Byrch Griffin you're just as ignorant as they come. Slavery is over but their stand still stands. How come when it comes to minorities getting homes and being homeowners their interest rates are higher than Caucasian and they can have the best credit. When it comes to appraisal on a black hole it can be in a nice community but the appraisal is lower than a Caucasian. This one black dude did two appraisals one of them saying he was black and then the other one he said he was white when he said he was white the appraisal was much higher than when he said he was black. Why can a black and a white person do the same crime and the black person nine times out of 10 gets the higher sentence. We're not going to talk about Emmett till how the hell does his murderer get away. They didn't want to arrest her back then because she had children they found the warrant out for her arrest this year and now they're saying she's too old. But they will lock Bill Cosby's old behind up so what makes her any different that's why privilege that is finest. We're not going to talk about in 2015 three white men on trial for hunting black people. That didn't hit the media but it happened you can look it up there's newspapers articles. So stop trying to tell people to get over it do you tell the Jews to get over it. And what's sad is the Jews were the only people that got killed in the Holocaust but they're the only ones that got money from it. There was blacks killed in the Holocaust too. So hush it up segregation stopped in the 1960s. You still got a lot of places down south blacks really can't even go to.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=283276&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1342793

Steven Muzik you’re off to a good start. My take is that I’m black. What I say is from experience and not numbers or sensationalism. Being born black puts one at a disadvantage from the start. I’m in my fifties and have been through unbelievable circumstances. But then everyone has a story to tell. The Jews, Africans, Mexican people and so many other races that are discriminated against. Blacks however, are a targeted people world over. They even seek to eradicate our history. So much more can be said but not by me alone. Please, kindly interview any black person who is willing to share. It will liberate you from the hype and hypocrisy of the world and media alike.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=283276&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1342806

The CCP govt state media in China is responsible for most of the perception ppl in China have about the USA. See 1984, rewriting history...And come on seriously... China is one of the most racist places on the planet. They're eradicating an entire race of ppl with genocide and forced sterilization. Foreigners going to China now from the USA are at risk of being locked up by the police just for being there. There are a significant number of Chinese spies working for the CCP in USA now. Tacit War has basically begun.. The teacup calling the kettle black 10 fold. I would not even be surprised if CNN was somehow baited into writing this story.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=283276&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1342802

Lily Flowers here we go with the assumptions. But sure you’re right if you wanna get down it I guess it happens to all of us regardless of race or nationality. Have you ever walked through a predominantly African American neighborhood, Italian neighborhood, Jewish neighborhood as a white Person? No of course not you’re not white so how would you know! (Yes I’m using the same lame excuse as you). sorry to burst your bubble but the majority of the population really doesn’t give a what color you are or where you’re from. Like we literally don’t care, they’re ppl like everyone else no more special than anyone else in this world. But y’all are basing the entire world off of your little crime corners that you live in and pretend if it’s there it’s everywhere cause CNN tells you.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=283276&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1342792

Maximuz Z please learn the definition

Prejudice is when a person negatively pre-judges another person or group without getting to know the beliefs, thoughts, and feelings behind their words and actions. A person of any racial group can be prejudiced towards a person of any other racial group. There is no power dynamic involved.

Bigotry is stronger than prejudice, a more severe mindset and often accompanied by discriminatory behavior. It’s arrogant and mean-spirited, but requires neither systems nor power to engage in.

Racism is the system that allows the racial group that’s already in power to retain power. Since arriving on U.S. soil white people have used their power to create preferential access to survival rights and resources housing, education, jobs, voting, citizenship, food, health, legal protection, etc.for white people while simultaneously impeding people of color’s access to these same rights and resources.Though “reverse racism” is a term I sometimes hear, it has never existed in America. White people are the only racial group to have ever established and retained power in the United States

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=283276&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1342795

CNN and the media is fueling this. Just like with every other issue. You’re what’s wrong with America. Leave us alone and let us get along instead of dividing us into every category on earth except human beings.

(Edited): trigger warning for all you foolish sheep who believe everything you’re told to bribe by CNN. Y’all are blind cry babies who won’t do any thinking or finding out for yourself.

And as for the news articles I posted, those are to show you what CNN won’t. They won’t tell you the truth. They’ll tell you a bit of it then get you emotionally charged so you can’t think for y’all’s and you’re running on anger. It’s SIMPLE too.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=283276&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1342788

Tim Holts great respect to you my brother you sound like an intelligent guy more and more black men are leaving the democrat plantation and turning to conservatism many of them go on to feel liberated

All I see apposition you in these comments us liberal fascists that believe you are defined by your skin colour and your opinions are based on what you are told to believe by sed liberals I just seen someone comment on here claiming your not actually a black man but a white man with a fake profile how insane is that! These people don’t realise their racist hypocrisy

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=283276&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1342791

Ian Crause That is BS. NOBODY does anti-anything more than Whyte people. Especially here in America. Blacks and Jews were together during the civil rights movement. It wasn’t Black people marching through Charlottesville chanting anti-Semitic statements. That was whyte men. It wasn’t Black people who were discriminating against Asians during COVID and making racist comments towards them. That was Whyte people.

Black folks supported Asians and protested against Asian hate during COVID. You know nothing about Black communities and our history in America.

Stop trying to paint Black people as racist as Whyte. Whyte people created the concept of race and used it to create a caste system and perpetuated genocide and discriminatory behavior. Stand 10 toes deep in it, sir.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=283276&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1342809

Lily Flowers Pssst while we’re at it..:here’s some pulled facts since it’s white supremacy you’re pointing fingers at again. You believe the media so shouldn’t be a problem in believing actual statistics. Out of 182,230 reports of Asian victims. Of these, the offender was white 24% of the time and Black 28% of the time. For comparison, the US population is 62% White, 12% Black, 17% Hispanic, and 6% Asian.
So while the US population has more white people than black people, Asians are victimized in violent crime by Black people more often than by Black people even without adjusting for the population difference.
A little research other than believing what they print for your morning brain cells goes a long way

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=283276&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1342794

Gloria Washington No, he wouldn’t be. Asian women marry outside their ethnicity more than any other group. In the USA, Asian women marry middle-upper class white men. The families of these women approve because the marriages improve their social status as well as lightens the skin of the offspring. In Asian culture, the paler/whiter the skin, the more beautiful you are. I have taught ESL online and had conversations with students all over the world. Every Asian I have spoken to confirmed what I had already researched about love for pale skin. When Asians come to this country, they, of course, bring their culture with them. They often disdain black people and treat them badly.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=283276&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1342797