David Rush you shouldn't tell anybody to try to talk a language when your people don't have their own language you stole the culture and the language of English secondly 13% we are the first people on this planet you people come from my people I think that you people forget that you guys were dark skin neanderthals and the f****** caucus before a skin pigmentation this is a reason why you people go around trying to build your senses up and build a higher population to scare our convince us at the where the lower race our population but we both know that's a lie you people don't produce our populate the children melanin or race that we do... But nice try

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=291222&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1383039

Lee Saxton what does that have to do with Caucasians did to African Americans black Americans Brown Americans and still do to this day you want to bring up Africans having slavery like every race did not do a slave trade from the British the Dutch the French the Germans everyone had a slave trade but let's name a time where black people for the last 500 years in America where we all reside did anything to any f****** race that you brought up... Your deflection don't work with me cuz I'm educated and you're racism and ignorance don't bother me come with some facts

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=291222&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1383034

Michele Doll still not a word... Adding a prefix to every word doesn't change it's meaning as a pronoun. This is why there is adjectives that already exist to get your point across. Funny how I attack an article for being click bait ( which it is ) and you attack a person based on superficial perceptions from my profile image. A psychiatrist would say that's projection of an internal conflict or dissatisfaction in ones self. Also the insults your throwing out are childish and not really based on any facts since you know nothing about me. The generalization of "people" as you stated shows you have deep disregard already in place for some demographic of the population. Enjoy your Sunday.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=291222&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1383037

David Rush and my people have no reason to be racist to yours you people are nothing to us we never stole your culture we ain't got s*** to steal from y'all y'all have nothing on your own y'all can't make anything f****** cool so what do we need from you people but you need a whole lot from us from DNA skin pigmentation history culture language wealth people get it together because we only live this life on Earth we all got to go and you people will not like it I hope all this hate was worth it cuz we don't give a f*** about y'all

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=291222&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1383040

Taylor Day you can't come for me on my Facebook it won't bother me at all I'm black that black don't crack that melanin stay f****** strong I don't burn in the sun my DNA will always be strong as long as we keep it away from you people when you can tell me where Caucasians come from and how they got their Caucasian color then we'll let it go but you will never be able to do that so you're deflects and hate and a little bit of racism but who gives a f*** from you people to have no culture no history no flavor no seasoning and who change colors in the f****** Sun

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=291222&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1383032

Lee Saxton but yeah I don't hear anything about how many black children and black people have been killed Hennessy by the police just say you hate black people I would never give a f*** because I know for a fact my Creator is one of us it's the reason why we were here f****** first you people can be hateful evil racist deadly as much as you want to on this f****** planet we all got to leave from here do you think that you people are going to live a great life after all of this that you have done are you proud as a f****** man to be hateful and racist to erase that has never done any harm to you as a whole get your life and stop hating on that BBC something you will never f****** have we don't like unseasoned pink raw meat and FYI covid affected more of you m************ than us

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=291222&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1383036

Thomas Frazzini go educate yourself cuz last time my check didn't they try to do the scrambled Africa meaning that they try to take over it I think that British still claims half of Africa are percentage let's not act like all races will not a part of the slave trade because the German was selling the Germans whites were selling whites French was selling French and Africans was selling Africans you only want to focus on black people because of your hate but be honest about this s*** I'm glad I'm not you people you guys age terribly you're hateful you drink milk just disgusting

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=291222&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1383041

Wasilla Locksmith and FYI the color white don't exist I think you racist forget how the f*** y'all got your skin color don't forget that everybody on this planet was dark skin and melanated if it wasn't for black people skin pigmentation you wouldn't have that very color you love to be racist with so next time when you come come correct cuz last time my f****** check your people wasn't in America you came here you can sleep people you lose it you murdered you caused multiple massacres genocides daily experiments daily diseases you people have to f****** nerves but one day you will reap what you sow

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=291222&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1383038

I know of an assortment of old cemeteries that were lost and overgrown over time. Most of them involved old mining towns that once thrived, but through all manner of economic changes over the last 100 years, many were lost and ghost towns galore dot the land.

First Nations grave sites...there is a big controversy over that up in Canada. Some of it is inter related to those ghost towns, and some of it related to old grave sites in towns still around. One grave yard in Whitehorse, Yukon where I grew up...it was heavily overgrown and unkept. It fell into disuse because the area was prone to flash flooding and clay deposits from the hill next to it. Generally, it was a lousy location and most of the graves were buried under several feet of clay.

Most of those buried there, were people who travelled to the Klondike for the gold but died along the way. It was not an easy trip and many were buried there. Natives included, the common practices were to share the cemetery space...if there was segregation, it's lost under a lot of clay sediment.

I know of only a few of the graves recovered from that site and moved to an area less impacted by erosion. But there were hundreds more that were simply lost and are still there to this day. No records. Nothing. There might have been at one time...but like many things in history, the records were lost. Pen ink in the late 1800s and early 1900s was often poor quality, it faded or bled too easily when wet. Fires were common too.

The controversy with the FN people is similar, though the negative problem with it lay with the link to the residential schools and the family losing track of where their loved ones are, the graves only marked with a simple wooden cross. It is up to the families to have a stone cut and placed if they seek it. Naturally, those FN people who lived significant distances away, did not have the means to have a stone placed, let alone have their loved one sent home to them so they could properly send them to the afterlife. This is not true of every settlement with lost grave yards however. The one in Whitehorse is a singular example...there is likely other similar stories in other old mining settlements lost to time.

Suffice to say, despite the historical value of those graves in Whitehorse, there is little desire to excavate that space...mostly a safety issue, but some controversy as many still consider it "sacred" space, even if it is overgrown and wild. There is a walking trail that goes through that specific area now, though there is no mention of what is underneath that trail.

Some people want controversy...crave it...this is another one of those stories.

Is it of historical value? Yep. And it has significant meaning to a very large group of people, and not necessarily just Black people either.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=291222&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1383035