How many President's has America had? How has that worked out for this Nation? Why then, fellow Christian, are you still looking towards an earthly "savior"? Are you not aware that all nations are already reserved for judgment? Have you not read your bible? Do you not understand end times prophecies? Who is the current "god" of this world, blinding the masses? Is your heart still that invested in this godless, fallen, sinful, wicked "kingdom"?

Everything and everyone in this world will be destroyed EXCEPT for the few who have placed their faith and trust in Christ Jesus, Son of God. He is the ONLY one you should be seeking. Apart from Jesus Christ, you are already DOOMED, condemned for eternity. Seek Jesus Christ while there is still time. The door is closing!!!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=292307&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1387791

Carol Ann Hunigan Booher let's compare the two. Here's what little Joey has done. And let's not forget he put us in a 40-year high inflation rate.TRUMPTrump's unprecedented accomplishments [Partial list and despite being harassed 24/7 by Pelosi, the RINOS and media] Violent crime fallen every year in office until the senseless riots of 2020/ Poverty rate in the U.S fell to a 17 year low of 11.8 percent/ Poverty level for African Americans at an all-time low/ Lowest unemployment for blacks, Hispanics, Asians and Women EVER in the history of the United States/ 400,000 manufacturing jobs created and thousands brought back from overseas that Obama said were lost forever/ Fastest response to a pandemic since WW2/ Naval ships on each coast equipped to treat covid patients/ Operation Warp Speed [Biden tried to take credit for it] USMCA TREATY [Obama said it was better than NAFTA] U.S became the world's largest producer and exporter of crude oil in the WORLD/ Handed bidumb a Country with inflation at 1.6 percent and gas was $2.67 gallon. Partial list.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=292307&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1387767

Ed DiPaolo No, really, thank YOU for the laughs.

Why does the Russian government interfere in elections around the world to favor the crazy right wing parties? Putin pulled off this particular invasion because of two things:

1) He underestimated the Ukrainian response and how much support they would receive. Putin legitimately thought he would have Ukraine taken over in approximately 15 days.

2) Trump wanted the US out of NATO. He was banking on the US pulling support with the, in retrospect, laughable incoming “red wave”. Don’t forget, Republicans openly said they would cease funds that were being used to support Ukraine not too long ago; as in as far back as weeks ago.

As for why he only invaded Crimea and Georgia when a democrat was president - I doubt it had much to do with the fact a democrat was president; because the right wing party wasn’t a bunch of absolute fascist lunatics at that point. It had more to do with taking easy territories to install puppet governments and plan a larger invasion slowly.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=292307&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1387779

Trump was right on that one.

With all those countries there like in past years. Near the end after all the partying, it was oh shot we gotta have something to go home with. We all agree so not to look bad we will sign this.

If I recall after some of the items kicked in the people of France were not happy.

I also recall previous leaders saying they signed know full well they couldn’t meet that target. But they were not going to be demonized for not.

Let’s look at Europe. So green and clean with solar and wind. Only to find out it was smoke and mirrors and needed Russian oil.

Even the USA is feeling the effect with less than 25 days of diesel.

Just for fun, shouldn’t there be thousands of used Teslas coming on the market. Elon bought Twitter and we can’t drive that anymore.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=292307&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1387780

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I cure those illnesses with herbal medicine!!!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=292307&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1387760

Jeff Kettler

Let me hear you defend Djt’s actions one by one.
1. Windmills cause cancer
2. Nuking hurricanes over Florida
3. Injecting bleach
4. Ultraviolet lights
5. Helsinki
6. Saluted an enemy general
7. Zero Tolerance Policy
8. Quoted Mussolini
9. Kicked the American media out of the Oval Office and handed two Russian spies classified data entrusted to him by one of our allies
10. Likened our intelligence community to “Nazis.”
.11. At the Helsinki Summit, met behind closed doors with the Russian president, banned the American Press from covering that meeting, and emerged from that meeting and sided with the Russian president over the findings of our own intelligence community.
12. Kicked his Attorney General out of the room and asked the FBI Director to let his National Security Advisor off the hook for lying about his contacts with Russian agents, then fired that FBI Director for declining to let Flynn off the hook.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=292307&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1387773

Steve Marchiol I live in California. $5 gas is normal. If your God Don the Con had built the wall he promised you we wouldn’t be talking about open borders now. I’d rather have a person who came here for a better life living next door than a bigoted a$$hole like you and the MAGATS who drool over said Don the Con. We’re not at war with Ukraine. Donnie’s friend Vlad is. The withdrawal from Afghanistan was already agreed upon by Trump and Pompeo. That was done after Trump lost the election as a way to make Biden look bad. I’m sorry for people like you who are hell bent on the destruction of the country. If you and Donnie are so freaking power hungry…LEAVE!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=292307&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1387789

Jason Biggers The wrongs of one don’t justify the wrongs of others. If your rich neighbor destroys more than most, does that mean we have to also destroy? That’s how it sounds to me. They are worse so we can continue. Very reactive. Maybe if we stopped buying into what the rich sell, they wouldn’t become so rich. After all, the only way they became rich is because we didn’t stop them from abusing. The offered and we bought. And most of it is useless or not worth destroying the planet to have. Dreams can only happen if we have them.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=292307&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1387770

Daniel Zecca Thete is something that grocery stores have in Canada and don't know if it is in the states
There are a few different apps you can download but the one I know is called food rescue, it us a link to participating food store chains
The stores list all the food meat canned produce baked milk etc that the best before date is coming up in a few days and the stores reduce the cost dramatically , you go to the site select what you want and pay for it through the app then the store fills your order and you pick it up, meat you can freeze even milk, saves tons of food going to landfill and gives people good food at low price great for people ,if you don't have it should suggest to your councilor as a suggestion
Or if you are a tech person and can arrange with food chain great bysiness

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=292307&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1387788

Chris Corneau yes my husband is American so we follow American news closely it will get better alot of catching up to do after covid shutdown and by next spring alot of Americans will see the benifits of the legislation from Biden as most become effective January 2023 drug and insulin prices drop drastically even over the counter gearing aids that would save thousands in Canada, we still have our socialized medicine which I wish you could get,whenever we travel to the states and people find out we are from Canada they always want to know about it , how it works etc, my husband tells them if he still lived in the states he would be dead he had cancer and surgery and treatments and when he had his first cat scan after surgery discovered a heart issue on scan so referred to Toronto heart hospital had 16 hour heart surgery 2 teams of doctors and nurses and 10 days in hospital all free, we both have drug ans through work but when you turn 65 all drugs free even if you have never worked as every Canadian work or not is eligible for free drugs free Healthcare and you get old age security around $700.00 a month and if income low get gains supplement up to total $1100.00 per month then if you work getting Canada pension which is premium based and if course your work oension

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=292307&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1387784