Jessica Fernandez that’s the problem. Your mindset needs to change. Racism has nothing to do with “victim mentality”. People have actually lost their lives, family, jobs, and even education behind it. The history of how this country was established is a great example of it. This article is an example as well but you refuse to see it because of your own bias. If nobody else tells you, it’s “facts over feelings”. We have came a long way and still have a longer way to go. Stop being willfully ignorant and learn something about it before you make comments like this on social media. Start with the Jim Crow era.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273284&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1290160

Good for them...this is a major major problem. I was discriminated against when I made an appointment to see an apartment. When we arrived, my Black husband and bi racial 2 year old daughter, I immediately saw the change in body language and tone. Needless to say the apartment was not available. We were much younger then, and I did not pursue it any further simply because we did not want to live in a racist community anyway! Blatant! We did find a wonderful apartment later with an African gentleman who lived in the building and whose main concern after running credit checks, references etc. was to pay the rent on time LOL! We stayed there for at least five years and moved when we purchased our first home in the western suburbs!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273284&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1290113

I have been an appraiser for many years. When I started out it was difficult for women entering the industry. The regulations placed on the industry 10 or so years ago in my opinion have made it difficult for minorities of any color to even qualify for trainee licenses. It has also made it near impossible for seasoned appraisers to hire and train new people. Unfortunately I think this has resulted the average age of appraiser to be sixty. In my opinion government created this problem. The only way for government to solve the problem is through less regulation. But we all know where this is going.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273284&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1290150

Brenda Walker Hi Brenda - hopefully you read my reply to Nicole. You can’t tell me that the race card isn’t being used more often now then before, it’s all over social media. It’s even being used in movies as a joke. Education has nothing to do with it - it’s being taught for attention don’t you think ? Basically leave the race card out of it - and that was my point. You don’t have to except someone’s opinion meaning that the couple could’ve gotten other appraisals and got different results. Let’s be real, but to put it out there, the way they did - what’s their end goal “ personal gain “ may be, and now other races are using it to, you hear it every day on almost every situation. It’s getting old. You have a wonderful day.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273284&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1290208

It's mind boggling and infuriating that this is even happening! How does that even make sense, the value of a home, is somehow related to who, will eventually be, the previous owners? And because they were black, it makes its value lower? This is craziness!!! I honestly wonder if the appraisers have like a box they tick in a software somewhere that accounts for it being a black family versus a white family.
I hope this family wins as much money as they possibly can from their suit. This crap needs to stop! People are PEOPLE, no matter what color their skin is! And the value of their home should have nothing to do with any of that.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273284&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1290088

Marie Gaglie Whited really?
Who is in charged now,?
How well is this country doing at anything? You're real happy with the way things are going? High crime in the blue states, almost 3 million illegals smooching money from taxpayers, inflation highest that it has been in many many years, gas higher than ever after we were energy independent, trying to teach kids about CRT to the young, not to mention teaching them about their sexuality in the very young age and much much more. You happy with all of that? You have no idea what they left is capable of unless you go and live in a country that they left rules.
Ignorance is bliss.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273284&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1290138

Krischele Thierry Lookout for the racist, yes, but lookout for your own as well. My grandmother almost lost her home to a fraudster, and it was one of our own. Trust no one! If you don't have the knowledge, find someone who does. Start with the Legal Aid Society for a referral. Even the Trial Lawyers Association has crooks in their ranks. I remember working in a tax office back in the early 90s, and several people were getting these $25k home equity loans way too easily. Without making a long story out of it, there were predators preying on people whose homes where they didn't see much coming and going. Trust NO ONE 100%!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273284&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1290207

When my 5 bdrm, 3.5 bath home, in a white community, did not sell after 3 weeks on the market, one of the realtors, a White man, who had brought his clients through called me. His exact words to me were, "remove all of your Black art and family pictures. Your house is beautiful and it should have sold by now. The reason it hasn't sold is because some of my people have a problem giving your people, that kind of money." I de-Blacked my home, left a picture of my White friend's kid on my desk and I got a sale immediately. Racism in America is real.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273284&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1290137

In addition to being unfair to certain groups... This hurts the economy and all Americans as a whole including those who look down on certain races…artificially lower home value means a lower loan or no loan= Less money for the bank to Lend, less commissions for the loan officer, less money for the homeowner, (even the appraiser because certain price points of homes sometimes command a certain fee) etc ... All equals less money available to spread into the economy on all parties. Multiply this practice and put some of the countless of millions of dollars unrealized that could have been in circulation.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273284&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1290121

Sherri Williams Synsmir how would the lender know the vendor is chosing the wrong appraiser unless there is evidence of blatant fraud? There was the no fraud, just an opinion of value of which the borrowers did not agree with. They have the right to request a reconsideration of value. If this was denied, then the lender has to explain why, but outside of that, it's reaching to say the lender discriminated against them. It's a long reach.

We recently denied two loans for the same borrower because the value was not supported for his properties. He was white. Did lender discriminate because the value was not supported? My point is, this does not just happen to black people. If the value is not supported, the lender is not going to loan the money no matter what race the borrower is.

An appraisal is just that. An opinion of value. No different than a property tax assessment which can also be disputed. It's the opinion of a third party that one may or may not agree with

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273284&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1290179