That’s Jonah Hill? He pushing for some Russian mobster role or something? But really, isn’t publicizing the issue instead of just quietly stepping back essentially doing exactly what he’s apparently trying to avoid? Sorry but this comes off as poor me look over here advertisement instead of actually going around and promoting it type advertising. Feels like he has just changed the way he is promoting the film and is just taking a break from physically doing it. I mean these stories come off a bit out of touch, especially when almost all of society is dealing with some sort of massive issue or another right now in the face of so much that is happening, feels a bit tone deaf to current issues that so many are facing themselves, who don’t have the ability to just step back. So all those wondering about the laughing emojis, might be largely to do with that, or his new look here?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273286&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1290236

Ann Authier , they have to take away the laughing emoji. I see that many people have now chosen for a reaction with only like or dislike. It is much better. People who react with a laughing emoji every time just to bully just to be annoying shouldn’t be allowed on social media where you have to be ‘ social ‘. A pity Facebook and many pages do not block or ban these people. Only way to get rid of them. It would make social media a nicer place to be, and I thought it was the idea after Facebook? Now it has become the bully platform especially with politics, with all the fake accounts, it is awful!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273286&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1290229

Amazing how ppl don't think mental illness isn't real! This country is f#$ked! We have millionaires living the best life with so much money they don't even know what to do with it!!!! There's so many ppl that struggle on a daily basis not all but alot of them don't understand life it's not their fault because their brain doesn't operate correctly! I had a man today obviously with some kind illness he couldn't figure out how to use the kisok machine he wanted 4 $1 hamburgers I guided him throughout the whole process he was eager for his order told him it will be up soon he waited patiently and was hoping for a free soda he asked them jokingly keep in mind he's handicapped they said no so I made a order just for a soda for him! He didn't say thank you but it didn't matter to me f@#k merica

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273286&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1290227

Amy Aday I just don’t understand why anyone is bringing up other people when talking about someone’s anxiety. How the military act with theirs has no bearing on this man. It just seemed most ran to the comments to make fun of a man who is suffering from anxiety just because others may have to suffer differently. In reality we should all be on the same page. Everyone should be able to take a break when suffering. Instead of acting like Jonah Hill is wrong for this, we should be wanting our military to be treated the same and get some down time if anxiety hits.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273286&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1290226

And if you don’t know let me educate you. I’ve seen it first hand with loved ones. It hits them so fast they can’t plan for it, or often prepare. One second they feel totally fine and then the next second they feel like they can’t breathe. Their heart beats so hard and so fast it feels like they are having a heart attack. They might get really hot and dizzy or sweaty, they might get nauseated. They might even throw up. Sometimes they feel like they are literally and physically dying. Sometimes they can’t leave their house because of it. Sometimes they have to stop mid grocery shopping because of it. Don’t judge something if you don’t know it.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273286&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1290224

The laughing react should be removed. Many people use it wrong but most people use it to make fun of something that is not funny at all. It’s a form of bullying. They do it on purpose and it’s offensive. Facebook has to remove it. If there’s a funny post, a simple thumb up react or a heart ️ must be enough. The laughing one is not necessary.

If you don’t agree with someone’s post or reply, make a comment. Your laughing react option is an insult and disrespectful on posts like these.

Having an anxiety or panic attack is nothing to laugh about.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273286&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1290234

so sorry to hear that, for him, he's so talented & doesn't seem shy or having a problem, it sure doesn't come thru in his movies, he needs to take care of himself, each celeb is a star and they are people too, we all have problems to deal with. bruce willis you would never think he has his own problem and MJ Fox too, and what robin williams must of been feeling and mj jackson and anna nicole smith and prince, even joan crawford, or anna heche, sad stories, we all have problems in our own ways and you may have a problem in your life even if it's not right now, be lucky and show some compassion & understanding, time off, a whole host of people get born and pass way. it's just called life, be kind, smile, get thru it, help people along the way, stop bullying people, lend a hand, don't be the problem. Think before you speak and act.....

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273286&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1290237

As someone who deals with the same thing.....stopping doing the things u do will only make u find a new normal. Making those things he's doing now, even harder to do in the future. I deal with homeowners for a living and some days I completely dread it and everything in me wants to back out at the last minute. But I stick it thru and it sucks for a brief period. But most people are pretty good at making u feel comfortable and once u break that initial ice it usually gets much easier. Should never submit to it tho, no matter how bad it may be. In his case he prolly already set for life and doesn't need to make more money. But normal people don't have those same advantages....submission is not an option. An theres alot of routes u can take to treat it.... unfortunately Xanax and Klonopin is only thing I've found that work fast when I need it. So I just deal with 95 percent of the time. But once in awhile it will get to the point I need to take one. I wish I could take them all day everyday. But that's an addiction I will never form again.....I'd rather deal with the anxiety

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273286&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1290235