Travis Reichert you will not stand on the bodies of dead soldiers with fake outrage to blame Biden you do not know what the hell you are talking about and need to shut the hell up my son died in 2018 so that means Trump's responsible for my son's death you know what that's the stupidest thing to ever say my son joined voluntarily when you go to war you may not come back it was Trump's withdrawal plan why didn't Trump get us out if he's so freaking smart where was your plan why didn't you help get off the bodies of those dead soldiers before somebody takes you off of them

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273530&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1291350

Trudi Bakosky Parker don't you dare standing on the body of dead soldiers to blame Joe when a suicide bomber is the one who killed those soldiers where's your outrage from my son you heartless piece of crap he died under Trump's watch where is your outrage for my son towards Trump oh that's right you only want to blame fighting Trump's not responsible for anything what about the thousands who died while we were there you don't give a s*** you just proved it with your comments only caring about 13 soldiers out of thousands I hope the grief I have is something you experience and I want it to happen to you tenfold it's what you deserve for standing on the bodies of dead soldiers with your fake out rage

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273530&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1291355

Is sick to try to mix politics into what America should have been out we were there for almost 20 something years America the United States of America should have never been in Afghanistan. God bless his soul and we have all lost family members fighting War , and we're not going to blame politics our President Biden or any president that we had to serve the Armed Forces of America of the United States of America it's something that we signed up for to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. And some of you dodge not to serve in the military so you don't have an opinion and you don't know what war is it's a sacrifice for your country God bless our country and God bless the the young women and men who sacrifice their self around the world that's what we should be talking about. Remember the time that the Vietnam veterans came back they will spit on they committed their self to fight for a Cause and I salute all veterans and military personnel, but I don't salute anyone who has decided that they never was there and never defended the country or never got drafted are you never signed up

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273530&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1291357

Wyatt Valle
Isn’t your business you just fking said it their own ppl their own ppl why you care why you go there to fight them

FYI taliban alqaediah
All of these were best friends for your government back then and US also gave them some weapons to fight Russia when Afghanistan was colonized by Russia

And these ppl that you called them now terrorists were called back then by your media n government are hero and good fighters they defended their land

After they afghans kicked Russia out and they won the war

Your government said thank you guys for your help now bring back the weapons and I’m in charge to control Afghanistan which is a new colonizer !!!

That’s where they start the war
Your country wanted Russia to leave Afghanistan so US control it

The afghans said no we kicked colonizer Russia to bring another one ‘l US !!! Like Wts the difference

Then they start war and US attacked them and start to called them terrorists And they hit back
And the rest you know so they didn’t start the shot you the one who did
And wt happened to you or your country circumstances of your fkin action

The problem is your don’t want to admit that you not angels and you not innocent and you get wt your deserve

Iraq a big example your went there and destroyed it killed thousands of civilians and your destroyed many ppl Future and you left it a mess country ,, your excuse was that Iraq has dangerous weapon !!!and after you done all do that you saying it was mistake ! And trump said we did mistake !! It’s ok

Like you went there killed many and destroyed a country and destroyed ppl dreams goals life future,, after all of that you said was mistake !!! Like who you think you are ! To go destroyed other ppl lands and say it’s mistake and it’s ok

We all know you went their to steal their sources

The point is I don’t care wt you went there for
But don’t act innocent don’t make dumb excuses

Isis the same as you both of you $hit
Going to other ppl lands to steal it and killed their civilians is not something to be proud of And when your fighters died you cry and active the sympathy mode

Ukraine That you support them and Donate for them and cry 24/7 on social media for them and how bad is Russia and not supposed to do that and we should all punish Russia for that

Tell me Wts the difference between wt Russia doing to Ukraine and we you did to Iraq and other countries you colonized

That’s the hypocrisy that I’m talking about

Or Israel that you support them with weapons and money a lot of money to fight Palestinian ppl in their own land !!! You helped them from the beginning to colonize Palestine!

Why isreal is fine to do wt they doing and they good for you
but Russia is bad and we should support Ukraine!! Lol

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273530&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1291420

Rachel Deckard Pro tip: The incompetent and pathetic POTUS Joey (a 50+ year career politician) and his appointed “border czar,” VP Kamala Harris, have been in charge of ruining the United States, since January 2021. If POTUS Joey, the leader of the free world, DID follow a poorly negotiated deal negotiated by the FORMER POTUS, and felt he was REQUIRED to do so, his decision and debacle, were completely ignorant.

President Biden has proven his incompetence since he was sworn into office in January 2021, with actions and policies that are having/potentially will have a significant impact on legal American and law-abiding citizens in the United States. Most people who voted for him suffer from TDS and can’t recognize his numerous failures, but I will name a few:

Number 1. Arguably, President Biden's greatest failure was/is his pathetic exit strategy devised to finalize the evacuation of our remaining 2,500 troops from Afghanistan.

2. The complete breakdown on our southern border as we have watched over 2.5 million migrants approach and millions have crossed without being properly vetted and vaccinated, and where human and drug traffickers continue to operate, perpetuating a lethal drug crisis in the United States.

3. Under Biden and Democratic mayors and governors (like CA, Chicago & NYC) crimes and murders have jumped dramatically in our major cities, with democrat DA’s releasing career criminals on little or no bail to go on and commit more heinous crimes. Homelessness is rampant in many of our cities.

4. Significant inflation at the grocery store and gas pump, with product and food shortages, like baby formula.

5. The shortage of rapid Covid tests at the end of 2021, when President Biden campaigned to “shut down the virus.”

6. Thousands of US military troops being sent abroad, because lunatic Putin did not attempt to invade Ukraine during the 4-year tenure of the previous administration, but like China, recognizes that the United States now has a weak president, and is eyeing Taiwan.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273530&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1291421

Scott Bornstein TDS is not a filter through which you should have your every thought. Did you listen to POTUS Joey’s campaign speeches? I did, in particular one notable interview with Cardi B, prior to the November 2020 election. WAP

President Biden has proven his incompetence since he was sworn into office in January 2021, with actions and policies that are having/potentially will have a significant impact on legal American and law-abiding citizens in the United States. Most people who voted for him suffer from TDS and can’t recognize his numerous failures, but I will name a few:

Number 1. Arguably, President Biden's greatest failure was/is his pathetic exit strategy devised to finalize the evacuation of our remaining 2,500 troops from Afghanistan.

2. The complete breakdown on our southern border as we have watched over 2.5 million migrants approach and millions have crossed without being properly vetted and vaccinated, and where human and drug traffickers continue to operate, perpetuating a lethal drug crisis in the United States.

3. Under Biden and Democratic mayors and governors (like CA, Chicago & NYC) crimes and murders have jumped dramatically in our major cities, with democrat DA’s releasing career criminals on little or no bail to go on and commit more heinous crimes. Homelessness is rampant in many of our cities.

4. Significant inflation at the grocery store and gas pump, with product and food shortages, like baby formula.

5. The shortage of rapid Covid tests at the end of 2021, when President Biden campaigned to “shut down the virus.”

6. Thousands of US military troops being sent abroad, because lunatic Putin did not attempt to invade Ukraine during the 4-year tenure of the previous administration, but like China, recognizes that the United States now has a weak president, and is eyeing Taiwan.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273530&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1291418

Craig Woodcock If your logic was intact, you'd not make such a comment. First of all, Biden has supported a withdrawal for a long time. Unlike TFFG, he values military lives. Second, TFFG made the deal, incl releasing 5,000 Taliban prisoners. What does that tell you? Those guys then went on to make deals with the War Lords in order to get swift passage to harass the US. The "Art of the Deal" guy once again gave up everything and asked for nothing. Third, because TFFG totally messed it up, Biden didn't have much choice in the matter. He did a great job with what little he had been given, thanks to TFFG. Fourth, TFFG had all kinds of paperwork sent to the US for the interpreters and their families to get them out safely, but he and his admin didn't process a single one. Why? Because brown lives don't matter. He's a sadistic POS who really just wanted this mess left for Pres Biden. Fifth, historically it was always going to be a mess and, if we were to judge by the withdrawal from Vietnam, it should have been much, much worse.

CNN likes to play to the Frumpers for ratings. Why I refuse to watch them.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273530&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1291449

Gabriel Orozco
One year ago today, Joe Biden promised to evacuate every single American in Afghanistan before the final withdrawal of forces. In reality, he left over a thousand American citizens along with BILLIONS of dollars’ worth of American military equipment behind enemy lines for the Taliban.

MAKE NO MISTAKE: President Biden’s catastrophic failure in leadership is to blame for the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan. In a new Republican House majority, we will leave no stone unturned in our effort to provide oversight on this deadly withdrawal and honor the 13 brave service members who lost their lives serving our country.


President Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan has led to:
On July 8th, 2021, Joe Biden said: “There’s going to be no circumstance where you see people being lifted off the roof of an embassy of the United States from Afghanistan.”
In fact, It was actually much worse.
Over 1,000 Americans were abandoned behind enemy lines in Afghanistan for months at the mercy of the Taliban – roughly 800 were evacuated following the withdrawal, leaving many still in danger.
The administration admitted initially that they did not know how many Americans remained in Afghanistan.
The Biden administration then estimated there were only a hundred Americans left following the withdrawal – they were WRONG.
The truth is, Biden promised to get every single American out on August 18, 2021 – and he broke that promise.
The deadliest attack on Americans in Afghanistan since August 2011 occurred because of Biden’s failed leadership.
OVER $7 BILLION in U.S. military equipment is now in the hands of the Taliban.
Terrorists are now emboldened to attack Americans.
Now, reports indicate that Biden’s catastrophic failure in leadership has emboldened our adversaries in the region, culminating in the U.S. strike on an Al Qaeda leader in Afghanistan’s very capital just earlier this month.
ISIS-K has demonstrated the ability to launch attacks despite recent setbacks and depleted numbers.
Al Qaeda has renewed calls for lone-wolf attacks on the U.S. homeland.
The botched withdrawal rightfully proved to be a flashpoint for President Biden’s approval among the American people as it sank to a new record low.

Biden is the one who decided to pull out U.S. forces by the upcoming 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks.
Joe Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan was NOT conditions-based.
The conditions of President Trump’s agreement were continuously violated by the Taliban and the Biden administration did not hold them accountable.
The Biden administration had been warned that the Taliban would stop at nothing until they retook the country. Now, the Taliban is back and the United States is less safe.
The decision by the Biden Administration to abandon Bagram Air Base early and leave only a few hundred troops at Hamid Karzai International Airport opened the door to the Taliban’s rapid takeover.
Former Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs, John Kirby, joined CNN where he ADMITTED the Administration had NO PLANS to help Americans get out of Afghanistan.
Former White House Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, refused to admit that Americans are stranded in Afghanistan, despite an abundance of evidence to the contrary.
Earlier this year, leaked documents from the Biden White House confirmed that those outside of the administration felt Biden “lacked urgency” as the administration was still scrambling to prepare an evacuation and relocation plan for civilians and Afghan embassy staff the afternoon before Taliban forces took over the capital city of Kabul.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273530&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1291437

I just don't get it. Is this some type of gaslighting? I was thirty years old in 2001. This is how it went down. The hijackers, mostly Saudis, perpetrated a horrible terrorist attack. George W. Bush, a man who should have been arrested as a war criminal, decided to attack Afghanistan and Iraq. Turning on our former "allies" the Taliban. At the start of the war we had the largest mass protest in world history, it was global. It was ignored. For the first year or so, the war was covered. Then it just faded away. Until Obama's surge. Which, at the time, no one asked if maybe we should just leave. We also had the drone war which killed US citizens. At that point, the only people really covering the war was Democracy Now! Everyone else was just covering Pentagon news briefings. All major news outlets refused to cover what was happening on the ground. Stuff like bombing civilians. Things like when Doctors Without Borders went into hospitals in Afghanistan. As policy they told US command exactly where they were, One of those hospitals was bombed by the US twice. That's not an accident. That's a plan. Then the war went on for years with almost nothing on the front page. I was there. I looked every day. Why? Why read news I hate? I read guys like Noam Chomsky, people who actually analyze news. Who will tell you that it's not about what is covered, but what isn't covered. I read that news because I want to know what the political class doesn't want me to think about. Like Afghanistan. I counted the articles. It was pathetic. Then Trump. One of the worst Presidents in US history, maybe THE worst. A traitor to be sure. But a broken clock is right twice a day. He decided we would leave. A good decision. Biden was left with the task. It was a horror show. But it was always going to be a horror show. It was always going to end badly. That's what happens when you invade a country they call the Graveyard of Empires. So yes, I blame CNN, I blame Fox News. I blame all the major media. I blame Republicans and Democrats who kept the war going. I especially blame the Bush administration, as according to the Nuremburg protocols the fault for these war crimes lands squarely on those who started it. Now, CNN occasionally writes articles about how Bush is enjoying his time painting veterans, instead of being in prison. And if that doesn't make you sick there is something broken inside of you.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273530&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1291387

Carolyn Paoli What a cold, heartless statement. Nope, not the end, Carolyn. The former POTUS had an exit strategy that was based on conditions. The parents and friends of those 13 military personnel who gave their lives for POTUS Joey’s pathetic exit strategy are still grieving.

No one has absolutely any idea how the evacuation of our remaining 2,500 troops would have been finalized, had the previous administration remained in office, but so many ignorantly assume and speculate.

We do know definitively, exactly how President Biden finalized the evacuation of our remaining troops. Do you think he was listening to his generals when he devised his pathetic exit strategy?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=273530&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1291397