Don’t join the team…

The team and coaches picked her because she said she could compete along with her teammates.

Nobody made this about race… but you…

Let’s be clear. Any athlete that drops out of a competition because their head and lets their team down, in the game shouldn’t ever be allowed to compete in a team event…
Quitting their team should define their record.

It was you who didn’t read my comments properly.
My initial reference to a person being cut from the team was referring to the people who were cut from the team because the there is only so many spots on the American team and Biles took one of those spots..
This means someone was told that they couldn’t compete on the US Olympics gym team.
This was someone who also trained really hard, for years, to get to that level.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=266515&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1254249

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Perdagangan dunia negara Indonesia bagus Surplus 50 miliar USD.
Tapi harga duit Rupiah negara Indonesia anjlok jadi 15 ribu rupiah per USD.
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, istri boleh mati satu,
Negara boleh mati satu !?
Stasiun televisi boleh mati satu !?
Media Berita boleh mati satu !?
anak boleh mati satu,
saudara boleh mati satu,
Calon-calon President boleh mati satu !?
Menteri boleh mati satu !?
kawan boleh mati satu !?
Musuh boleh mati satu !?
Pacar boleh mati satu !?
orang tua boleh mati satu,
teman sesama anggota partai boleh mati satu !?
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tetangga boleh mati satu ?,
tapi duit !, tidak boleh mati !, walaupun itu cuma 1 ribu rupiah !?, jadi duit harus nambah tiap hari ?, tidak boleh mati ?, walaupun cuma satu hari mati nya !?, hukum-hukum alam semesta nya begitu, semua hal boleh mati satusatu !, asal jangan mati semua, kalau mati semua, habis !

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=266515&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1254239