Laurie Lazore Well, if we don't use narcan or have narcan around, they will die. Instead of being negative about people who are struggling with addiction, you could advocate for more education & more follow up for the people who are narcanned, so they can get into treatment or some kind of help. Getting narcanned isn't going to magically make an addict want to get better, it typically puts them into immediate withdrawal. Maybe if they were given more help/options after being narcanned, they could go to a treatment center to help their symptoms while they fully detox. But things like that just aren't available for everyone.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=281453&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1333176

Unfortunately this is just another job that teachers are having to take on and worry about each day. How can they possibly be “grooming” or plotting to discuss politics and gender/racial issues in their classes when they are being told to do so many other things. This isn’t even considering teaching, the reason they are there and the reason they took out thousands of dollars to become teachers-they want to help children learn! That is the goal-that each student leaves their classroom with more knowledge, more critical thinking skills, and be able to better handle what comes next. The attacks on our schools need to stop-the physical and the verbal, along with providing living wages or their might not be any people left who want/are willing to teach.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=281453&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1333165

Margaret Cooke Cromwell 99% of the Fentanyl is seized at legal crossings, because border agents are pulled off patrols away from the mass migrations crossings to babysit. 99% of Fentanyl comming into the US is illegally along the southern border. Video estimates of one MILLION getaways under Bidens watch are where MOST drugs, Felons and TERRORIST cross, not legal checkpoints....or illegal crossings that are used for mass illegal migrations. Drugs, Fentanyl especially has more than doubled across the southern border under Bidens watch.

And....yes, I do know what the US Immigration law requires to claim asylum. My grandparents actually did flee Germany as Hitler rose to power.....and legally entered the country. Sorry that following US law offends you so.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=281453&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1333171

One reason it wasn’t effective is because parents didn’t back the program up. We became a society that doesn’t raise our kids to trust in our law enforcement and teaching kids it’s ok to fight them and calling it “protecting them and there “rights; but forgot about teaching basic respect towards themselves and others.What they do not understand is the law enforcement has to go through tons of training, and education. As fair as allowing kids to worship it should be for all religious groups I mean even non believers knows what’s right from wrong and maybe being able to practice it in schools is what it takes to help our young ones. Above all that our parenting styles need to improve and as our children’s first mentors needs to step in and be involved with our children.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=281453&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1333173

Cheryl Nino I’m not saying that they shouldn’t. As a medical healthcare aide (and a parent to a child with significant health issues) in an elementary school I know how important it is for schools to have/know how to use life saving medication.

What I am saying is that teachers are being asked to teach, worry about and protect their students from violent males, answer to EVERY demand these “parents” make while at the same time being accused of crimes ( that they aren’t committing) and now they are being asked to administer medicine for life-saving measures. All the while not earning a living wage for ALL the work they do.

What I want to see is teachers being recognized for all the work they do instead of being made out to be villains by people who have not stepped foot in a school/classroom since they graduated/dropped out.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=281453&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1333177

Laurie Lazore I've been clean for 5 years and I know plenty of other people that have recovered & are living more productive lives than you are. Without narcan or other life saving measures, a lot of us would not be able to be given the CHANCE to recover. Don't you think everyone, especially a child still in school, deserves a chance to recover? Most of these kids dying from fentanyl aren't even "drug addicts", they are kids who are experimenting. But drugs are way more dangerous now even than compared to when I was a teen, so they die. Should they use drugs? No. But do they deserve to die? Also no.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=281453&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1333175

Cara Anne Anastasia Heffernan 100% increase along the Southern border.......I'd say thats more than just a little more than significant. Guessing yiur heads buried in the sand to these facts.

How about the all time records on legal immigration? 4 MILLION illegal immigrants since Biden took office. Here's a question for you.....how many of those that illegally crossed the border, not at official points of entry and with official doccuments, and having the US as the first country they entered fleeing their home land for reasons other than better pay.....how many qualify for Asylum under US immigration laws??????? I'll help you...ZERO!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=281453&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1333170

Robin Joy Tracy can't blame this on the parents, kids will be kids. My parents don't know half the stuff I've done in my life. lol

The problem is that as a nation, we aren't properly educated about substance use disorder. D.A.R.E. SUCKS! They don't say half of what needs to be said, they don't properly educate us on the dangers of substances, they just say "Drugs are bad."

Tell me WHY they are bad.
Tell me how addiction completely ALTERS the brain.
Tell me how PRESCRIPTION PILLS are just as bad as illicit substances.
Tell me how the drugs will COMPLETELY ruin my life.
Tell me what is actually fueling most people's addiction!

D.A.R.E. needs to go away or go back to square one and change their method of teaching

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=281453&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1333167

Apparently the D.A.R.E program has never been put to use and effect over here. I swear sitting and listening to that every year effect me highly and folks around us. Not to mention we kept the Bible in our schools. We had Wednesday morning worship at the flag pole for anyone who wanted to participate and the school couldn’t interfere guess what kids came on there own. I mean some was skipping class, but they didn’t interrupt they listened. Our sheriffs department was just walking distance from the school as well and every parent knew who the sheriff was. I tell you what if we do not see a change this world is going to see a lot worse than we are already experiencing. God is coming God is coming back! I’m not a saint no where near, but as I am here I am here to work on me and will keep trying to do Gods will. Bless us all

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=281453&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1333166

Jenny Leigh so you are not in Florida, which I referenced. Florida IA not unique however in the attempt to inject extreme ideology. State legislature sets guidelines and in se cases like Florida specific exclusions as I referenced. In Virginia as we saw play out on the national stage with the governors race, an extreme curriculum was being injected, though publicly denied by both the school boards and teachers unions. Parents however got involved and actually found on school board website portals used for teachers, the very subjects that they denied. Of course the schools allowing biological makesnto use girls lockerooms and the sexual.assaults that occured got parents involved. Remember the father of the one girl sexually assaulted? Banned from the public meetings for dare making a public statement about this....even as the board denied it happened. They also quietly transferred that male to another school and it happened again. He was vindicated and eyes were opened, but not just about that subject. Elements of CRT were in the curriculum in as young as middle school, despite the boards denial.

Hopefully, most teachers don't feel as the few loud representives of theirs proclaim, that parents don't have a right to know or change the curriculum they intend to use, and that teachers are the ones with a primary responsibility with what a child is taught, not parents.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=281453&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1333174