Noreen Bryan well unfortunately not everyone can support themselves and people need help. A family can have 2 and 3 jobs and still not make enough. the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. That's the definition of freedom on the contrary to popular belief its not always about the republican party. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. No where does it say only applies to the republican party.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=272506&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1285900

Tim Prelle go back and read what you wrote, then do a bit of research on each of the topics because you clearly weren't paying attention. The other thing is that your post really has nothing to do with this thread or my post. Clearly, you don't understand global trade, nor were you paying much attention to the steps that Trump took during his presidency, that didn't do anything to reduce the cost of living for Americans. He actually acerbated the problems when he kept dropping the interest rates to prop up a faltering economy and keep spending going. When the economy is strong, you don't need to give money away. Then he lowered taxes while increasing spending - that's not going to work either. I think Trump thought he could keep the machine going to get reelected - then if the economy faltered, he could slash and burn those things that the American people depend on. It was never about people. You seem to have forgotten that goods and services saw rising prices when Trump began the trade war with most of our largest suppliers but that wasn't the biggest issue - the pandemic was and that was something he hadn't planned for and didn't know how to respond, particularly since he'd gutted the departments that would typically respond. The pandemic severely disrupted the global supply chain. You do realize that year 1 of a president's term they operate under the previous president's budget. Did you sleep through the part that Trump established the exit date while he was president - TRUMP entered into the withdrawal pact with the Taliban, that excluded the Afghanistan government - you know, the dudes that were busy beheading people, that's who Trump negotiated with, but you apparently had no problem with that but are now griping because Biden withdrew the troops. Biden extended the withdrawal date. Had he not withdrawn, it would have meant further conflict and more loss of life. OPEC sets oil prices - oil is a global commodity. By the way, doof, I think you responded to the wrong post because I never discussed sheep or any other farm animals. GO READ and LEARN.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=272506&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1285886

This proves republicans care more about Donald Trump than they do about a politician choosing country over office. Trump only cares about the power and the office. Who would have ever though republicans would be against the Police, against the FBI, against the Constitution, endorse overthrowing the United States Government and suppressing the voices of the minority citizens including African Americans, homosexuals, and Latinos. They say those groups are the socialist trying to destroy this country - these are the people who build this country with muzzles on their mouths and oppression on their shoulders. Now given a voice, Republicans claim this nation for straight, white, “Christian” citizens made uncomfortable with the notion that freedom and democracy and opportunity is a broad platform as wide as those willing to accept democracy. This country is being killed by ignorant GED and High School graduates who have demonized education as a socialist agenda. Those who don’t know history are indeed going to repeat it - so get your passport out or get your papers. republicans = traitorous treason.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=272506&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1285864

Steve Pavlik Honestly, that doesn’t mean what you think it does. Hitler was put in jail for trying to overthrow the government and was still legally elected to a position of power not even ten years later.

Our system is incredibly fragile when you think about it. There is nothing that prevents an all-powerful dictatorship in this country except for the understanding we agreed to with the constitution and the principles of the rule of law and the peaceful transfer of power. We are poised to fall into an abyss right now precisely because a group of fanatical nazis no longer want to play by the rules, and if we continue infighting and are unable to muster a strong defense against them when they come a’ knocking, this country will fall.

Let’s not forget that Germany was one of the most democratic nations in Europe in 1933. All it took was a group that didn’t believe in continuing to play by the rules of democracy to end it within a year of coming to power, and they were able to do so, in part, because the groups opposed to the nazis were too busy fighting with each other and couldn’t muster a unified, strong defense. That’s why it’s so important now that those who remain, republican and democrat alike recognize this danger for what it is and vote for America over the lines of a party. But I fear far too many will not see the danger or will just think “that can never happen here” as their indifference creates the opportunity for it to happen.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=272506&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1285871

Franklin Strum
That’s the MYTH! The LIE that your elected leaders tell you to scare you into voting for them! The theory is called trickle down economics and it’s been proven to put us into repeated Republican recessions. It kills the middle class! They use those tax breaks to buy back more of their own stocks during the recessions it causes. Record profits!!! It keeps the money at the top! EVERY TIME!! It’s just another lie that they tell you…a scare tactic, but any economics expert or professor will tell you it’s total BS. Again that’s a prime example of why they defund education. When the middle class thrives the economy thrives. That’s just common sense. If the money trickled down why hasn’t the minimum wage increased in over a decade?? Republicans can’t govern their way out of a wet paper bag and they vote against every single thing that helps the middle class. They have to keep those corporate donations coming in, NRA etc. “citizens United?” Yeah that’s the most corrupt thing that republicans have ever ushered in to stay in power and not even have to work except to vote against every single thing that actually helps average Americans. No legislation, just obstruction. Now corruption and trumpism is rampant in the Republican Party. And that includes Dinos Manchinema.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=272506&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1285908

Tim Prelle again you are full of statements that just aren't supported by fact - Trump tweaked MEDICARE insulin costs - that isn't a cap on insulin - if Trump had implemented a cap, it would not be necessary for Biden to do it. Trump talked a lot but he didn't fix a lot, he kicked the can down the road. When Obama inherited the nation, it was a dire situation. Interest rates were reduced to spur the economy and it worked. Trump inherited a country that was recovering. Year 1 of his presidency he operated under Obama's budget. Trump then increased government spending, cut taxes for the highest earners and corporations, waged a trade war and basically created chaos. In Trump's final year, he entered into a pact to withdraw troops from Afghanistan, yet didn't have a plan. He failed miserably at getting the needed medical basics like masks - most likely because he had destroyed relationships with our largest trading partners. This thread is about Liz Cheney - as is usually the case with someone that has little knowledge, when you're challenged by facts you change the subject. As suggested previously, go read. Cheney is absolutely correct that Trump is a threat and not because he's a republican - he actually isn't a republican but neither are many of the party's leaders, which seems to be lost on many.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=272506&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1285914

Robert Bryant I tell you a true story! After the impeachment proceedings failed to get President Trump! He was going to be ReElected!!! Our Agencies New a Second Trump Term would mean they would get FIRED for misconduct! So They Released I’ll say it again Released a Bioweapon ( Covid) Colluding with China our Agencies Released a weapon that Killed Millions World Wide! The Goal was to Tank the Economy That was President Trump Strong Suit! Then they used the Pandemic to Change Mail in Voting Laws! Keeping watchers 50 feet away! Harvesting Ballot’s which is Illegal!!! Scanning same ballots multiple times! And use the Machines that the CIA used Abroad to interfere in other countries Elections!!! As a Diversion they new since October of a Rally Schedule in DC and they Infiltrated with FBI Agent’s Who on Camera were Insight Protesters to Enter the Capital!!! That event will give cover up for their Crimes and will give them the opportunity to Label 75,000,000+ Million Voter’s as Terrorist!!! And the January 6 cover up committee was born!!! What they didn’t count on was their Policies are Disastrous and they Created the Afghanistan Disaster soldiers killed many injured, people try to escape falling off Airplanes ️! Bombed a car with 7 Children’s in it! They thought were ISIS-K ! Inflation, Recession, 1000% in Crime’s surge! Homeless, Gas ️ Prices, food Chains, food Prices, people suffering and on and on…, So the Agencies had no choice again to get involved and Raid President Trump Home Taking Anything they can find like true Thieves and Criminals! Just Right Before the Midterm Election . The People Now Have Seen what Big Government and Bureaucracy Truly is! They Want To Rule at All Cost!!! This is the government our Founder’s Warned us about!!! The Red Tsunami is Coming to Save the Nation From the Democrats State of America! The People will Rule ones more!!!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=272506&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1285916

This is the standard Republican way, the party first, party second, party third, and anyone who doesn't agree with that vote them out, as is their right. As in human nature that her opponent would seize this opportunistic win. This blind, fanatical loyalty is used to support Hageman as she supports Trump, thereby supporting Trump. The evidence is clearly showing that Trump advocates Violent armed insurrection, seizes, illegally, classified materials that are housed unsafely at his home, lies to incite his violent Maga crowd, and is under numerous investigations for fraud and tax evasion and indictments are surely pending. This, they don't want to see and close ranks to support a person who uses bullying and intimidation as the only way to win. Cheney is showing brave and righteous standards, sadly, Wyoming has disavowed them. A sad day for America.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=272506&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1285896

Wallace Willard your comment has as much "FACT" as an issue of the national Enquirer. How's your made in China trump merch?
The fact that you think any democrat in office is far enough left to be a communist is proof that you're living in a propaganda bubble. The political scale in America has been taken so far right that our democratic party is closer to the right than even the center let alone communism. Of course you have no idea what communism is and are just repeating right wing media's favorite scary buzzwords because you're either a bot or like most trumpers incapable of independent thought

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=272506&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1285903

Mike Greeling It’s obvious after the war the world economy has to be built up from scratch. If you destroy a house and build it again.. you’ll need to buy stuff and pay someone to build it for you.. that’s called GROWTH.
That provides jobs.
But that People did NOT prosper vc they received $50 from the state. They Prosper just as all people has prospered in history.. by building companies and creating wealth.
Wealth grows… it’s not a cake you can divide.

What does it helps to have let’s say 60% in taxes? Would it make you feel better ? That’s not going to help you prosper? It’s ridiculous and stu.

You’re actually helping the rich by giving them more reasons to increase prices..
plus this bill increases taxes for gas too…. And then you complain about higher prices when it’s the government increasing the price.. oh but the ignorant would say it’s them gouging. Lol

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=272506&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1285906