Richard Ojeda there has been doubt in election systems for many years. Why do we constantly try and make them fair with integrity. Clinton administration did research and found that mail in ballots were the easiest to fraudulent. Democracy should be where everyone feels like elections have the best integrity. The only way to sure this is in person with ID. You think 2020was the most secure elections. Never in my life have I seen a secure election until all the kinks are ironed out over changes made. One party saying the elections are secure with integrity does not make it so. Everyone has to feel that way. Otherwise it's not a democracy it's a dictatorship.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=291223&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1383063

Cindy Scheinost
They never speak about reducing or eliminating Social Security and Medicare , the Democrats talk about it and send it out they are just scare you, Do you notice how the Democrats didn’t start talking about this until just a couple days ago,hello?!! Republicans, in the past,have talked about shoring it up to keep it viable. But besides that you’ve ingested a big pile of propaganda crap
It’s not even part of anybody’s campaign this year because everything else has gone to hell there’s so much more that needs to be done. If America goes down there will be no Social Security or Medicare, look at Canada, they just put out that they have no more painkillers for patience and this is what we’re emulating with the left

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=291223&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1383070

Bob Deming
You posted:
“Dave Harding ok here's the bottom line. My SS has gone up this year. It's been a long time since this has happened. And it's going up again this January. Call it for whatever reason you want.”

Bottom line is, it’s going up SO MUCH ( 8.9%) because the yearly formula for raises is determined by THE CURRENT ECONOMIC SITUATION.
Do you understand that , when you say. “ well, I’m glad”, ?? YOURE admitting that the largest SS COLA raises in YEARS, only emphasizes THE WITST ECONOMIC SITUATION in years.
Please digest what that means.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=291223&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1383055

It will be
He’s waiting for the outcome of Midterms to check out the momentum of the Red Wave
If they have control he’s going to make his announcement using that voter turnout energy
The January 6 Committee fkd up when they gave him an extension.
The whole issue is accountability and when he blew them off they should have went after him with whatever full force they had and held him accountable. lit showed all his voters that he’s too powerful and the Jan 6 committee is a bug he just stepped over
These trials have had the chance to knock him out of the running and by dragging it all out they have allowed him the Opportunity to make his announcement. Once he does that - they can’t touch him without causing a bigger wide spread Jan 6

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=291223&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1383062

Pennsylvania you are smarter than Dr Oz, a “ carnival barker” who sold out being a surgeon for more money to be on TV. , and then sold out to Trump and his followers for even more money- who knows how much? He sold out to join a MAGA party who wants to ban all abortions- taking away womens rights, a party who bans books, a party is for the wealthy cutting their taxes, a party against Democracy, but for Dictatorship. This should be enough to scare us all! This inflation was not caused by the Democrats- it was caused by the pandemic. Do not let the Republicans say they can change it because they cant! Trump, the madman who told us all to drink Clorox to kill the virus- who tried to overthrow our government who should be in jail is still running wild- and now supporting Dr Oz. Vote Blue

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=291223&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1383073

Someone asked: will the US continue to support Ukraine after the midterm elections ?
I think that's the wrong question. For any person that cares enough for their short term future (like 10 years) there's no choice but to support Ukraine !
Any sane person in the US will understand that if Russia gets away with the land in Ukraine, then we will have much bigger problems and a bigger war, for example, in 10 years, when Russia recovers from the war! Because the mentality in Russia will remain the same, it will even get worse! Even with Putin dead Medvedev will take over (he already shows his "radical" views), he's being trained to follow in Putin's steps ! So we have to "solve the Russian problem" now in order to avoid an even bigger disaster later !
And this time China is not getting involved in the war (yet), next time China might join Russia (Chinese have plans to be in combat shape by 2027) and it will be terrible!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=291223&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1383053

I love the man , what an amazing speaker he is . So this is difficult for me to offer a political rebuttal against him but it’s called for because the results are the results .

The economy is on the ballot .

Feeding and housing your family is on the ballot .

Crime is on the ballot .

Knowing your family is safe to go out in your own neighbourhood is on the ballot .

Inclusivity is on the ballot.

Opportunity for everyone and not just members of special interest groups is on the ballot.

With all due respect Champ . Mr .President they had their chance and nobody interfered and this is what they came up with .

Let’s figure out how best to work together ( negotiate ) to provide better results for people after Tuesday.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=291223&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1383051

How are we allowing a domestic terrorist like Trump to be free, he supported a domestic terrorist attack on our Capital.

He committed genocide on the American people by calling cov19 a hoax that lead to tens of thousands of dead Americans on his watch.

He removed documents from the White House illegally putting our national security at risk.

He continues to undermine our government and country and his supporters including the members of congress that supported his lies are nothing more then domestic terrorists.

Our mothers and fathers fought and died fighting fascism, remember this on election day we need to learn from history before its to late and not repeat it.

Time to remove these fascists from political power once and for all.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=291223&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1383069

Buster Dabodycrab

Well thanks Brandon for focusing on reality.
Oh yeah, that’s right everything is going great!!!
No supply shortage, no inflation, destroying USA energy resources while begging Saudi And Venezuela for more energy while they are laughing at us? Draining our Reserves that are needed for emergencies,
Letting over 5 million plus Illegal Immigrants through a closed boarder , doing nothing about Crime in the USA?
Dividing our country daily with racist comments and telling the country if you vote for Republicans, they are all white supremacist and taking democracy away.
This administration is destroying our country on every single front with no answer at all.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=291223&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1383067

Trump was claiming that the virus was fake which cost thousands of American lives. He inherited a thriving economy from Obama and started bringing it down with his tax break to the very rich. Countless US government workers were put out of work because he was bribing government to force public official to agree to the building of his wall. This caused unspeakable suffering to some of these government workers like those suffering from diabetes. He is friends with Putin and has investments in Russia. He launched an inquiry against someone befriending Ukraine. Trump is an ennemy of your country.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=291223&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1383048