They aren’t surviving without China and China won’t be around forever—not the communist form. Give it 10-20 years max. They are already under tremendous economic and social pressures within.

Currencies float and are valued relative to one another. With everyone printing currency, what’s the alternative? Collapsing Euro? Yen? Yuan where China controls the rates to other currencies under a corrupt communist regime? Dollar is the best house in a bad neighborhood. Most international settlements are in dollars for a reason.

Chinese GDP is a paper tiger, many living in collapsing ‘tofu’ housing. The two major exchanges in New York, the NYSE and the NASDAQ, are four times the size of the combined Shanghai and Hong Kong exchanges.

Why should we care what a dictatorship that killed millions of people thinks? It would be like the US reporting the Nazis were sterilizing thousands of citizens in the 1930s. Everything they have they appropriated from western capitalist nations, particularly technology. Communism also, is a western export.

That’s why no one in Taiwan wants anything to do with communist China whose “tofu” real estate market is about to collapse. Tofu housing means the cheap buildings and infrastructure that collapses and literally falls over due to shoddy workmanship and shortcuts taken by developers (that’s where most hardworking chinamen put most of their savings ie real estate). Taiwan doesn’t want to be part of that failed totalitarian state.
China isn’t the next USA, it’s the next Nazi Germany: a quick rise and quick fall. In the coming years there will be 5-6 states where China is now. They are the next Yugoslavia. It’s just a matter of when their inefficient centrally-planned debt-ridden economy will collapse. It’s a shame. They should have followed Taiwan’s lead. There was a lot of money to be made by western corporations though which is why the US government supported Mao and took it’s Lend & Lease weapons back from Taiwan. It was the traitor Nixon who recognized the genocidal Chinese communists. China spends more money policing its people than on military spending.

China can’t even afford the social welfare programs of the free market capitalist societies. It’s ironic as they pose themselves as communists and champions of the people. China isn’t even communist anymore—-they’re fascist. If they didn’t adopt capitalism their system wouldn’t survive. They are a paper tiger with 40 billion in debt. All their economic growth was due to the construction craze of the last three decades and they have nothing left to build. It was a dog chasing it’s own tail. Take their steel industry for example. They have almost a billion ton per annum capacity but most of that went to build equipment to make steel! That’s central socialist politburo planning for you. They will be lucky if they need 400 million tons in the years ahead. All that was built on debt and all those workers have no other skills. China’s construction and shipbuilding industries consumed about 500 million tons per year at the crest of the building boom. But shipyards are already going radio silent and the end of China’s manic eruption of concrete, rebar and I-beams is not far behind. Use of steel for these purposes could easily drop to 200 million tons on a steady state basis.

The Chinese can’t afford to give a fraction of the welfare benefits western capitalist states can. It’s ironic. From Venezuela to North Korea socialism never works.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=272498&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1285741

Once China collapses so will they.

Nationalizing always ends in catastrophe. You claim you don’t trust a small group of people owning the means of production so your solution is to hand it over to a smaller less qualified group who have the threat of force via government to Boot?

Communist China is likely the next Nazi germany: quick rise and fall. Give it maybe 10-20 years max if they don’t reform or are overthrown by their miserable hardworking people.

Although The hammer & sickle should be viewed the same as the Nazi reverse-swastika. It’s unfortunate the Chinese came under Mao, but like the bolsheviks they were financed by Wall st syndicates to gain captured markets and raw materials. Most of their high tech and weapons came from the US (see Anthony C Sutton’s “The Beat Enemy Money Can Buy). It was Nixon who recognized the genocidal Chinese communists. China spends more money policing its people than on military spending.

China can’t even afford the social welfare programs of the free market capitalist societies. It’s ironic as they pose themselves as communists and champions of the people. China isn’t even communist anymore—-they’re fascist. If they didn’t adopt capitalism their system wouldn’t survive. They are a paper tiger with 40 billion in debt. All their economic growth was due to the construction craze of the last three decades and they have nothing left to build. It was a dog chasing it’s own tail. Take their steel industry for example. They have almost a billion ton per annum capacity but most of that went to build equipment to make steel! That’s central socialist politburo planning for you. They will be lucky if they need 400 million tons in the years ahead. All that was built on debt and all those workers have no other skills. China’s construction and shipbuilding industries consumed about 500 million tons per year at the crest of the building boom. But shipyards are already going radio silent and the end of China’s manic eruption of concrete, rebar and I-beams is not far behind. Use of steel for these purposes could easily drop to 200 million tons on a steady state basis.

The Chinese can’t afford to give a fraction of the welfare benefits western capitalist states can. It’s ironic. From Venezuela to North Korea socialism never works.

China can’t face the US & Co alike or even with Russia so they may be engaging in asymmetrical warfare with Covid trump shots (remember the absurd fake videos in China of people falling over in the street like a zombie apocalypse), infrastructure sabotage (explaining all the coincidental breakdowns and fires at plants lately etc), cyber attacks, Political bribing etc. The US bribed the head communists that way to impair Russia as a competitor and control their markets. Most USSR advancements were by American firms making huge profits developing the communist world. That’s the only way communism ever could stand. It’s why China has to become largely capitalistic in the 1980s so the regime wouldn’t collapse. The communist Chinese openly admit it. They say it’s “taking a step backwards (into capitalism that is) in order to go forward.” It’s word jugglery and mental gymnastics as they don’t have to admit communism isn’t practical and that they are a fascist or authoritarian regime. Like 1940s Germany they may have a quick rise and fall and then be liberated into many states who can better manage affairs and have freedom. Maybe a true United States of China some day.

Although The hammer & sickle should be viewed the same as the Nazi reverse-swastika. It’s unfortunate the Chinese came under Mao, but like the bolsheviks they were financed by Wall st syndicates to gain captured markets and raw materials. Most of their high tech and weapons came from the US (see Anthony C Sutton’s “The Beat Enemy Money Can Buy).

The greatest mass murderer of the 20th century. His slow and painful death, like Stalin's, was a taste of the karma coming his way in future existences.

"According to the authoritative “Black Book of Communism,” an estimated 65 million Chinese died as a result of Mao’s repeated, merciless attempts to create a new “socialist” China. Anyone who got in his way was done away with -- by execution, imprisonment or forced famine.

For Mao, the No. 1 enemy was the intellectual. The so-called Great Helmsman reveled in his blood-letting, boasting, “What’s so unusual about Emperor Shih Huang of the China Dynasty? He had buried alive 460 scholars only, but we have buried alive 46,000 scholars.” Mao was referring to a major “accomplishment” of the Great Cultural Revolution, which from 1966-1976 transformed China into a great House of Fear."

Communists hands down have killed more people than any other religion or ideology in the world.

China ironically can’t even afford to pay social benefits to their people like America can. Both American government and businesses pay vastly more generous than anything the Chinese government or corporations can offer. Usually it’s nothing. By the way America has 19 carrier groups how many does China have? That’s why they build those islands to sub as carrier runways; average US soldier carries $26000 of gear, the Chinese $1500 and much of it often supplied by the soldiers themselves). China is still a poor country comparatively speaking.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=272498&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1285740

corea del norte en estos ultimos 7 años.a estado haciendo pruebas de sus misiles un poco mas frecuentes que otros paises como españa.includibe uno de ellos de largo alcanse,fue probado en la frontera maritima entre japon y corea del norte.pero como era de largo alcanse maritimo y tierra.este misil.sobre paso su frontera maritima y se penetro al mar del japon.tanto fue la distancia que ella llego cerca a las costas paralelo a la ciudad capital de japon.tokyo.felismente en el trayecto del misil no habia envarcacion en ese trayecto.porque si ubiera abido enbarcacion militar o civil,el misil ubiera inpactado.y lo ubiera destruido.asimismo parece que el misil se detuvo a una distancia menor de lo programado.porque si el misil disparado cubria toda la distancia programada ella,ubiera llegado al palacio real del emperador del japon.ello apesar que el palacio es blindado a toda prueba muclear.solo que el detalle de ello es que el misil norcoreano iva por el lado menos blindado del palacio real del emperador del japon.es deai la clamorosa preocupacion del pueblo japones y sus autoridades y el emperador.por las pruebas misilisticas de corea del norte.dicen que el emperador estaba en el baño y le informaros del misil y tuvo que salir del baño y se fue a colocarse en un lugar seguro.por si el misil llegaba a ellos o le disparaban otro misil.y por el lado de norcorea.mister kim jon un.estaba felis y contento por el disparo perfecto.y este disparo lo miraba con su lagavista personal de largo alcanse y con una sonrrisa a todo dar.una sonrrisa parecida a la de los globtloters de estados unidos cuando van a jugar basquetbool a corea del norte y encestan en convinaciones perfectas.a la atenta mirada del publico en general.tomado su coca cola.asi kim jon un.se alegra cuando las pruebas le sale bien.solo que dicen que valio la prueba para hacer unos ajustes a la velocidad del misil y a la distancia programada del misil para asi estar bien seguro de la eficacia de sus misiles para la defenza de corea del norte.ojala no pase nada en corea del norte y entre corea del norte con japon.y de corea del norte con otros paises del mundo.para que asi hayga paz aceptable en los pueblos del mundo.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=272498&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1285742