Randy Kellam I have been following the technology of the turbines for many years. To you they and their problems are probably new and you're only learning from one framework -- one I consider to be out of date but also one which is worth knowing about.

ALL technology goes through phases in which their dangers are learned about. Fossil fuels are one thing we assumed way too long were safe.

Nothing is free in this universe but it takes a while for some to become glaringly apparent.

I ASKED about eagles getting caught in the blades of wind turbines. An article, a place, etc. You must have seen something. That surprises me since I thought eagles eyesight was better than that. I am curious about the eagles.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=282146&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1336775

Randy Kellam

I wish some of these "conservative" idiots would at least take a look at a map. Martha's Vineyard is a small island within the state of Massachusetts. These perfectly legal immigrants were shipped there purely as a political stunt, and the good people of the Vineyard, who were not told they were coming, responded to their arrival, fed them and then moved them 25 miles away within the state to a facility that handles refugees on a regular basis and is far better equipped to handle them. They didn't "ship them out", and the people in Texas where they originated, not Florida, told them they were going to Boston where there would be housing and jobs.

Which is a complete lie.

It's also kidnapping, fraud, and human trafficking.

But the hordes of "conservative" dimwits keep insisting these were illegal immigrants not legal asylum seeking refugees, from Florida not Texas where they originated, who were sent to Martha's Vineyard, not Boston as they were deliberately lied to, without any arrangements for their arrival whatsoever, and once they arrived there they were "deported" off island, not simply moved to a facility purpose-built to handle such an emergency, 25 miles away and within the same state.

So it was all lies. And they buy it.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=282146&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1336776