As the ANC is few days away from the heavily contested 55th conference; hell has broken loose as Richard PoPoplak and many more have already stated. It is not only the ANC members who are interested in fulfilling their evil ambitions that have no God in them; also their masters who control almost all politicians and their so called "parties" who even claim to be opposition parties whilst the do the exact thing that the current ANC does and even worse. Good people are smeared with madness, evil, lies and killed so that they may be a particular evil outcome so that evil may continue to govern; but I am standing to oppose any devilish plan to kill me or any of the Good people that are part of my team that came here to represent the kingdom of God here on earth as it is in heaven. And all those who agree with me must pay close attention to all politicians and what they do; evil must never again govern this beautiful land that God has created. The demon of hate and all its agent must go back to hell; the children of God deserve Peace, Joy and Happiness. True Freedom can only be attained when those who are Honest are in charge; dishonest people have nothing to offer because freedom only belongs to honest beings and those who are dishonest and entangled with their sins are not able to free others, they only continue to serve the interest of their evil masters, we see it here in South Africa and allover the world. Evil must cease to exist and those who want me dead should die instead, together with their children. I don't sit down and plan evil; evil must go back to its sender.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=291208&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1382866