Gordon Wyne point is that there’s been similar scenarios from people opposite of Trump that have gone unpunished, and yet no jailing or sentencing was handed down, meanwhile an entire department has been hunting down anything to jail this guy to no end. If you can’t see how hypocritical that is, and how your statements don’t line up then yeah you must be 3

Also, literary everything has been pointed out over and over. Everything has been fixed through fines and money, but somehow you can’t wrap your head around that, go figure. But sure, I guess there’s people that enjoy seeing money go to waste and not to people who actually need it

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=281190&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1331764

Given the Democrats and the liberal media's obsession with and hatred of Trump, it's hard to believe this is anything but a political vendetta timed to affect the elections. Liberals of course won't see it that way, but a reasonable person probably will. I'm no Trump fan or defender, but so much is being piled on for it all to be legitimate. I watched the 'hearings' and all I saw was witness after witness telling what they heard someone say, never the person who actually witnessed something. It's enough to make Independent voters suspicious, and those are the people Democrats need. Maybe Democrats should look at the polls and realize Independent voters are sick of hearing about Trump and are turning away from the Democrats.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=281190&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1331756

Beth Peters The best part.....

AG James said her office believes it has uncovered federal crimes by Trump and others, including bank fraud and lying to financial institutions.

James said her office has sent a criminal referral to federal prosecutors in Manhattan and the IRS.

“We believe the conduct alleged in this (civil) action also violates federal criminal law,” James said, “including issuing false statements to financial institutions and bank fraud.”

“We are referring those criminal violations that we have uncovered to the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and the Internal Revenue Service,” James said at a press conference.


Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=281190&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1331769

#45 owes & did not pay bills; he has a history of this.


“None of Trump’s properties are bringing in money, they’re all running at a loss – and Trump is so upside down on his real estate empire, his favorite Russian money laundering bank had to step in to keep him afloat. In other words, Donald Trump really is just that broke.”

“Of course this suggests that he’s been broke all along, and that he’s spent years merely borrowing from Peter to pay Paul. Once the New York criminal probe begins seizing Trump’s assets and/or revealing his true financial situation in upcoming indictments, we’ll get to see the full extent of just how broke Trump might be. But the Deutsche Bank-related evidence paints a picture of a failed broke real estate magnate who’s always just trying to barely hang on to his collapsing empire.”

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=281190&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1331754

White-collar crime does not get the sentencing it requires. Corrupt financial institutions & their leadership have cost people their lives not just robbed people to ruin. They don’t care because they have enough money to pay the fines and they know they don’t have to do the time. They need to be locked up and not in country club jails either. To me they are worse offenders than the guy who robs a gas station for money to feed his family or his habit. They can destroy hundreds if not thousands of lives& can outspend on legal fees. Sure I’m happy they’re going after Trump but they need to go after everybody who commits these crimes and punishment must be more severe

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=281190&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1331766

Steve Giordano like Cheney behind GW? Talk about a conflict of interests. He shot gunned a guy in the face
Yes, I'm drinking and smoking, but Trump is a joke, literally making fun of a handicapped,
reporter, burying his ex on his
golf course, he is NOT A STATESMAN, POLITICIAN, he is a self centered, egomaniac who wouldn't last 10 min in a conversation with me, on any subject
Problem for me, is, I'm a stoner at heart, I'm not looking to take advantage of, I'm looking to help
people, HOWEVER, for those who do try to take advantage of me, I can be down right EVIL, dig?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=281190&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1331768

Amy Kinney can you imagine a prosecutors applying the laws. I guess you think O.J. is above the laws. He can lie to banks, get better tax rate, pay less property taxes and get away with it?? He also stoled 2 million dollars given to his charity by donors ....he used it to make repairs to his vacation home in upstate NY, used it to buy new furniture in his NY apartment, he was caught and required to pay back the money and the charity was closed and he and his kids cant apply for any 501c3 charity status in the state of NY ever again. Etc.... but i know , you think he is above the laws of this country. Very Sad comment.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=281190&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1331760

Debby Cariera Is there a reason to? If there was a reason I'm sure the republicans would be attacking but when you have nothing you have nothing. But you are right, people are very afraid because this cult like mentality he created has destroyed the moral compass of this country. It's ok to say your guy was wrong about something. It's ok to question what you see and hear. Just because he is your political "side" doesn't mean he is a perfect being but when you are in a cult , the leader can tell you you did not hear what you heard and you did not see what just happened and you eat it up. that is is a a CULT -

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=281190&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1331757

Patrick Adams so your okay that the wealthy elites can lie to a banks, lie to county clerk officers regarding property taxes, sign paperwork swearing what he have recorded is true. IF Avg americans lie and swear and sign paperwork that is untrue.....they are punished while the elites are praised? The Orange Jesus has decieved banks, as a result filed over six bankruptcies leaving banks, vendors and employees without compensation. And who pays for these schemes its the taxpayers. Higher property taxes, and banks charging more for services and less in interest to cover the costs. Just ask the small vendors in Atlantic that lost their businesses of which the O.J. refused to pay or the fact O.J. had decieved charity donors and took their money and used it to buy himself lavishly furniture, buy and repair vacation homes in upstate NY or the women employees of Atlantic City that were cheated out of their wages.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=281190&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1331759

He’ll never see the inside of a prison cell (as he should) but if you can hold him responsible FINANCIALLY for all the shady crap he’s pulled or people he’s ripped off (or at least some of it) and hold him and his loser company and useless grifter-offspring financially responsible, justice will at least be partially served.

Everyone that reads this comment KNOWS deep down, that if ANY of us pulled 1000th of the crap he and his loser kids pulled, they’d lock us up and throw away the key.

Just asking for justice to be swift and blind.
No more.
And no less.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=281190&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1331762