Lawrence Lorenzo Wordé such an uneducated "American" response. Just because it's not our problem doesn't mean to act like we are the only ones going through it . No one is saying to do something or take care of the entire world . Educated people are pointing out that the US isn't the only ones affected and to stop acting like cry babies . Unless Biden is president of the world you need to stop acting like it's Joe Biden fault. Considering the country he got handed after getting elected he's doing an outstanding job . Could be doing better if Republicans loyal to Trump didn't keep blocking him purposely just to turn around and say he's not doing anything when they're really the ones doing nothing . And yeah gas is $2.35 more still but on a global scale we still pay the least for gas compared to most countries in the world even now. You really want to complain ? Move to another country and see how they're having to deal with inflation and paying for stuff. Then you'll be greatful. You need an education and to be put in worse living condition because you take everything for granted and a slight inconvenience and you cry like a adult baby.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273000&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1288474

Grant Fichter, Trump is/was a criminal before he stepped foot in office. Ask some of the people in NY how they feel about him. He’s not a good human being. He’s also linked to Epstein. He’s guilty. Clinton is guilty too. I’d bet the farm on it. Court documents to prove there was a case involving one of Epstein’s 13 yr. olds. But he weaseled his way out of it. Like he does just about everything. $$$ Money talks and he knows it.
Yes, Obama built the cages. The reason Trump took the heat for those cages is because of the way he and his administration handled it and how they treated people. It was inhumane. Obama did not handle it the same way. Trump waged war and instilled fear of Mexicans upon us and treated them so.
And I don’t think we’re turning into to Venezuela. I have no concerns about it at all.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273000&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1288500

Grant Fichter, Biden had a mess to clean up. Period. I think any president would’ve had a difficult time after Trump. Our supply chain got worse when other countries went through multiple shutdowns. Especially China. The inflation we’re all experiencing is not just happening here, it’s GLOBAL!!! How do you explain that? Is that Biden’s fault too?
I thought that wall Trump built was working? Guess not.
I don’t even know who our leader should be for the next election. Not Trump though. He’ll try to finish what he started and tear our democracy to shreds. I’d like to personally see someone a little younger this next presidential election. We need a fresh perspective.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273000&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1288496

Tom Krieger have you noticed that price gouging only occurs when Obama and Biden were in office? You would think these greedy oil companies would be gouging all the time.

The trading markets (not the oil companies) set prices based on current supply, contracts, future supply and demand. I would really like to see a day when some of you liberals will actually say…
“Yeah that’s probably true. I didn’t know that. Thanks for informing me about oil and economics.”

None of you are going to get any smarter by listening to CNN. They are paid propagandists and they do not care about our economy.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273000&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1288483

Gina Davis I appreciate the response I guess when it comes to inflation as you mentioned.... The reason I think Biden and his administration has a lot to do with the inflation now and the inflation yet to come which will likely paralyze our country and make us look a whole lot more like Venezuela than the United States of America is that they believe that the solution to our inflation is to spend more money to reduce inflation...and if you say that twice in your mind you'll realize that that is absolutely insanity and on no planet is it wose to spend more government money in an attempt to reduce inflation..... So his latest so-called victory with his spending bill will in no doubt exacerbate and make inflation much much worse. Just do any level of research on economics and you'll find that to be the clear case.

And at what point would our supply chain catch up after Biden's been there almost 2 years so half of his presidency and I still have trouble finding milk or cream cheese or any number of things in the store it just depends on what day of the week it is
That falls squarely at his feet not Trump's in any way shape or form. The wall he was building obviously stopped immediately when Biden took office and now they are finally starting to finish areas of the wall and New Mexico I believe and taking quite a bit of heat for that since they've been so opposed to it all along. But it's not racist in any way to ask our government to protect our borders so that we have a process that is legal and bringing immigrants and the right way would be a benefit to all of us existing American citizens and the incoming immigrants. In fact Obama was great about the border and while he was President I believe he did a fantastic job of securing our border and creating a process for those immigrants if you remember he was the guy that had them in cages but then Trump took the heat for it. And I can't help but recall that when Trump was President our fuel costs were around $2 a gallon and now they're double that and the only thing that changed was the president. I totally agree that we need someone different and that we need somebody with a New perspective that can bring us together like Biden promise to do and I hope that that person's out there and has the right mentality to join this country together as we are always stronger together instead of what has become what seems like an enormous divide. My take on Trump is that he wasn't the evil person we think he was or we've been told he was as before his presidency he was revered by all politicians on both sides and all civil rights activists and all relevant people at those times pre presidency loved him and he was everyone's darling. The only thing that change is that when he became president he was not part of the boys and girls club that has been running our Congress for the last 70 years or so. I would have loved to have seen a Ben Carson go in there but they would have treated him the same way. Anyone who tries to achieve that office that isn't an insider and entrenched in the political elite will be torn apart and treated exactly like Trump was with 24/7 negative news coverage millions and millions of our taxpayer dollars spent to investigate what amounts to well we're still waiting to see what an amounts to after 7 years of a text.... But I do appreciate your response and that's an interesting perspective and let's just pray that the next election cycle we have a leader that can fix these problems because I think my 10-year-old son could do a better job than the political elites have in the last 30 years. Have a great day!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273000&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1288498

How do they figure that? The price of not only gasoline has gone up in the last two years but also food, gas for heating, electric, cable, internet, phone service and water and insurances, and taxes. With gasoline coming back down a little bit it sure isn’t a raise for Americans, it is just a token return of one item out of many that has robbed many Americans of their hard earned money. The only people who have made money in the last few years are the politicians and big corporations. It is going to take a lot more than $100 a month to get families out of the crater Americans have been put in!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273000&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1288501

What kind of dumbfuckery does the left think they can shove up our gullets? Unexpected? Who the hell doesn’t have expectations the gas should be dropping? To pass off gas prices dropping as economic stimulus relief would then be to say it’s an unapproved tax when they go up. Biden caused this and they are still way north of the 2.39 average when Biden took office and started slashing through the energy policy with his misguided changes. These idiots on the left have been spoiled by their sheep who swallow their narratives whole without even thinking for themselves so they just keep cranking out more lies. This gas drop doesn’t even come close to making up for our other inflated prices.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273000&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1288469

Anthony Welti During the lockdown? When we had to prop up the economy to keep it from collapsing?
Or last year as we added more jobs back than any time in our history but across the globe, broken supply chains and a year of decreased production was followed immediately by unleashing a year of pent up demand.
Still the economy went from requiring huge stimulus packages and expansive Fed policy just to keep it from collapsing, to the Fed contracting monetary policy to slow the economy down.
Inflation is global and a result of the supply and demand imbalance. It is, in a word... capitalism at work.
And stimulus checks are over, they probably helped you feel like it was better than it was.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273000&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1288494

Gina Davis good points all the way around. I hope you're right about Venezuela and us not going full socialist... I have numerous friends that fled Cuba and they see what's going on and are extremely worried about government being involved in so many aspects of our lives. I really wish we could get more information out of that Epstein Maxwell deal because that obviously is being very well protected for a reason and I think you and I would both agree that we deserve to know who all is involved in that whole sick ordeal. Good conversation and I appreciate the respectful responses. If folks like you and I just do the right thing every chance we get we might be able to sort this mess out somehow..

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273000&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1288502

Joni LeBlanc Barrilleaux they aren’t working to make our lives better. Just like the previous administration didn’t either. They say one thing, deny one thing. Then they flip the script and repeat.

It’s all about power, and the illusion that either side genuinely cares. They don’t.

But the facts for this conversation are exactly this. When gas prices went UP, Biden claimed over and over that there was very little he could do about it. As soon as they started dropping, it suddenly changed and the administration wanted credit for the drop. It doesn’t work like that. If there is very little you can do to stop them from going up, there is very little credit you get for them going down.

And that’s true for both sides of the line.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273000&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1288491