um, ok? im trying to see how that is the case, but....

idk, maaaaybe we arent privy to all the facts

maybe it WAS all just innocent goofing around, and we (the public) just dont have that key piece of info that lead to the jury saying that

IF thats the case, the i do kind feel bad for him, its ol' Keyser Söze

but if he really did the things that people are accusing him of, then its just one more example in how flawed out system is, and how the rich just don't have to follow the same laws that WE do.

we need a complete overhaul of our judicial system if we're EVER going to progress as a society

i guess thats the case regardless really

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=287696&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1366170

Magaly Martinez Saenz it is true that there are people who get not guilty verdicts when they are in fact guilty. However, it is also true that in thousands/millions of court cases the accused is considered not guilty when there is a lack of evidence because they are in fact not guilty. What I'm promoting is doubt. I think it's dangerous when people are absolutely certain about something when there is no evidence (or weak evidence). How would you feel if a random person accused you tomorrow and suddenly your career/livelihood is instantly destroyed? I don't want to live in such a society. Btw, people have made many false accusations on many celebrities (even as far back as Charlie Chaplin and Elvis presley).

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=287696&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1366169

Funny how testimony from the accuser claimed he was sitting in a closed door bedroom in a studio apartment. The facts of the case showed that apartment did not have a closed door bedroom. Funny how the accuser claimed he was watching The David Letterman Show with guest Molly Ringwald prior to being assaulted. The facts of the case showed that show aired 8 days after the accusation. Funny how no one testified that there was a party that night. Funny how the jury took less than 2 hours to find the accuser was not believable yet all you idiots on here are clueless.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=287696&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1366167