Patricia Welch so EVERY STATE, should put abortion rights up for a vote, this summer/fall.
If ruby red Kansas says NO, imagine how many other states will say the same thing?
But, I digress, on two fronts.
1) it won't happen in ANY other republican run states.
2) Mfz should keep their frickin noses out of other ppls business. What goes on between a woman and her doctor has nothing to do with the a-holes down the street, around the block, the next county/city/state. It's between THAT woman, her body, her family, and her doctor.
There IS still a RIGHT to privacy.. well, atleast for the moment. But THAT'S even being taken away by some, that want to impose their religious ideology on the masses.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=269066&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1267476

Dan Telliano You made a statement that God isn't real .. it was a simple question and it seems that you can't answer it .. you also accuse other people who are Christians that they really are not with no examples either Remember, if a Christian is not a thorn in someone's side they aren't doing their job as a Christian.. So , what is your authority? You contacted me to persecute me and now your angry because I called you out
On your accusations ... God doesn't make errors by the way ... I don't really care what you think about me Dan I really don't just don't lie and harass others on Facebook

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=269066&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1267481

Sydney Koss from.day one.....the unborn Human baby, has its own unique DNA and is NOT "the mothers body". Giving it a different name so as to sanitize the the fact that a separate, unique life which created both male and female genetic material to create.....does not change that fact. As such, abortion is not "Healthcare" in 99.999% of the cases. I understand the numerous different abortion procedures....and the current law in 5 states and DC that allow for kling the unborn Human baby at any time up to its first breathe....for any reason......and worse.....the current bill promoted by house dems that would take that extreme leftist position, and add kling those babies born prematurely even after its first breathe....and, still without reasons needed. Did you know that's what your left is pushing?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=269066&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1267482

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Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=269066&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1267477

Zacharia Wood do you really want to start that? Let's see, 46 was running for Senate, he didn't know what State he was in. Called his wife his sister. Kept referring to Vice 46 as the President, HUNDREDS of gaffes. All men are created equal ya know in the thing. Can't read a teleprompter, tries to shake hands with the air. Constantly says "I don't know what I am doing" all that in a WEEK. You refer to ONE thing in 4 years, 46 has 10 screw ups in ONE DAY and the left refuses to see it. Can't get Trump out of your heads. It is sad.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=269066&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1267478

Greg DeMent About 1.3% of late term termination occur after 21 weeks. For medical diagnosis such as fetal malformation or genetic anomaly. These include: anencephaly, the absence of the brain and cranium above the base of the skull, or limb-body wall complex, when the organs develop outside of the body cavity, according to the ACOG. Or the mother’s complications i.e. the development of a condition in the pregnant woman that necessitates delivery. Some examples of these conditions include severe preeclampsia, or high blood pressure of pregnancy, or bleeding from a placenta previa, when the placenta covers the cervical opening of the uterus. Other medical complications include: premature rupture of membranes and infection, placental abruption, and placenta accreta, which may risk extensive blood loss, stroke, and septic shock that could lead to maternal death.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=269066&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1267475

Francis Francis I give myself the authority. Who made you all knowing? The reason it’s called faith is because it’s something you “believe”. Similar to ghosts, Loch Ness monster or Sasquatch. Many people legitimately believe in each of those. Your so much better then people in Reno because you believe in a man who is all powerful but needs peoples money? Someone who created everything and gives us free will but if you cross him he sends you to hell? Right. As far as I see you’re much closer to exactly opposite of what the Bible and Jesus taught… maybe your the one that needs to do a little reading. I like the fact that some how you consider yourself to be better then others based on asking peoples Credentials… so nice you’ve read the Bible in it’s original tongues and know for sure there isn’t translation errors because you get these Facebook comments so well you certainly couldn’t be mistaken. You are the authority.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=269066&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1267480

Janet Yarborough Siedschlag you're absolutely correct. It's a decision between patients and their doctors, not the federal government. Abortion is not Constitutionally protected, whether you like it or not. I realize we have all been living under Roe v Wade, but the Court's ruling was that abortion is not constitutionally protected, and that the previous courts ruling was incorrect. You should be happy that you now are able to influence abortion laws at a state level, which is much easier than influencing them at the national level. If you are unhappy with your current state's position on abortion, then you should move to make changes, like Kansas did yesterday. Stop making this about abortion, it's not. This is about state's rights versus the US constitution. Nothing more.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=269066&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1267479

Cheryl Millar Wait there is a lot to unpack here ....hmmm
Can't help you if you don't care , however , your viability argument proves too much but most people use it and here is why it doesn't work :
many babies do not breathe immediately after birth and some can take up to a minute to breathe on their own outside the womb. This argument would justify infanticide as well as abortion. The second thing here , is that just because a pro life person doesn't adopt every child , or support every government program on the map concerning adoption , foster care , etc.
that they cannot be pro life
Well , someone who dehumanizes and goes for the dissection and decapitation of an innocent child in the womb cannot define what pro life is
When talking about adoption that makes no sense either
I mean if you donate to the humane society , do you adopt every dog, cat , or any other animal in there?
So instead of correcting grammar try correcting yourself and defend life

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=269066&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1267483

Randy Hovatter ? Heres whats going on. The end of "mass society" has happened. Why do you think we're seeing two opposing narratives? The beginning of the new "network society" has begun. The left is fundumentally fractured, and we're watching the democratic party implode. What'll rise from its ashes is the new socialist democrat party who'll play a role in a basic income based off the traditional fiat. They can't do this, and move forward until they remove the Marxist rhetoric and policies from their platform and distance themselves from such publicly. This is a new political era, and the Democrats who've embraced authoritarian liberalism and project ethno nationalism must go. We can all agree ethno nationalism is a bad thing. The permanent political elites suffer from pathological altruism, which many fail to see, they're patronizing and condescending. They push a narrative that's goal is to convinces their targets/constituents, that they're victims. Mentally imprisoning so many. They use identity politics in tandem with much of the MSM(fake news) who push identity propaganda, knowing full well it's outcome is violence. Once the violence occurs, they rush to the scene to pander for political gains, from the emotionally distraught. It's truly sickening They've used ideological subversion to push their cultural Marxist/identity politics, to indoctrinate their victims in to viewing all opposing views as critical, known as radical perspectivalism., based of emotional thinking rather than using logic. They've used linguistic manipulation, and legal sophistry to change terms and their definitions as well as the perspective of history, etc. You can see this with the 1619 project, which is rooted in CRTheory. CRTheory is a tweeked version of critical theory from the "Frankfurt school of thought", it's Marxist divisive hate filled rhetoric etc. This erodes the moral fabric of your nation targeting the youth and vulnerable. In their goal to gain absolute power, as they divide us all against one another, by placing us in an unlimited number of identities. As for President Trump, he figuratively has removed the veil for all to see both crooked and sold-out politicians (Democrat and Republican). Who've paint themselves, into a corner. As we all watched from different perspectives. Jan 6th was the day the right realized the left was correct. The system is broken. The cause etc. may seem different but many are coming to this conclusion. We're ate the National Populist and our movement is still in full swing!!!
National populists prioritize the culture and interests of the nation, and promise to give voice to a people who feel that they have been neglected, even held in contempt, by distant and often corrupt elites. Once again, I'll stress, we're opposed to ethno nationalism we're national populists with some overlappings with civic/liberal nationalism. Nationalism isn't an inherently bad thing. We're also watching a parallel economy coming to fruition based off cryptocurrency and free market capitalism which offers the incentives for innovation in new technologies products and production processes. As for the republican party it's being reshaped into the new national populist republican party.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=269066&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1267484