DeNeen Grant I'm going to use small, simple words to explain this to you. If you get too confused, maybe one of your 'smart'friends can help you out. The target audience is people who like music like Beyonce, Rhianna, Nikki Minaj, Snoop Dog, but do not really care for country music. I understand how difficult this is for you, since your own sense of entitlement makes you think we all like what you like. I assure that is not the case. Now run along and get someone whose reading comprehension skills are above those of a housefly to explain this to you.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=282148&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1336784

Johnny Edward country is a lot more than those 2 subjects. Just like every genre, every subject is found. And you'd be very surprised how big the genre is!! Pop and rock have stagnated, rap is limited to known artists. Country continues to showcase new artists. Shania doesn't sing much anymore, and there's a huge generation of pop country nowadays. Carrie Underwood, Keith Urban, Jason Aldean and more are transitioning to more pop. Guess that's why the genre grows more and more than the others, because of the crossover power. And try to remember, Taylor Swift is also a country singer who does pop.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=282148&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1336780

Corey Lawson and we all know the capital thing was an FBI set up. Who is ray eps that went around telling people in crowds to storm the capital while everyone in the crowd was screeming he’s a fed ? not to mention antifa members were caught on tape hiding in the bushes changing out of there all black clothing into trump gear. And also several of those members have confessed on tape that they were paid by the FBI to do a fake protest. You want those clips I carry all the receipts. But I’m sure you have no desire to hear the truth that will destroy the illusion you people live in No such thing as an Insurrection ‘Marbury versus Madison, 1803’ Read it. #1776Nation https://m.facebook.com/st...100044180089059

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=282148&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1336786

Edward Sanchez Gonzalez the word is you're smdh lol that music is garbage and not worth listening to at all !! here is real music, james brown,bb king, wilson pickett, sam and dave, otis redding, solomon burke, the jbs , lyn collins etc. this list is soul music you probably have no rhythm to this soul music and could not step like us brothers and sisters !! how do you dance to metallica ? by banging your guitar on the floor, screaming and screeching lol. i grew up on all black music by mom played soul all the time no beatles, elvis or country music !! she also had plenty of motown music too.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=282148&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1336779

Tess Urban if right before your drink is served you see me rummaging through ingredients for drink with my bare hands, you wouldn't say something? In a club with over a thousand people, putting my hands on everything they touched? Anyway I talked with her briefly, her friend was much more interesting. Not a big germaphobe, but manners go a long way. She was being totally taken care of she didn't have take without asking, nor put her dirty hands in olives other people will be consuming. I know it won't change your opinion because you probably will never meet her. I've met many celebrities and pro athletes on a personal level. My favorite athlete of all time is just a drugged out weirdo. When I met him it was a big let down. Just because they have talent doesn't make them a God. Have a great day

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=282148&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1336783

Richard Silva
Wait…you…a nobody…just hang around (your words here) “famous people”, and for some reason you think they are cool with that because they don’t tell you to ‘run along little stalker fan’?
I personally have never been ‘star struck’ & I have NEVER asked for an autograph nor to have a picture taken with someone I don’t know.
I actually leave people alone & realize that they , and come in & out of the world just like everyone else does!
That fact that you are telling the world that YOU stalk people?
Speaks volumes.
As far as trustworthy…I don’t call people names or imply that they are “ghetto” & I certainly would never get on social media & pretend to be important as you’re doing now.
I don’t see any bitterness or “abrasiveness” in my comments.
You must be a dTrmper, because you are doing the very things that you’re accusing others are: I looked at your page & YOU are ghetto & pretentious.
Because you’re a stalker, a creeper & invade on others because you think they’re “a star”, actually says you’re a pathetic wannabe.
By the way.
Trump lost! By a LOT!
Congratulations you’re in a cult!
You might want to “get over it”.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=282148&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1336785

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=282148&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1336781