WOMEN'S RIGHTS MATTER REAL VOTES MATTER Unarmed Female US Veteran Ashli Babbitt, who served our country and more than earned her right to have her vote be counted and her voice to be heard after those rights were obviously stolen from so many Americans, was shot in cold blood. Say her name, say her name America, because our corrupt manipulative NWO backed, China owned US media propagandists certainly won't do it.

Our troops should never have been deployed to the Capitol Building just to perpetuate our corrupt puppet politicians false optics of an insurrection – Instead, they should have been deployed to our border were they were actually needed.

That farce of an election was investigated and numerous cases of fraud, manipulation and unverifiable results discovered, but no court was even willing to hear the truth.

Let's face it, China fought a trade war using a biological weapon, corrupt US puppet politicians and the corrupt NWO backed media.

Welcome to the United States of America, owned and operated by Communist China with easily access to all from our Mexican border.

NWO backed media propagandists and puppet politicians are fighting tooth and nail to perpetuate the stolen presidency – Trump won and we all know it, even actual Biden voters.

Unfortunately, it's called "WAG THE DOG" while innocent people's lives are being destroyed and people are dying as cover for the Evil NWO Elites.

Joe Biden is not just totally corrupt, but incompetent as well – It's about time that America starts holding globalist establishment puppet politicians and the corrupt manipulative media accountable.

Yes media propagandists and puppet politicians, we should all just close our eyes and accept the results of a blatantly obvious fraudulent presidential election, after listening to four years of Russia, Russia, Russia, false racism, media race monger and paid agitator inspired riots, and then the false narrative and optics of a fake insurrection, just so the NWO Elites can keep making everything in China

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=283534&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1343838