Jan Fillingim actually.., YOU don’t know. You think I have endless time to educate those who didn’t pay attention in civics class?

Socialism: a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

1) Calling something "Socialist" doesn't make it Socialist
2) "Socialised" is not the same as Socialism
3) A government wanting to tax you more to pay for new and/or expanded services is not socialism.
4) A country that declares itself socialist should not be accepted as socialist without further observation in exactly the same way that you are not the king of the world just because you declare yourself to be such.

In summary, actual socialism, things that declare themselves socialist, things you declare socialist and things like socialised healthcare are all completely different things in the same way California has nothing to do with calisthenics and Washington has nothing to do with washing.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=274303&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1295806

Veronica Vanellope I don't know who is mad or about what but I do know the Desantis embodies the GOP's toxic culture and opposes practically everything if not everything democrats support. He has been divisive and though more stable in his positions than Crist, they are positions democrats do not support. Crist is new to me so I had to do some research on him and see what his current stance on positions and policies are and currently they are in-line with democrats' values. Though he did transition from Republican, to independent, to democrat years ago, I think he has found his home in democratic values. This may seem like he lacks commitment in his beliefs and that may be a turn-off to some, but he has been a democrat for 10 years and his values have only become more democratic as he has been with the party. I wouldn't want to hold it against a person who found their way or is still finding thier way opposed to somebody who is unmovable and leaves no room for self-improvement and cultivation like Republicans do. In any case, between the two, given Crist positions are consistent with democrats, it is an easy choice.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=274303&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1295797

Bob Segal he didn't save anything. He made it worse. Not that you would know that.

He's a performative fascist who will be voted out in November. Rubio, too. I guess having the highest teacher shortage in the United States and the 48th ranked state in teacher pay is fine by you. You don't think parents are angry? 9,000 teachers left because of him and the lousy pay. He had no contingency, so they're hiring people who have no education to teach in the classroom. Great move, ronnie.

He only won by .07% last time. This time, blue is going to come out in record numbers. I'm going to see to it.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=274303&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1295811

Gonza Ceron S it's called the inflation reduction act. But how is spending more money going to reduce inflation? It's probably going to cause this recession to turn into a depression. My grandma and mom went through the last one and it was hard times. At least now we have food banks but at the rate people are coming to those they may run out of food soon. And now they're after the Amish farmers because they don't go through the government and they don't like it because it takes their control away. And way to many recall on food items. So it makes me think they are trying to get control of our food to make us dependent on them. Thank God for our 2nd amendment. But that's why they are trying to crush it because it protects us from government overreach. Which they are on the fence with one foot over now. Maybe enough republicans will win in November so we will have our balance of power back.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=274303&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1295809

Riley Proos 
Let me know if you require assistance in comprehending this.

I have never heard that geotracking using cell phones could have errors as low as 12-18 inches,” said Chen Qian, Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at University of California, Santa Cruz. “This range is way below the ranges reported by scientists and engineers.

“A research paper written by AT&T and Purdue University researchers in 2020 predicted that the average location error of 5G networks would vary from 2 meters to >10 meters,” said Qian. “Note their results are simulated results in ideal settings, used for predictions. They are not real experiments, because 5G has not been available everywhere. In real environments the errors would be larger.” (here)

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=274303&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1295798

Rusty Harp voting laws that protect against fraud and ensure only registered voters vote....how shocking! What was he thinking?

Disney repeated the lefts false statements about the Parental Rights law that keeps special interest extreme left school boards from teaching Kindergarteners about sexual gender identity against their parents wishes. How dare those parents demans a say in their kids education and moral values!!

Keeping point out of schools libraries and keeping extreme social ideology out of school textbooks....even MATH books, how dare he!!

Yes, that's exactly what was done, and I am employing sarcasm in regards that actually think this is somehow bad. Protecting kids and famies is much more important than WOKE ideology.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=274303&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1295818

Florida is not purple at all...so if this is a close race The GOP has some serious problems...I really miss the old days McCain Reagan and bush kasich are looking really good now.. these new Republicans are Crazy and I don't want to deal with them at all their to extreme which might end up being a good thing.. if Democrats can keep the ' contraveshal 'in their party under control did not say shut them out just under control..Bernie love ya but now is not the time..cortez you do know what I'm saying..give some breathing room for those who are willing to cross over to cross over

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=274303&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1295807

Denise Breslin
Maybe if you didn’t follow cnn you would see what this man has done for Florida.
The state has been booming for years because he is smart and listens to the people of Florida and let’s them live their lives.
Florida is the number one state that has grown in population over the last 3 years and the majority of those people that have moved there have come from democrat places example New York and California.
So don’t take my word for it but ask the democrats that are moving there why they love it there so much.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=274303&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1295800

Riley Proos
Here, let me help you
D’Souza (guy who made Fakeumentary)

D’Souza, meanwhile, claimed without offering evidence that the dataset had the “reliability of a fingerprint”, expanding in a later podcast interview that it was accurate to between “12 and 18 inches” (here).

Research professionals:

“A research paper written by AT&T and Purdue University researchers in 2020 predicted that the average location error of 5G networks would vary from 2 meters to >10 meters,” said Qian. “Note their results are simulated results in ideal settings, used for predictions. They are not real experiments, because 5G has not been available everywhere. In real environments the errors would be larger.” (here)


Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=274303&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1295801

Dayna Bergman
You’re not explaining to me what he’s done for the state of Florida, please be aware that I hold residents in two states Florida being one of them, so please explain to me, how DeSantis has provided for the state of Florida? How does he let alone try to lessen the federal funding needed to continue to sustain the state of Florida? Because in his timeframe the amount has been astronomically higher, to continue to sustain that state, please explain to me why your lottery system continues to fund your school system?, Please explain why your teachers get paid so little, please explain to me why your school system has a curriculum based on classes like common sense clause?, Tell me why you’re individual counties, provide daily work daily pay, to help sustain people, tell me why that unless it’s a tourist area, there is no funding going to the area, or any type of financial helping to gain and jobTraining, or house purchasing,? That’s not to even start on the fact about his in ability to continue to maintain an ecosystem within the state of Florida

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=274303&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1295803