Tiffany Michelle
You just said life is precious your self. But then you advocate for killing a life or multiple lives.
And my beliefs are based on biology. And yes. As a spiritual person, I support life and liberty and the right of all to pursue happiness.
The baby inside you is a complete and separate human being with completely different DNA then you

our forefathers based the constitution on faith and all their writings included a belief In God and the knowledge that our country had to have this as a basis or we would parish.

Your beliefs and desires are based on emotion and self service. Not science, biology, religion or even human dignity
. I love dogs also and hate it when someone abuses them or any animal. Killing puppies, though, does not equate to a child, but is just as abhorrent to me.
I know you would say, that if they interrupted your life, then they would need to go if you are the “owner” of the dog or of the Mama dog of the puppies.

It is a different thought pattern.
And if you say that you would gladly kill a child but would never kill a puppy. Where does that put you?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=269085&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1267638

Franklin Strum Although your argument about KS men is likely factually untrue if you tally the vote count by gender, using it as an example, are you actually saying Kansas is the only place like that? Put choice up for a vote in every state, I’ll bet 45 of the 50 will vote for choice at some reasonable level as opposed to 27 whose state legislatures have imposed Taliban-levels of law against women’s rights.

As for your governor’s race example, that simply means Democrats didn’t turn out for the primary because they didn’t think it was necessary and republicans did turn out to put whatever trump insanity was running in place or kick them out of the race. Fairly simple explanation.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=269085&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1267627

Trey Bohon Embryo, fetus... Does not make a difference what you call it. A zygote, a product of conception, makes no difference.

The key is, as usual those with "brains" misusing them and those with "a voice" speaking entirely for themselves.

A couple of years ago those with the "brains, power and voice" said women could not vote... Those with "brains, power and influence" wrote laws that justified owning blacks as property.

History has proven, when those with power speak, they tend to speak to what is in their best interest.

A one sided law tends to inherently be unjust! History has proven it time and time again and this is no different.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=269085&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1267641

Jill Torres and like I said, if that were the case the decision would be left to the doctor and myself. Period.
We are not asked to sacrifice our body in any other situation as freedom means you determine when to sacrifice your body. In America, a country that has a maternal death rate of a third world country, giving birth is literally a life or death decision. We should not be forced to make a decision that could cost your life and if we are then we must not pretend we have equality. Not to mention, that children cost money, so now the country is forcing people to add an additional mouth to feed and aren't willing to increase the assistance to them. That is forced birthing that will only result in more people on poverty. But that may be the goal!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=269085&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1267629

Nathan, not a "name" but rather a descriptor, sir. Because you are just parroting what you hear on alt right news outlets. You're trying to pass yourself off as some sort of keyboard constitutional law expert, when in fact you don't even seem to be fully aware of the entire Bill of Rights beyond the first couple amendments. Our founders did, in fact, realize that the nation was already growing and changing and that the need for other unenumerated rights to be covered would come up.

Oh, and sorry if I hurt your FEELINGS. But you need to realize that no one really cares about your feelings - facts out way them 10 to 1. I realize that Tucker tells you otherwise, but you're grown man, aren't you?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=269085&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1267654

Jeremy Glenn trust me, I know what I said about men having babies is asinine. That's the best that Democrats are making and will have to sleep in going forward. I'm glad that you see how ludicrous it sounds as well.

I think you also touched on something when you said 1st trimester. I think that a lot of people are on board with that, but, as with everything else, certain states want to push it...I've heard many advocates say up until birth. That's where it sticks for a lot of people. I had a friend whose sister was born at 21 weeks...under many states, the mom could have decided while in labor, to terminate.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=269085&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1267656

Stevie Gardner You talk about the unborn child as if it is nothing more than a parasite leeching off the mothers body. If this your view, you are not alone and many who view things in this way easily support abortion as a reasonable means of birth control.

For the rest of us who see it differently, we see the zygote, embryo and later fetus as an unborn child with all the future potential of good we all have.

Let them live and determine their own destiny.

Remember, you as a woman should know better than most how it fees to be denied basic rights PURELY BASED ON HOW YOU WERE VIEWED. Poorer pay than you male counterparts despite doing the same job,, denied the right to vote...

When those with power loose their ethical compass, those without power suffer.. History has proven time and again that we will be sorry later on.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=269085&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1267644

Alan Stone You are lost. A zygote, embryo, fetus and neonate are all medical terminologies with specific meaning and are NOT interchangeable.

HOWEVER for the tenth time today, a "child" is a social term which has no medical or scientific bearing. When you say child it tells me nothing about likely status or age.

A 40 year old man can be your youngest child, a 12 year old can be your oldest child.

Hence saying unborn child is a social connotation that merely points to a status pregnancy at whatever stage. It is not in conflict with medical definitions because it is not a medical term.

Hence unborn child is not incorrect. If i had said dont kill unborn neonates i would understand the point of correction. However unborn child is not in opposition to any definition.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=269085&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1267651

You can be a red state and still believe in a woman’s right. You can still be a Christian and believe woman’s rights…….

The only people pushing against abortions are the ultra religious controlling .. which are usually men and they just want control and power.

Men will literally do anything for control and power.

It’s so sad to see this country crumble and people to be manipulated so much.

Thank god for the good sense of wonderful Kansas residents …

We are woman and human and are purpose isn’t just to make children but to lead and to teach and to help others. Not everyone wants or needs this because we are mothers in many different ways than producing our own.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=269085&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1267619

Jay Johnson no stop trying to say both are the same argument. You clearly did not read or comprehend what a said. I do not have to follow the same basis of the reasoning they struck it as I stated I agreed with you on. I agree the struck it for the reason that it doesn’t have merit of a right. So I believe they should not have to strike that law because this law was struck. One they believe has basis and one they believe does not. One that is backed up by specific rulings with a consensus on and the other is not.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=269085&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1267637