Linda Eckert Gale Sure they were pushing us for a recession. Right before the pandemic the Republicans got paid big time under their tax scam scheme from corporations and investors to free up their money so that they can invest into the stocks. And not pay taxes. Then the Republicans made sure those stocks profit even more with their get rich strategies like they did when they enforce tarrifs. Enforcing tariffs is deliberately forcing the American people to pay higher prices so that their stocks can profit more off of us. If everybody looks it up they'll see it's true they were pushing us in a recession that's why the feds came out and lowered the interest rates. Then as we all know they allowed the virus to spread for more profit. Deliberately stalling knowing by doing so people would be trapped using their credit cards more than before racking up big time profit for their corporation buddy boys. A strategy also shutting down America to close down mom and pop shops so that their corporate contributors can profit even more they enforce the strategy shortage of demand by having cargo ships stalling at sea until President Biden stepped in and forced daily fines. And baby those ships got unpacked real quick. They deliberately promoted the virus to spread eliminating seniors look at the prime state Florida to San is telling everybody to take off your mask they wanted the seniors homes for their investor friends so that they can charge higher rent. They deliberately caused another housing market frenzy so that people paying overpriced will lose their home when the recession kicks in. They have destroyed the Republican party it is a corrupted comment organization that we must remove them all

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=277921&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1315267

Jim Janeway you truly are a helpless person, aren't you. I did not blame Biden for World wide inflation, you jumped across that chasm due to your unrelenting desire to be correct, when you are not. Biden caused American inflation, but you do not understand economics at all, if you did you would understand why and how he caused inflation. You do not understand market forces or how a disastrous and moronic person like Joe Biden can affect the economy. Perhaps you should just stop responding to me, because I am not going to explain something to you that you should have already learned. Put your brown shirt on, lace up your jack boots, and go out and hunt some Republicans. You have no clue, and I am done with you.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=277921&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1315265

Allen Medina also without immigrants America's farms would shut down, no more hard labor workers to help them for low wages. Immigrants are far harder workers than you or most Americans even realize. And they aren't getting rich or stealing your tax dollars, they are hardly making it by like everyone else... your just being distracted from the REAL problems our once great nation is facing every day... btw did you know your are about 16 times more likely to be r*ped in the USA than in Canada while we have 27% more police than them? Makes sense huh?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=277921&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1315248

Economists look at the wrong numbers, hence GDP seems not to grow, but inflation, while nobody can find employees. In reality, we experience a tectonic shift in the pillars of the economy and the labor market. Millions of former employees disappear in the gig economy as Uber or Lyft drivers, or AirBnB handymen or cleaners. Disruptive industries disrupt the labor markets and economists aren't able to capture the real GDP yet. Does the official inflation show we drive cheaper now with Uber, than we did with taxis or with our own car before, or spend less on an AirBnB than we spent on a hotel room?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=277921&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1315263

Feds thought if they emgineer inflation by printing money, "value" of stocks will rise, and they can politically say economy is growing,
but what it does in the long run makes the middle class poorer and they spend less money, when that happens all small businesss and large business under performs due to inflation, which causes stocks to fall due to earnings report.

So you have A pile of Cash, but it only belongs to the Rich and Cash is not staying with middle class because of high price, in a nutshell FED wants max spending of money, but because Wage did not go up, people are relying on Credit card and their debt is rising and rising! this habit of borrowing money is increasing price of goods because it creates FAKE demand in the market, at one point you will have to return the debt, that is when system loses you as the customer and everything crashes.

Bottom line is, please dont borrow what you cannot pay for and stop printing money

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=277921&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1315252

Andy Man just to enlighten you, each president feels that way on items they are adamant about. The former signed “executive orders” as well. Executive orders are nothing more than a temporary fix. So the proper response is the only reason Biden has not taken action on the massive tax cuts signed by the previous occupant of the Oval Office is because of a 50/50 split in the senate and an obstruction GOP party. There was offsets in the “build back better” bill but was stopped by 2 democrats and the entire Republican Party, which places more emphasis on the need for additional democratic senators and house members in the upcoming election(s).

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=277921&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1315260

Linda Eckert Gale When you have two back to back months of negative GDP it’s a recession, we’ve had that… those are just facts.. The jobs number actually went down from July and the unemployment numbers are going up… those are just facts!
Gash prices will go back up because we are going to stop releasing from the reserve because we never fixed the problem we just put a Band-Aid on it…,
Inflation is not going anywhere..

Again that’s not wishing for anything those are just the facts ….Democrats just have their head in the sand and do not want to face the facts..

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=277921&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1315249

Phyllis Parks More childish tantrums and ramblings. Nothing you just spouted, once again like a child having a tantrum, even comes close to backing up your claim or answering the questions. You should just quit while your ahead.

And you can't read you delusional clown I'm not a Trump supporter. So I'll ask again... Who is my mentor that I should change and get a real Republican like you say. How do I even have a mentor? Are you trying to read my mind? lol I wouldn't recommend it. You will just be crazier than you are now. And that's hard to accomplish

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=277921&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1315270

Michael Morrison stating a bunch of "ACTS" that literally do nothing to help anyone but corrupt policy makers isn't really a flex. Does the "inflation reduction act" do anything to reduce inflation? or does it promote big government pulling more tax dollars from average citizens. I'll wait while you're brainwashed self catches up. Just because you use buzz words doesn't negate the downright evil being perpetuated on the average person. "We beat pharma?" Remember that? What does that mean coming from people who were mandating the patronization of Pharma? I have a serious question for you Michael. Are you totally brainwashed, a little slow, or are you paid to repeat nonsense?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=277921&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1315261

Gregory Orsimarsi you be surprised how much I've been putting out of the truth. You got a corrupted command organization that needed to be watched every second and baby I sure did. It's starting to unravel look at Steve Bannon he just got caught taking funds from the investors who were deliberately falsely promoting that wall for their profit. They even enforce tariffs on steel making that wall more expensive to be built by the taxpayers for their steel profit. Forcing America to pay thousands more for a new and used vehicle or any appliance they price gouged us to death between the wall food products and even gasoline and slowly but surely it's going to be unraveled who the dirty demon dogs truly are

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=277921&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1315269