Rachel Deckard so, Biden changed a ton of stuff Trump did, but couldn’t change this?

If your logic was correct, then why was Biden able to change the date?

As far as the deal before Biden changed the date, that deal got us 14 months of no US service deaths, 10,000+ troops home and the first round of peace talks between the Taliban and Afghan government in the history of the entire conflict, and yet that all changed the day Biden decided to change the date, which elicited a warning from the Taliban that Biden promptly ignored…


So yes, the deal wasn’t the problem, the withdrawal was, CNN is 100% correct in that assessment…

Lol, you have no clue what you’re talking about…

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273530&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1291368

The withdrawal from Afghanistan was totally on Biden’s watch. He didn’t listen to his commanders and that was documented.
He had to ability to cancel or modify his predecessor’s agreement and refused.
They didn’t pay attention to the Taliban coming up from the south over months of them taking over numerous cities and killing people.
The leaving of billions of military equipment in the hands of the Taliban is unacceptable in any conflict.
Leaving Americans behind and stranded was another disaster Biden and his generals miscalculated!
The killing of 13 US servicemen during this poorly planned and e executed evacuation tests on the commander and chief, BIDEN!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273530&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1291376

Tony N Pam Mancuso The Taliban also agreed to start peace talks with the Afghan government and consider a cease-fire with the government. (The Taliban had been killing Afghan forces throughout this, attempting to use the violence as leverage in negotiations, U.S. intelligence officials believed.)

Sounds like the attempt to create a peaceful withdrawal, and end a 20 year war with something other than violence was negotiated by Trump. Deals are always made between enemies at the end of a war, and if you were educated, you'd understand that.
When Biden pulled out suddenly, instead of gradually like he should have, and him being weak and the Taliban recognizing that, they balked on their part of the deal.
And the 5000 Taliban released, was to get them to release 1000 of their prisoners.

Your childlike ability to debate is cute.
Makes me want to pat you in the head and tell you "good try buddy".

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273530&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1291439

Javier Medina it’s not a handout sweetie what part of we pay for it through our taxes don’t you understand.. our taxes and national insurance covers our community college and every aspect of health care and we don’t pay for our medications.. and I can assure you we appreciate it .. you’ve been lied to for years by extremely wealthy republicans that couldn’t care less about you .. they care about their tax breaks and the money they get from big pharmaceutical companies and energy companies designed to convince you that it can’t be done .. it’s a lie .. we pay .. we don’t have millions going without insulin and we don’t have families remortgaging to pay for medical bills and education our taxes are 20% and it covers everything and our cost of living is cheaper

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273530&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1291373

Leslie Scarborough in WW1 many were promised a bonus that they never got. Hence the Bonus Marchers, who were scattered by General MacArthur, Major Eisenhower, and I think Major Patton. After WW2 the GI Bill was created in part to rectify that travesty. Should we pay for the education of military service members? Absolutely. Should people enlist to pay for college? I would argue the only reason to risk your life is for selfless reasons, such as love of country and love of comrades. And to become part of something bigger than yourself.

Should we pay for community college? No. We should beef up the 13 years of free education so that college isn't as necessary.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273530&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1291429

Jenna Raleigh
No mama my comment is still related to the same topic

I’m talking in general not just her family I’m talking about anyone that went to Afghanistan Iraq etc

going there even if they didn’t participate in the killing that’s still considered crime just by going there and I’m 100 sure her marine hands full of blood bc that’s wt they going for

He killed in in an attack where !! In US nope In other country why he was there to begin with ? Helping a government that decided to colonize another country

No you know that in America your fighters are hero and the media would make them angels hero protecting you by going to other ppl lands to destroy it and when they hit back or defending themselves ,, your media would called them
devils and their life nothing and they terrorists deserve all of that

So yeah my problem is the hypocrisy that’s going around

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273530&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1291410

Michele Whyte Well that's not gonna happen.

You have to remember when things are " GIVEN TO YOU" you don't value it as much because you didn't work hard for it! When you put everything into it ...you value alot it more!

My parents didn't have any money but I joined the Navy and afterwards they paid for college and flight school and later became an airline pilot and now I Captain a luxury corporate jet with a high salary!

I VALUE my time in the military, schooling and career. I appreciate everything because I worked hard for it. It was never given to me.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273530&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1291370

There are a lot of risk factors involved in trying to pinpoint who is at higher risk for suicide and a loss of a loved one is certainly one of those risk factors. There is never any one reason that a person takes his or her own life, but usually a diversion of different factors. We need to take better care of our military. We need to understand that PTSD comes in many forms and they are all at risk for depression and suicidal tendencies. Bless this mother, and bless her sons. Go to afsp.org for more information on suicide prevention.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273530&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1291436

Kendra Smith no you don't I'm not out of control you're on a post about a Dead Soldier talking about covid and throwing in the Democrats and I'm out of control your changing the subject to not talk about the dead soldier but to put in your narrative I'm not going to allow you to do it I don't care what you say I'm going to screenshot all of your replies and put them on social media so everybody can see you don't care about any dead soldiers but just want to blame the Democrats for covid when Trump is the one who said it was a hoax said it would go away when it got warm and that 15 cases would go down to zero keep on I like taking screenshots

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273530&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1291363

all those years and we didn't change anything
Trump and administration released the Taliban and those were over 5,000 people so they were basically giving the country to the Taliban.
They made an agreement with the Taliban and turned on our allies so I may not understand what is going on over there but I believe our country decided that the Taliban should have the country.

We didn't just pull out
The last Administration made agreements with the Taliban and gave the country to the Taliban.

I would need a veteran to explain it to me because I do not understand it enough to have a really sturdy opinion
It definitely confuses me

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273530&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1291374