William Dingwell or Jared, Don jr, Eric, lovely Ivanka, Banon, Guilfoyle; they were all in this together to defraud our country. The list is endless on the trump side. So much investigating Hunter and the only think they could find was that he lied about some weapon purchase. The guy admitted going through drug problems usage that led to poor decisions. I wished Don Jr was that straightforward. Who are you kidding? I bet you call yourself an American patriot but you are ok with trump planning a coup and stealing American secrets. By the way, President Biden is a legitimate president working hard for the American people. The inflation is high all over the world, look at the world news; no one has a magic wand to make it go away. What’s Republicans proposal to fix it? Cut social security and give tax breaks to the wealthy.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=291223&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1383064

Doug Jones Then why were we not importing oil
at that time, and why beg the Saudi Arabians
to export to us more oil and reduce prices also. To be honest, the people in office are trying
to ween us off of oil, and it is shutting down the
economy. Regan once said; government is not
the solution to the problem, they are the problem. Government has never made anything.
The factories, companies, and men with vision,
give us those things. Supply and demand, as
well as competition, determines price.
Government doesn’t drill for oil, transport oil,
nor refine it, only get their cut of profits, and
regulate them to death. Oh, and they also blame
them for everything.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=291223&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1383072

Gwendolyn Kendrix
An unarmed overthrow of the government?
Selling nuclear secrets?
A sliver of nut jobs called to hang Pence. You forget all the prominent MAGAs that condemned the attack?

The dems did do a great job capitalizing on the pissed off mob, crying now to save democracy.

Maybe those “Chumps” got fed up with how the dems tried ousting Trump with the now proven fake Russia collusion hoax.
A hoax the FBI was involved in.
The same FBI charged with enforcing election laws.

The horror of going back to pro-American energy, 3rd country agreements to hold asylum seekers, Arab peace talks, zero invasions, cheap eggs and improved trade deals.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=291223&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1383071

Mike Phillips The very beginning of your comment shows you to be a fool and a liar for political reasons which is why Democrat to the enemies of this country. Every president for the last half century have taken documents with them. Only liberal democrats are such enemies of this country just like you trying to create crimes against your political enemies. The documents weren't in danger unless you're trying to say The Secret service weren't protecting the president and his property. You're either not smart enough to know what a lie what you're saying is or more probably your an evil Democrat like all democrats who'll do anything and say anything against your political enemies

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=291223&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1383061

LéPluza Thomas is not about maga or Biden is about all these foreigners that have started to get in to the USA branches of government with their ideologies that came with them from their own countries and had forgotten the AMERICAN IDEOLOGY which is not the ultra left of the Democratic Party and of course is not the MAGA part of the Republican Party look well and you’ll see that in both extremes there is foreigner people and when I say foreigner I am not saying people of the black or brown color only also the the ones that are more close to EASTERN EUROPE AND THEY ARE blonde white those are foreigners too with crazy ideologies that are destroying America for a benefit of other countries like Russia or China . America wake up!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=291223&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1383050

Jason Schmidt It's relevant because good patriotic Americans are willing to go out in the weather to support a president that delivered the best economy of our lifetime. Liberals are such disgusting human beings they vote against policies that help tens of millions of people and support people destroying our country right in front of them. But they're not fool enough for man enough to stand out in the rain for a dummy who can't even give a reasonable speech and is destroying our border destroying with inflation Destroying by demonizing their political enemies using the government against their own people. Yet liberals aren't mad enough for decent enough for human enough to defend our border

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=291223&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1383065

Gwendolyn Kendrix So you're a liar like all liberal democrats honey. No one's been convicted of trees and no one's been convicted of sedition. A one day event in which people were furious about liberal democrats betraying our country by spying on our president spying on his family spying on his team investigating the president president justifying Joe Biden black mailing another country to fire his sons prosecutor. All this evil by liberal democrats it's amazing that's all that happened on January 6th and then the democrats even silence the president leading up to the election and silenced the hunter bide and story leading up to the election. All liberal democrats are betraying our country with their evil and lies or misrepresentation like you just did

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=291223&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1383060

Robert Montez Eminem is a Slave that doesn't that doesn't give me Virgins, Security, Taxes, Tithes and Offerings.
These Slaves don't pay me for Voice Insurance, Voice Taxes, Voice Tithes and Voice Offerings but they know some Humans don't have the ability to Talk/Sing/Rap.
Because some Slaves have some pieces of Diamonds and Golds, they don't know they are still Mortal Slaves that are Dying without Transfiguration/Evolution Insurance.
They are not Qualified for Reincarnation and Resurrection but, if I allow them to Reincarnate, they will not have the ability to Talk or make Music because they are not Serving me and Worshipping me.
I am increasing the number of USA Unborn Children that will be born without the Abilities to Talk and Hear.
I am also increasing the number of USA Ancestral Spirits that will Reincarnate or Resurrect without the Abilities to Talk or Hear.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=291223&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1383066

Richard Ojeda Yes they went through all the legal process and then when the finally the legal processes were done day admitted defeat Donald Trump has never omitted defeat the Republicans that are running have now put it in the heads of Republicans that they will not admit defeat manufact they will challenge any actual election results please the Republicans have put this into The minds of weak Republicans who are hateful those had storm the capital in belief that Donald Trump won were gullible fools and they still are gullible foals The Republican party did not vote Trump out of office when he weighed were supposed to they stood behind him the Republican party is breaking up the Republic and we will no longer have a true constitution this is a vote between good and evil and republican party right now are the ones that are stealing classified documents and not complaining about it

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=291223&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1383074

They tell you all to Vote , Vote , Vote , Middle Class and Poor People and at the End , you get the Same Old Sh-tt , Nothing // So >> Do what you Do // Hit the Streets and Sing your Song - No Justice - No Peace ,, Sad , Sad , Sad , and the Rich keep going to the Bank !!! When the Great Storm Arrive // I will here the Words > O my God // It is going to be Too Late ... Storms , Storms, Tornadoes , Tornadoes , Rising Seas , Floods , Floods , and Freezing Weather !!! just Watch America /// Class is Out // { YHWH } > tetragrammaton .. Later

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=291223&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1383044