Instead of government “of the people, by the people, and for the people,” our nation is now controlled by people who want only one thing …/power. Nothing else matters, least of all the American people.

It’s not a stretch to say that like Venezuela we could even someday become a third world country! But those in power care nothing about the struggles of the American people.

Abroad, Biden is seen as weak, ineffectual, no threat to our enemies. He is completely lacking in skill and knowledge to command a forceful presence as the president of the United States, and I fear we will pay a price for his deficiency in foreign matters.

The current leaders we have in our government today care absolutely nothing, nothing about America, about us. Their only desire is for power, absolute power. They have no use for our Constitution – except to line their bird cages.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=272500&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1285769

We need to assess where we truly are and do so however unbelievable the reality may be. Our leaders are compromised. They work openly with media to deceive and rally people against one another. It's bad enough to come to realization that most of our politicians act like children, but the cold reality is that they are also psychopathic. They demonstrate everyday what our worth truly is every time they print more counterfeit currency, further killing the value of our dollar. They make the impossible possible in a war zone in Europe with billions of dollars and the possible impossible here at home as poverty increases, and many increasingly find themselves on the verge of losing their homes. Food up 30, 40, 50, 60% and still we have not come to our senses after the greatest wealth transfer in human history had all been a play on us. They are dividers and share no alliances with you or me, no matter how much we believe that our faithful support is for the benefit of us all. No benefits come out of what we are witnessing today. Psychological war, cultural war, economic war, kinetic war. None of this could have been made possible without these leaders who claim that they will make the world a better place. They only care for wealth, power, control, and the destruction of those who challenge them. That's the reality, and the reality will pick off each and every one of our ego lethargic dream lands when it finally hurts too badly to be shielded by our arrogance.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=272500&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1285754

Liz Cheney has more strength than Donald Trumps cult members put together. We already knew he was a total misogynist who always found a way to insult any women who were successful - strong - educated - smarter than he was or spoke truth to his abuse of power. He only condones a women he can control or manipulate. Women of our country should be uniting against this chauvinist bully who thinks he can play you as fools. He is a white supremacy misogynist who thinks a woman should be subservient to men and never be powerful, because women are honest - intelligent - hard working and can’t be bought by dark money or intimidated. Liz Cheney is all of that and a true patriot- principled - honorable where country comes before party. She will always be a supporter of her party, but NOT of the most criminally corrupt former president DonaldTrump who has done everything he can to destroy our democracy and our country and women’s rights.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=272500&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1285784

It's funny how manipulated easily the Democrats are, they deep down don't even really know why they hate Trump who actually created one of the best economies we've had in our history with the lowest unemployment of black and Hispanic Americans in our history.
They just know they're supposed to hate and despise Trump because they're told to.

I will continue to vote for President Trump because of his proven past successes that all Americans witnessed and lived through and unfortunately the Democrats with their bio weapons labs in Ukraine dumped a virus upon the world during an election year in an attempt to get rid of President Trump by using it as cover to rig the election.
They did not care how many people around the country or the world died. To them it was a necessary sacrifice for their sick world vision.
Ohh and do not misunderstand, China was also involved in the creation and modification of the virus and viruses and as expected they betrayed the Democrats.

And guess what, they have another virus in the wings right before this election.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=272500&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1285793

I love seeing liberals comments. It’s all the same. Trumps people are a cult and uneducated. But You are the ones who fell for a 3 year Russian collusion hoax as your party promised they had proof. You fell for Trumps taxes being criminalized. You turned your back to Biden admitting on tv his Quid Pro Quo with Ukraine, You ignored Hildabeast deleted subpoenaed emails and Comey protecting her. You were the ones who read the emails from members of the FBI and DOJ promising to take out Trump BEFORE he even became President! You ignored Benghazi, Fast and Firious, Obama’s Libya SLAVE TRADE, Eric Holder and Susan Rice pleading the 5th to protect Obama. And not one indictment even after being found guilty! You are the ones allowing the corruption within our government and FBI to overthrow our constitution and support a party that will stop at nothing for greed and power. Innocent people who were ushered in to the capital and simply calmly walked around, are still sitting in solitary confinement awaiting trial, As you all ignore the mass of people who destroyed entire cities and got away with it. You support corruption, we support the constitution. You support a two Tiered Justice system, we support Justice for all. You support dictatorship, we support freedom. 
We are not the same..

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=272500&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1285774

Boy, there’s a lot of misinformation and misdirection being put out in this thread.
Perhaps our memories are so short that many of us have forgotten the eight straight years of the Obama administration free of even one indictment. No turmoil. No threat to our system of government. Don’t bother attacking me- I’m quoting fact here. We have become punch-drunk. Constant turmoil. Constant bullying. Constant lying.
It wasn’t accidental- that’s Trump’s method. Before too long, up is down, black is white, lies are truth.
And to whoever commented we are screwed, I say we are only if we do nothing. If you love this country- truly love it, speak out! Be brave! Not by attacking with violence, but by fighting back with FACTS! And TRUTH!
Don’t think we can’t lose our republic- it’s already in jeopardy. It CAN happen here.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=272500&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1285760

Dan Thomas please by all means tell me how much unemployment for black and Hispanics fell during drumpfs time in office.. See the low IQ types just believe what they are told instead of actually researching to find out the true story. And folks like that con man have been taking credit for the work of black people their entire lives. Surely someone with an IQ as high as yours can do this simple math though. When Obama took office black unemployment rate was 12.7 when he left office it was 7.5. While trump was in office it went from 7.5 to 5.4. Now who should get credit for lowering unemployment for black people the most? Like I said taking credit for the work of a black man sounds about Whyte... And let's NOT forget that when TFG LOST and slinked out of office unemployment for black people was back up to 13% losing EVERYTHING that had been gained and THEN some over a 13 yr period....I would think a high IQ person would realize that ain't nothing to brag about... But maybe my IQ just isn't high enough to understand it all. https://www.washingtonpos...-obama-economy/

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=272500&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1285785

Sean Murphy Thanks for stopping by my page. You failed to scroll all the way down. You will see, I am a committed follower of Jesus Christ. You will also see Repubs on there too...maybe not in the best of light, but they are on there. You see Sean, Right-wing and Left-wing are all part of the same sick bird. Trump is a known registered dem from New York. He is as corrupt as they come. He saw an opportunity and with the help of Steve Bannon who gave him the blueprint of how to stroke the flame in "certain people" he ran with it and it clearly worked!! Lol... at the end of the day, trump cares about trump and if you can't see that, well....

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=272500&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1285768

Dayna Bergman I give credit when I think it is due regardless of party affiliation. The thing is that she is absolutely right with regard to Trump’s toxicity. I also have no problem with criticizing fellow Democrats when I think they are wrong. Face it, Trump is in a quagmire of his own making and he cannot offer a defense for holding onto those documents that makes sense or rings true. And that is far from being the only legal problem he faces. He has admitted that he intends to run again to avoid them. As always, he’s thinking only about himself.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=272500&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1285778

Ivan Gorodess Last January I would have agreed with you. She has been a solid conservative Republican and voted with her conscious to find Trump guilty (impeachment).
Then she took the co-chair position of a virtually partisan, scripted January 6 committee. It lacks credibility even though it is bringing some good evidence to light.
But any hope of credibility for this committee vanished last night when Cheney (co-chair of the supposed 1/6 investigation) said she would do anything in her power to keep Trump from running again. In other words she isn't co-chair of an investigation but rather yet another attempt to take Trump down, legitimately or not.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=272500&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1285786