Christine Osterloh It is hilarious that people like you will say things like this but have no problem with guns and the hands of the government who has committed plenty of atrocities in history and can't even keep their own weapons accounted for as the military's weapons go missing and end up in the hands of criminals and gangs so maybe we should also demand that the government gives up all of its firearms as firearms as they don't seem very responsible with them themselves. As for police we should also demand that they no longer carry firearms as they don't even have a duty to protect citizens so why do police need firearms if they have no duty to protect others? Let's just take all of the guns from everyone and that should solve all of the world's violence because violence is only caused by guns right and nothing else? Get rid of guns and we should have world peace because because guns are the cause of all violence and there was no violence before guns right? It is atrocious what happened but to blame the tool and not the user is Asinine. Do people even think with logic anymore or just feelings? When weapons are in the hands of the many atrocities will happen but when weapons are only in the hands of the few that is how genocides become capable. Just ask the native Americans that were disarmed and genocided by the United States government. Good thing Venezuela became AA Beacon of peace after their government disarmed them and good thing they didn't become a dictatorship is a dictatorship or tyrannical instead of the social social democracy that was promised

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=274301&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1295776

Jessica Leibovich Jessica as long as they're getting blood money from the gun industry and the NRA they could care less about the American children being slaughtered by bullets. They're paid to do nothing as a matter of fact they take it a stepfather by promoting fear by saying if you vote Democratic they'll violate your second amendment rights and take your guns away making the mentally ill even more upset because that's exactly who they're allowing the guns to go to. A responsible gun owner would keep his gun locked up to keep everyone safe. Not having the guns locked up only proves they are irresponsible and should not own a gun in the first place

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=274301&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1295783

Jenni Lynn Conrad
The refusal, when confronted time after time with these mass shootings and still not demanding that lawmakers at least reinstate the assault weapon ban. Turning aside and ignoring the life altering damage that these shootings do to families, survivors and victims. Since Americans seem to only care about dollars, research how much care costs for a GSW to the head, chest, abdomen or to treat ortho injuries. The OR, ICU, surgical floor and rehab , medication costs, and all the go fund me’s in the world won’t come close to covering the costs. It’ll make your hair curl. Yup, we’re an ignorant bunch who will never learn.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=274301&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1295778

Jason Biggers really what country has the most school shootings? Don’t really hear them coming from other countries like we do the US - and not just school shootings just mass shootings - grocery stores , theaters , churches etc…. I was just in Europe and one of the questions I got asked a lot was what is America’s obsessions with guns? I am not against guns I come from a military family but there needs to be regulations it’s insane there isn’t. And when shootings happen esp school shootings and our answer is thoughts and prayers to the family thats crap

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=274301&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1295785

Cooper you may not have much in money or well but you have something that no one else has although you may feel sad right now at 8 years old you have a spirit that God gave you a gift of caring you care about your mom and dad and your family and as for recess it's not all that interesting when you're visually or even physically impaired but you'll find your way just look up and if anyone picks on you you say I love life and one day they'll have to answer for what they did God bless you little man keep up looking up and thinking of many things you can do with your hands and your mind and your eyes as I said God gave you a gift and he'll show it to you at a very young age God bless little man

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=274301&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1295789

Terrie Marhefka-Powell But those that commit gun violence aren't lacking in mental health? One would think that those that would use guns for atrocious reasonings would show exactly who they are but instead of blaming those people and who they are they blame the inanimate object that cannot load itself, turn off its own safety, point itself and cannot pull its own trigger but it is still the inanimate objects fault instead of the user. Then they claim others lack mental health but not the shooters why? Do mentally sane people usually go around committing atrocious acts for no reason? The UK used to blame guns when it came to violence so they banned them all but violence only increased and now they blame knives so maybe it is not the inanimate objects that are the fault of the violence. Do people think logically anymore or just emotionally?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=274301&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1295784

Terrie Marhefka-Powell How are politicians protected? By guns. How are private schools protected? By guns. How are our courthouses and other such protected? By guns. how do we protect our children in schools? with a gun free zone sign. Can you figure out why it's not working? Remember how police stood outside of the school shooting in Texas? And officer did the same thing during the parkland shooting in 2018. Did you know that the government ruled in 2005 That police have no constitutional duty or otherwise to protect citizens which has allowed police to stand outside and do nothing while these atrocities happen? What is crap is that people think police are going to protect their children especially in public schools but the government has decided that they have no actual duty to do such even though government requires our children in schools or Pennsylvania bulls or penalty to the parents can be had. We protect our schools with gun free zone signs and police don't even have a duty to protect them. That is what is crap. I bet people would commit a lot less of these mass shootings if they actually feared getting shot back at but having such happen and a gun free zone is unlikely as any law abiding citizen is doing as the sign says Waldo's that would ignore such laws don't give a crap what that sign says. I protect our politicians with guns but leave our kids So called protected by signs that don't do anything more than thoughts and prayers do. Gun free zone and thoughts and prayer zones are both about as effective as each other. Why don't we put no theft signs on grocery stores and such and see if theft goes down. It should work the same way right?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=274301&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1295787

Terrie Marhefka-Powell What changed in this country to where mass shootings started happening in the first place? As a country we used to be able to put our guns in our vehicles and even drive to school with them and there was not school shootings. School shootings didn't start happening until after things like that have been removed. Why weren't these things happening when guns were allowed in more places including schools? Guns have always been around but school shootings haven't so what changed especially after Columbine which was one of our 1st major school shootings. Do you consider that the country used to be different and used to have guns everywhere without these atrocities these atrocities happening constantly or do you just think emotionally and blame the gun instead of society that has clearly changed? Funny how when mental illness is on the rise violent acts also seem to rise but they want to blame everything including the gun more than the rise in mental health issues. Why are so many of these shooters on FBI watch list but the FBI apparently didn't do anything to stop them? Do you really think that these are all coincidences but guns are still to blame even though they have been around for centuries? Also just because you are unaware of schools getting shot up in other countries does not mean that it doesn't happen as in places like Africa it is actually quite a common occurrence especially against christians over there. There are entire christians being genocided even in their schools but you think that gun violence is only a problem in the United States? Such countries like Nigeria where these kinds of things happen more than the United States don't actually report it in the same ways so getting proper statistics too sticks to compare can be quite difficult. Are you really so naive that you think every country has the same reporting system?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=274301&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1295786

Terrie Marhefka-Powell So in other words you want to do away with the Constitution and do away with state rights even though that is how the founding fathers set us up? You would rather everything be controlled by the federal government that has a horrible track record and history within this nation? If you put that much power into the hands of the federal government you do realize you would be putting that power in the hands of republicans as well as the federal government is made up of both republicans and democrats or would you rather just the Democrat be in Control of everything? If that is the case you do know what happens in history when a government becomes one sided and all checks and balances go out the window right? The federal government can't even keep their own weapons out of the hands of criminals so how would putting the federal government in control over state's rights prevent this any further or would it just expand If the government expands itself as well to take over the state's rights? I want to hear your logic on how it would actually work and not just some simple one line answer. Or are one line answers pretty much what you are capable of without going further into what they would fully entail Even just in your own mind?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=274301&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1295788

Mary Ann Holmes If not deflecting why didn't you answer the question or why haven't you answered it yet? Feel free at any time. Funny that the truth that you claim to speak has nothing to do with the question asked as well. Too much to answer the question? Or is it that I have asked you a question that you are not capable of answering so you say things that have nothing to do with it and act like you did something? Truth can also be backed up by fact and I have not claimed to be speaking truths but seeing as how you are claiming that you are speaking truths you should be able to bring forward something to back it up so feel free to do that at any time as well unless once again you are not capable. You also keep referring to guns as my beloved but I don't belove guns anymore than I belove any other tool such as a screwdriver or a fork so maybe stop projecting things as if you know my life or anyone elses. Are you so narcissistic to think yourself above others so much that you know about them just from the comment sections on a CNN post? You seem to think you know enough about people to make such assumptions. Do you base most of your arguments on assumptions or do you ever actually try to use a facts that could be backed up?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=274301&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1295779